Page 25 - Trends
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Continued Downfall of Slim Riahi
Banned from traveling, with his property confiscated and under judicial injunctions, the Tunisian
mogul is currently struggling after being one of the country’s most controversial icons.
By Staff, Tunis
However, Riahi’s fall began on June
or Slim Riahi, the fall of 2017
F is gradually turning into a night- 28, 2017, when the Tunisian business was never any question of him “leaving
ly goes “back and forth between Tunis
mare. It’s clearly his black autumn.
mogul — whose party, until recently,
Coming under the scrutiny of law
enforcement agencies for more than six was a member of the coalition govern- DQG /RQGRQµ 7KUHH ZHHNV ODWHU FDPH
ment that included the Nidaa Tounes
the third milestone in Riahi’s descent
months, the business tycoon is slowly party and the Islamist movement Ennah- into hell: the Tunis court sentenced the
withdrawing from public life and isolat- dha as its main components — had his EXVLQHVVPDQ WR ÀYH \HDUV LQ SULVRQ LQ
ing himself — probably against his will. property and assets frozen on suspicion a case of bounced cheques, after the
At the peak of his career, Riahi, found- of corruption and money laundering. court issued a series of search warrants
er of the Free Patriotic Union (UPL), On September 20 last year, law en- against him in August. Before that —
held various key positions that had ce- forcement agencies decided to forbid DV WKRXJK WR FRQÀUP WKDW PLVIRUWXQHV
mented his place among the main actors him from leaving the country, based on never come alone — on October 14,
of post-revolution Tunisia. He played a the persistent rumor that he was plan- unknown individuals burgled Riahi’s
crucial role in drafting a path toward QLQJ WR ÁHH 7XQLVLD SHUPDQHQWO\ +H RIÀFH RQ WKH EDQNV RI /DNH 7XQLV DQG
prosperity and development for Tunisia. promptly denied this, stating that there stole money and documents that were
February 2018 | TRENDS 25