Page 24 - Images Retail January 2018
P. 24


         ‘2017 TURNED OUT




         – By Irfan Razack, CMD, Prestige Group
         Going forward, factors like rapid urbanisation,
         increased migration to cosmopolitan and
         Tier I cities, and the Government’s focus on
         infrastructure and affordable housing will
         give the required impetus and push to the real
         estate sector…

                    ast year, GST   to be a brilliant year for the
                    and RERA       company.
                    played a very   In April 2017, we
                    signifi  cant role   restructured the company
                    in redefi ning   by segregating the retail,
         L real estate             residential, offi   ce and
         in India. Both Bills were   hospitality portfolios into
         introduced in 2017, which   four separate segments. Th is
         resulted in the modifi cation   helped us look at the business    RETAIL MALLS   launching 2-3 large-scale IT
         of several rules/regulations   from a diff  erent perspective.   HAVE BEEN DOING   developments in Bengaluru.
         related to the real estate and   We intend to scale these   EXTREMELY GOOD   Simultaneously, we will be
         construction industries.    segments over time. We are   BUSINESS. IN THE    developing an IT Park in Pune
         After GST was implemented,   also exploring new cities and   RETAIL SPACE, WE   and an offi   ce building in Gift
         we also had to realign the   hope to be in the West and                      City.
         fi nancial structure and   North by the end of 2018.   WILL BE OPENING THE    Retail malls have been
         understand how to execute   Th  e residential real   MYSORE CENTRE CITY  doing extremely good
         new launches, keeping     estate market has picked   MALL IN JANUARY.        business. In the retail space,
         in line with the new laws.   up pace. Th   e demand is   FORUM PRESTIGE      we will be opening the
         Hence, a lot of time was   growing steadily. I feel   SHANTINIKETAN,         Mysore Centre City Mall
         spent in understanding    that the long-term impact   WHITEFIELD IS          in January. Forum Prestige
         the legal implications of all   of the recent economic   EXPECTED TO         Shantiniketan, Whitefi  eld is
         these changes. As a result,   reforms will only add to the                   expected to be ready in the
         no new products came      growing enthusiasm and   BE READY IN THE           second quarter of 2018. Both
         into the market in terms of   positive outlook for real   SECOND QUARTER     our hospitality projects, Th e
         new launches, but we had   estate in India. With rapid   OF 2018             Sheraton Grand and Th e
         satisfactory sales from our   urbanisation, the demand for                   Conrad will start operations
         existing inventory. From   housing in the aff ordable and   housing will give the required   from February.
         that aspect, I think we have   mid-income group segments   impetus and push to the real   Progress is impossible
         done very well as a company.   has always seen an upward   estate sector.    without change. It is up to
         While the market as a whole   growth trajectory. As long   In fact, the demand for   each one of us how we choose
         witnessed some turmoil with   as developers are able to   commercial space is seen as   to evolve as individuals in
         several developers extending   produce homes between 25   a litmus test for the overall   this ever-changing world.
         off  ers and schemes to ensure   lakhs to 100 lakhs, there will   health of the economy.   As we enter a New Year, full
         sales, at Prestige, without   always be a constant demand.  With businesses fl ourishing   of new hopes, dreams and
         launching any new properties,   Going forward, factors like   globally and several processes  possibilities, I would like to
         we managed to meet our sales  rapid urbanisation, increased   getting outsourced to India,   take this opportunity to thank
         targets by selling from the   migration to cosmopolitan   the absorption of commercial   all our patrons and friends for
         current inventory that was   and Tier I cities, and the   space is on the rise. We have   their continued support, and
         under production. Looking   Government’s focus on   near zero vacancy in our   wish everyone a wonderful
         back, 2017, I feel, turned out   infrastructure and aff ordable   offi  ce developments. We are   and prosperous 2018!

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