Page 26 - Images Retail January 2018
P. 26



         TO OPEN 1,000

         NEW STORES IN

         INDIA                     the next few years, through a

                                   partnership with Franchise
         – By Charu Lamba          India. Varchaswi also
                                   indicated that 600 stores will
         The expansion of Sri      be opened this year.
         Sri Tattva will take the   “We are also expanding   and therapists, Panchakarma   Pariksha) camps and
         number of countries       our personal care range, and   Wellness Centers, spas and   ailment specifi  c as well as
         where the brand is        home care and pooja ranges,”   clinics, and manufacturing   rejuvenating treatments at its
         present to 60 from        he said.                 facilities driven by technology   multiple centers.
         current 30 …               Th  e brand intends to   and stringent control systems   Th  e brand takes immense
                                   launch about 20-25 products   and widely growing franchise   care in maintaining hygiene
                                   in the next one month in   and retail presence, the brand  and safety standards in
                    he FMCG        these various categories.   has a holistic approach to   manufacturing products right
                    brand Sri Sri   It has also launched an   health and wellness.    from sourcing of raw material
                    Tattva plans   apparel range with Indian   Sri Sri Tattva (formerly   till they reach our end
                    to launch its   ethnic wear, which will sell   known as Sri Sri Ayurveda)   customers. Th eir frontrunner
                    products in 30   online and through the app,   comes with a goal of   products like Ojasvita (Health
         T new countries           he said, while unveiling a   promoting health and   Drink), Cow’s pure ghee,
         with a focus on Latin     range of healthy cookies in   wellness through its range   immunity builder Shakti
         America, including Brazil and   collaboration with Bengaluru   of genuine off erings,   Drops, Sudanta (Herbal)
         Argentina. Th  is expansion will  based biscuit maker Unibic   innovatively derived from   Toothpaste and range of
         take the number of countries   Foods India.        ancient science of Ayurveda.   Facewash are very popular.
         where the brand is present to   Th  e company has set   Leading the modern world   Sri Sri Tattva has products
         60 from 30 currently.     up two more factories in   towards healthy and happy   in multiple categories
           “We will launch Sri Sri   Bengaluru for its personal   living through pure, authentic   of Ayurveda Medicines,
         Tattva brand of products in   care range.          and eff ective products defi nes  supplements, food products,
         30 new countries with a focus                      the objective of the brand   Personal Care products,
         on Latin America, including   Sri Sri Tattva: The Brand  towards its ultimate vision.  Home Care and cleaning
         Brazil and Argentina. We are   Sri Sri Tattva has been                       products as well as Incense
         already present in countries   established by committed   Inspiration        and Fragrances for home and
         in Middle East, Far East,   individuals with nearly four   Sri Sri Tattva is inspired by   personal use.
         and Russia, where we will   decades of experience. With   the vision of Gurudev Sri Sri   Th  ere is a major focus
         further expand our range,”   a 360-degree approach   Ravishankar – ‘to lead the   towards the brand’s
         said Arvind Varchaswi, MD,   including a College of   world towards happy and   rapidly growing retail
         FMCG fi rm.               Ayurvedic Science and    healthy living’.          presence through multiple
           Th  e company also plans to   Research, a state of the art   Th  e brand represents a   mediums including modern
         launch 1,000 new stores in   hospital, inspired doctors   strong commitment to social   supermarket chains. Th  rough
                                                            responsibility and proudly   general shops and the soon-
                                                            supports the Art of Living   to-be-launched Sri Sri Tattva
                                                            foundation’s rural and social   franchise stores, the brand
                                                            welfare projects.         aims to enhance the presence
                                                                                      of its product range across
                                                            How Sri Sri Tattva is     India.
                                                            diff erent?                Sri Sri Tattva’s online stores
                                                            Sri Sri Tattva has highly   via website
                                                            experienced Ayurveda      and its mobile app caters to
                                                            Vaidyacharyas, health and   home delivery orders across
                                                            Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi     India.

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