Page 36 - Images Retail January 2018
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         L to R: S Raghunandan, Surendra Nayak, L Subhash Chandra,  Manohar   L to R: Bhavik Jhaveri, Pooja Maheshwari Salwan, Anil Chinnabhandar,
         Chatlani, Mukesh kumar, Nikhil Ranjan, Ramesh Natarajan, Sanjeev Rao  Hemanth Sheelvant, Niladri Mazumder, Jitendra Vyas, Vipul Mathur
         A Successful Entrepreneur   Sales & Marketing, Logic   Development, Raymond.   dedicated to the future
         And Build A Robust Young   ERP Solutions; L Subhash   Th   e discussion’s focus was   of the Indian retail titled
         Business.                 Chandra, MD, Sangeetha   on the retailers and brands   ‘Omnichannel And Digital
           Th   e other members who   Mobiles; Manohar Chatlani,   that, after making a successful  –Th   e Must Have Strategies
         joined him in the panel were   MD, Soch; Mukesh Kumar, Sr.   mark in the national market,   in Your Retail Gameplan’.
         Dhawal Phadke, Co-Founder,   Vice President, Infiniti Mall;   were targeting international   Th   e session was moderated
         Sattviko (Finalist at World   Nikhil Ranjan, Founder &   markets. Th   e talk centered   by Pooja Maheshwari Salwan,
         Food India – selected top 20   CEO, William Penn; Ramesh   around their visions,   Category Head - Fashion
         innovative food processing   Natarajan, Founder and   strategies, and plan execution.  Tech & Gadgets,
         startups); Anuj Batra,    COO, LitmusWorld; Sanjeev   Rounding up the day-long   Th   e panel constituted of
         President, Alcis Sports;   Rao, Director - Business   conference was a session   Bhavik Jhaveri, Founder
         Gajendra Singh Rathore,                                                      & CEO, PRETR; Dr. Anil
         Centre Director, Phoenix   JURY PANEL                                        Chinnabhandar, Senior Vice
         Marketcity, Bangalore; Jahan                                                 President – SCM & Planning,
         Peston Jamas, Co-Founder                                                     Landmark Group - Max Retail
         and Director, Bombay                                                         Division; Hemanth Sheelvant,
         Hemp Company (BOHECO);                                                       Head - Personalization
         Prashant Parameswaran,                                                       Technologies in Retail; Niladri
         Founder & MD, Soulfull;                                                      Mazumder, Vice President
         Santosh Verma, Co-Founder   Abheek Singhi  Ajay Macaden  B S Nagesh  Bijou Kurien  and Head Marketing, Seiko
         & Director, MyOwnEcoEnergy                                                   Watch India; Jitendra Vyas,
         (Indizel); Swadeep Patil,                                                    VP - Marketing and Strategy,
         Founder, Dr. Charcoal.                                                       Ginesys; Vipul Mathur, CEO,
           Th  e panelists shared their                                               American Bull.
         start-up journey experiences                                                  Th  e panelists discussed
         with emphasis on the                                                         the opportunities and
                                    Harminder Sahni  Subhendu Roy  Ramesh Nair  Amitabh Taneja
         vision, strategy formulation,                                                challenges faced by retailers
         execution, prowess,                                                          to meet the increasing
         scalability, growth and profi t   The session was followed by the gala evening in which   demands of customers who
         to mold their success and   top admired leaders and retail business from the region   dictated everything in this
         keep moving forward.       were awarded and honored. The jury panel constituted of   digital age and expected
           Th  e next session was on   speakers and experts from the finest organisations. The list   everything to be done in a
         ‘Retail Showpieces -Retailers   included BS Nagesh, Founder, TRRAIN; C Gopalakrishnan,   more convenient way. Th  ey
         & Concepts From Th e Region   Abheek Singhi, Senior Partner and Director, The Boston   spoke on the importance of
         Th  at Are Redefi ning Retail’.   Consulting Group, Ajay Macaden, Executive Director,   Omnichannel, which would
         S Raghunandan, CEO, Next   Nielsen India; Bijou Kurien, Member, Strategic Advisory   turn out to be the most
         Practice Retail moderated the   Board, L Capital Asia; Harminder Sahn, Founder &Md,   important medium to reach
         event.                     Wazir Advisors, Subhendu Roy, Partner, A.T. Kearney;   out the customers not only
           Th  e panelist includes   Amitabh Taneja, CMD and Editor in Chief, Images Group   in fashion but other sectors
         experts with the likes of   and Ramesh Nair, CEO & Country Head, India - JLL.  of retail in the store, mall and
         Surendra Nayak, Head                                                         online.

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