Page 30 - Moonshine Pitch Book 8.16.17
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Moonshine Sweet Tea realized an 89.6% growth in our dollars
per point of distribution from 2016 to 2017 (YTD). It is quite
impressive for a new brand to be able to out-do the likes of
Lipton, Pure Leaf and Gold Peak Tea in growth Click Icon Below
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percentages. How is this happening? By gaining distribution
rapidly in key markets. We started in our home state of Texas
and have grown from there. With funding, we plan to tackle
large geographical highly populated areas of the US including
California and markets where tea indexes well like the
Southeast. Our footprint continues to grow each day with more
retailers taking on the brand every week.
Confidential & Proprietary Information of
Moonshine Sweet Tea, LLC, not to be
distributed or copied without written permission.
Narrative by Remmy Castillo, CEO