Page 4 - Moonshine Pitch Book 8.16.17
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Moonshine Sweet Tea is one of the fastest growing premium
Ready to Drink non-alcoholic tea beverages. The premium
Ready to Drink non-alcoholic tea category continues to be on an
upward trajectory and currently sits at $1.1 billion dollars a year Click Icon Below
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within a $5.3 billion dollar Tea category with a compounded
annual growth rate of 16%. While many beverage categories are
declining, especially sodas, the tea category is growing at
double digit rates. Just to put it in perspective, reported
consumer soda consumption for Coca-Cola and Pepsi hasn’t
been this low since 1985, meaning people are drinking less
soda and putting that purchasing power into alternative
beverage categories such as tea and water.
Confidential & Proprietary Information of
Moonshine Sweet Tea, LLC, not to be
distributed or copied without written permission.
Narrative by Remmy Castillo, CEO