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Page 24          The Antique Shoppe            December, 2017

        by Roy Nuhn                                                                                                                           Late 1980s
               udolph, Santa’s most famous   popular, in fact, that manufacturers   Boop, produced a cartoon short about                      Rudolph,
               reindeer, is now more than    and businesses began to besiege      Rudolph in the 1940s, it was the 1964                       10-inches
        R70 years old. No elderly            May for the rights to create Rudolph   television cartoon classic, Rudolph
        couch potato, Rudolph is as spry     merchandise and to use him for       the Red-Nosed Reindeer, that most
        and winsome as ever - and his story   advertising purposes.               of us remember so well. The award-
        continues to warm the hearts of         Soon, everything from toys to     winning cartoon, which consider ably
        children and adults. Since 1939,     lunch boxes, jigsaw puzzles to plush   expanded the Rudolph story, has been
        the tale of the outcast reindeer     dolls, books                                              a holiday
        who becomes an overnight hero by     to paper                                                  perennial
        guiding the way for Santa and his    novelties -                                               since its
        toy-filled sleigh one Christmas Eve   and even, for                                            premier.
        has delighted young and old alike.   a short time,                                               Christ mas
           Robert L. May, an advertising     a newspaper                                               1949 was an
        copywriter for Montgomery Ward       comic strip -                                             important       permanent Christmas fixture. To
        (retail giant of stores and mail     appeared on                                               date in the     date, more than 100-million records,
        order catalogs), created the story   the market.                                               history of      cassettes, and CD’s have been sold
        of Rudolph to entertain his young    Maxton                                                    Rudolph. It     in the U. S. and abroad. Only Irving
        daughter, Barbara, during her        Publishers,                                               was the year    Berlin’s “White Christmas” has
        mother’s illness. Barbara adored     in 1947,                                                  in which        surpassed it in the non-religious
        Rudolph, and to make the season a    became                                                    folks heard     Christmas song category.
        bit merrier, May drew and wrote an   the first                                                 a new song        Rudolph collectors eagerly search
        illustrated poem for her as a surprise   company to                                            about the       for a wide range of memorabilia,
        gift.                                sell a story                                              good-hearted    including soft dolls, toys, ornaments
           At the urging of his colleagues,   book about                                               reindeer.       shaped like Rudolph whose nose
        May read the poem at the company’s   Rudolph.                                                  Written by      lights up, and sleigh sets with
        Christmas party. It was so well      But the                                                   Tin Pan Alley   Rudolph leading Santa’s reindeer.
        received that Montgomery Ward        name that                                                 music maker     The most common Rudolph
        asked him to work it into the chain’s   has become                                             Johnny          collectibles are the Little Golden
        advertising campaign for the next    the most      “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” the Christmas song   Marks and   Books produced by Western
        year.                                closely      written by Johnny Marks that has delighted generations of   sung by   Publishing Company.
           May created a comic book of the   associated     children, was published in sheet music form in 1950.  Gene Autry,   Other treasured Rudolph finds
        story, and over two-million copies   with                                                      Rudolph         are masks, crayon sets, buttons, pin-
        of it were printed as giveaways at   Rudolph books is Golden Books,       the Red-Nosed Reindeer became        backs and a large variety of coloring
        Ward’s retail stores and catalog     whose output in the last seven       the hit of the year. The song was    books. No Rudolph collection is
        centers. The promotion was so        decades has been immense.            repeatedly played in every five-and-  complete without a copy of the
        successful that it was repeated in     Rudolph comic books issued by      dime, department store and sweet     original sheet music, published in
        1940, with a printing run of more    companies other than Montgomery      shop - everywhere shoppers and       1950 by the appropriately named St.
        than three-million copies. Before    Ward began to appear regularly in    wide-eyed children went to do their   Nicholas Music, Inc.
        long, the story of Rudolph had caught   1950. All of them had stories about the   gift buying. “Rudolph” also became a   From his inception, Rudolph
        America’s fancy and become part of   reindeer and his pal, Santa Claus, as   radio staple. More than anything else,   has found more than a responsive
        Christmas lore. Parents, teachers and   well as special features like cutouts and   it was the song that made Rudolph a   audience. He has become an integral
        social leaders praised                                games.                                                   part of both Christmas legend and
        the tale as one that                                     While Max                                             song. And for all the joy he has given
        was perfect for young                                 Fleischer, the                                           to every little boy and girl - and to
        minds.                                                legendary film                                           us collectors, we wish the shiny-
           Throughout the                                     animator and                                             nosed guy our best wishes for a great
        second half of the                                    creator of Betty                                         holiday!
        1940s, after the end
        of World War II,
        Montgomery Ward
        continued giving
        away illustrated
        Rudolph stories,
        push-out puzzles and
        comic books. The
        reindeer became so

                   ABOVE: Rudolph’s popularity has never waned.                        ABOVE: Little Golden                           LEFT: 1956 Comic Book
                          This 1982 Little Golden Book relates a                       Books published the                             (National Periodical
                          further adventure of Santa’s reindeer.                        largest number of                                Publications).
                                                                                       Rudolph titles. This
                                                                                       one, 1976, recounts
                                      RIGHT: Coloring Book                             the original story of
                               (Western Publishing Co., 1986).                         Rudolph & his shiny
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