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September, 2019   The Antique Shoppe  Page 23
                              ERNST WAHLISS PORTRAIT VASES

                                  Opulent Reminders of Austria’s Past

        By Larry LeMasters
        LeMasters’ Antique News Service
           Ernst Wahliss (1837-1900) was an Austrian ceramicist who created ornate porcelain and earthenware
        vessels.  Wahliss began his pottery career as a traveling, porcelain salesman.  Sometime, after age 30, he
        quit sales to found his own ceramics company.  He quickly became famous for exporting ceramic ware      Ernst Wahliss portrait
        vases and other goods throughout Europe.  Later, to have an outlet for his pottery and sculptures, he   vase with funnel neck,
        opened a department store, named  “Wahliss,” in Vienna.                                                    depicting the same
           Much of Wahliss’ work has an elitist status                                                      portrait as his other vases.
        since  he  specialized  in  opulent,  Baroque-
        looking  pieces  many  of  which  displayed
        women, reminding art lovers of Austria’s rich
        and artistic past.                                                                        FANNING SPRINGS
           Wahliss’  portrait  vases  all  depict  images                              “explore the difference”
        of the same young woman, perhaps his wife,
        daughter, or lover, with long, flowing tresses,                              Point of View
        her portrait in grays and white is set against
        a foreground spray of flowers. The vases are                                        Antiques
        all varying shades of light mint green with gold
        gilt trim.  All of these vases have a shiny glaze,                           17452 US  Hwy 19 N
        but the gilt trim is matte.  And each vase has                                  Fanning Springs
        an  Ernst  Wahliss  mark  on  its  bottom,  along                                                  
                                                                                                                           10-5 Monday-Saturday
        with “Made in Austria.”                                                          (352) 463-0718                    Now Open Sunday 11-4
           Beautifully  hand-painted  with  reticulated  This beautiful Wahliss’ portrait
        handles, these vases stand about 6 ½ inches     vase was offered on the         collectibles, wood carvings, jewelry, gifts and more
        tall  and  are  occasionally  offered  on  Internet   Internet for $486.                  –DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE–                          33
        auction sites for around $500.
           In his later life, Wahliss quit his
        ceramic work, moving to the rural                               WILLISTON - REDDICK -
        town of Velden where he opened a                                             Williston’s Newest Antique Store
        luxury hotel.                                                                                                   • ANTIQUE •
           Today,  Wahliss’  portrait  vases,                                      Back Door Antiques
        small-scale ceramic sculptures, and                                        36 E. Noble Ave. · Williston               EMPORIUM
        other  ceramic  pieces  are  found
        in  collections  around  the  world                                       Antiques-Furniture-Books-Collectibles & More      17990 NW 77  Ave
        and  in  famous  museums  such  as                                                                                          Reddick, FL 32686
        the  Carnegie  Museum  of  Art  in     Dixie’s Antiques Mall                                                                  352-591-1221
        Pittsburgh  and  the  Museum  of       Antiques, Collectibles & Gifts         OPEN
        Applied Arts and Sciences in Sydney,         112 W. Noble Ave.              Tue-Sat 10-4
        Australia.                                   Williston, FL 32696                          Parking                        - OPEN DAILY 10-6 -
                                                       (352) 528-2338                             at rear                          I-75 at Exit 368
                                                                                                  of Store
                                                Over 8,000 sq. ft. of Air Conditioned Comfort
                                               with 75+ “FILLED TO THE RAFTERS” booths                                   info@antiqueemporiumfl.comm 36
                                                       Rental Booths Available                                 35
                                                      Open 10-5 Mon-Sat     34  ·  352-528-0769  ANTIQUEEMPORIUMFL.COM

                                                       OCALA - BELLEVIEW - CRYSTAL RIVER

                                                                                                                            Heritage Antiques

                                                 DIGGERS ANTIQUE MALL                                                                aka
                                                    1811 N. PINE AVE.                                                    the Old Wander Inn
                                                    OCALA, FL 34475                                                            103 NW Hwy. 19
                                                       352-629-5250                                                           Historic Downtown
                                                      Open 7 Days a Week            MOSSY OAKS ANTIQUE MALL                 Crystal River, FL 34428
                                                  Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm • Sun 12-5pm   8,000 Sq. Ft.        30+ Dealers        Mon-Sat 10:30-5
                                                                                      6260 SE 118th Place                         Open Daily
                                                     6/10 mi. S. of Belleview on Hwy 301  Clock Repair • Post Cards
                                                                                        Belleview, FL 34420                   Antiques • Collectibles
                                                 WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES                    352-307-0090                      Handpainted Furniture
                                                     CLOCK REPAIR ON SITE               Offering a Dazzling Variety of         Mid Century Modern
          Ernst Wahliss hand-painted portrait                                          Antique & Vintage Merchandise
          vase, light mint green with gold gild                                       Professional Furniture Restoration Available                  41
                                                                                       Check out our albums on Facebook
          trim, which was created around 1890.                              38                                 40
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