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Page 18        The Antique Shoppe       September, 2019
                                                                                    September 15, 1881: The birthday of Judd Bruce “Slow Joe” Doyle, whose
                PhotograPhic Journey                                              T206 N.Y. Nat’l Piedmont Cigarettes card (hand-over-head pose) scored $312,000
                                                                                  at Robert Edward Auctions in 2015. Neither its PSA VG 3 rating nor Doyle’s 22-
              This Month in Collecting History:                                   21 pitching record were the cause of that price. Instead, it was a printer’s error.
                                                                                  On the bottom of the card it reads, “Doyle, N.Y. Nat’l”—Doyle’s N.Y. Highlanders
                                  September                                       team was in the American League, not the National League.
                                                                                    When the printer caught the error, he removed “Nat’l” from the plate and
            by Mike McLeod                                                        carried  on  printing  the  card.  Robert  Edward  Auctions  reports  only  seven  of

                                                                                  these “Slow Joe” error cards are currently known, and this card is ten times
           September 2, 1973: J.R.R. Tolkien passed away, but his tales live on. Though   rarer than the Honus Wagner T206. In 2012, Robert Edward Auctions sold a VG-
        he did not live to see it, all of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings movies   rated Doyle T206 for $414,750 ( “Slow Joe” earned
        have raked in about $6 billion with production costs of about $1 billion (the-  his nickname by taking his time between pitches—on purpose.  A  presentation  copy  of  The Hobbit inscribed and  signed by
        Tolkien commanded £137,000 at Sotheby’s in 2015. Gollum’s “Precious,” aka   September 15, 1999: An original 1933 King Kong poster,
        “The One Ring,” (the prototype gold ring) slipped away for $12,800 at Julien’s   41 x 81 inches and with Fay Wray, was a hit at $244,500 at
        Auctions in 2013.                                                         Sotheby’s. There were many versions of this blockbuster’s
                                                                                  poster. A 1933 Style B three sheet, 40.25 x 79 inches, went
                            September  4, 1886:  Geronimo  surrendered  and  was   for the gargantuan price of $388,375 at Heritage Auctions
                          a prisoner for the rest of his life. Even so, he was invited   in 2012. (photo courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
                          to  be  a  part  of  the  1904  St.  Louis  World’s  Fair.  An  1886
                          Winchester  owned  by  Army  Captain  Henry  W.  Lawton,   September  16,  1956:  David  Copperfield  magically
                          who led the cavalry troopers in the capture of Geronimo,   appeared on this, his birthday. His International Museum
                          sold for $1,265,000 at Rock Island Auction in 2016. It was   and  Library  of  Conjuring  Arts  contains  80,000  pieces,
                          the highest paid as of that date for a firearm at auction. In   including  books  dating  to  the  16th  century  and  much
                          2007, Geronimo’s U.S. Model 1870 Springfield rifle went for   of  Harry Houdini’s memorabilia  (
                          $99,450 at Bonhams. Shown: Geronimo holding his Springfield   Copperfield owned the Best Director Oscar for Casablanca
                                                                                  for a time, buying it in 2003 for $232,000. He sold it in
           September 4, 1893: Beatrix Potter told the story of Peter Rabbit for the first   2012 for $2+ million (, 4/3/13).
        time in a letter she illustrated. The Tale of Peter Rabbit was turned down by
        several publishers, so Beatrix Potter published it herself in 1901. One of the first    September 17, 1796: President George Washington’s Farewell Address—
        run of 250, a first edition first issue with a brown cover, sold for $75,000 in 2014   saying he would not seek a third term—was published in a newspaper, not given
        at Sotheby’s.                                                             in a speech (U.S. Dept. of State, Office of Historian). A 19-page pamphlet imprint
                                                                                  titled, "President Washington's Resignation, and Address To The Citizens of the
           September 6, 1622: The Spanish galleons Nuestra Senora                 United States, September 17, 1796,” auctioned for $3,500 at Heritage Auctions
        de Atocha and the Santa Margarita sank near Key West, Fla.,               in 2014. Also that year, Keno Auctions brokered the sale of Washington’s first
        in  a  hurricane.  On  July  20,  1985,  the  $450  million  Atocha       presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1789, to a private buyer. It was offered
        Mother  Lode  treasure  was  found  by  Mel  Fisher—40+  tons             for $8.4 million.
        of  silver  in  addition  to  gold  and  emeralds  (
        A gold and emerald cross from the Atocha was blessed with                    September 20, 1934: Don Quixote’s “Dulcinea” was born in Rome. Sophia
        $118,750 at Guernsey’s in 2015. (Photo courtesy of Guernsey’s)            Loren has more than 90 film credits, and she has won four Golden Globes and
                                                                                  an Academy Award (for Two Women, not for Man of La Mancha). A purple
           September  7,  1860:  Anna  Mary  Robertson  Moses  was  born.  She  began   Georgia Armani purse she once owned sold in a 2011 charity auction to help
        painting at the age of 78 and became the famous folk artist “Grandma” Moses.   Siberian children for $287,000 (, 11/30/11).
        In 2006, her 1943, Sugaring Off, a snowy landscape painting of maple syrup
        making,  sold  for  $1.36  million.  A  smaller  version  of  Sugaring  Off went for                September  22,  2015:  The  all-around  great  guy
        $254,500 in 2010, both at Christie’s.                                                             Yogi  Berra  passed  away.  In  2016,  his  1950s  New
                                                                                                          York Yankees, game-used and autographed catcher's
                            September 8, 1998: Mark McGwire hit home run #70 to                           mask  made  $29,586  at  Grey  Flannel  Auctions.  In
                          break the record for the most home runs in a season. That                       2013,  his  1955  American  League  MVP  plaque  hit
                          ball sold for $3 million at Guernsey’s in 1999. McGwire’s                       $36,098.50 at Goldin Auctions. Yogi’s 1948 Bowman
                          record was broken in 2001 by Barry Bonds who hit 73.                            #6  SGC  Mint  96  rookie  card  sold  for  $3,883.75  in
                            In 1504 on this day, Michelangelo hit an artistic grand                       2006 at Heritage Auctions, and in 2008, a PSA Mint
                          slam  when  he  unveiled  his  priceless,  17-foot-tall  marble                 9  of  the  same  care  auctioned  for  $8,287  at  SCP
                          masterpiece, David. (Photo courtesy of Jörg Bittner Unna)                       Auctions. Yogi was famous for his sayings, such as:

           September 11, 1297: William Wallace’s men defeated an English army at                          “Half the lies they tell about me aren't true." (Photos
        Stirling Bridge, Scotland. In 2001, Mel Gibson’s 52-inch sword used in Braveheart                 courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
        brought down $170,000 for charity at Sotheby’s.                             September 25, 1951: There was a stirring in the Force this day when Mark
             September  12, 1857:  The  wooden  side-wheeler  steamship  SS Central   Hamill was born. The movie-used model of Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing Fighter
        America sank in a hurricane off North Carolina, taking more than 400 people to   sold in 2012 for $221,400 at Profiles in History.
        the bottom—along with tons of gold (estimates range from three to 20 tons).   September  27, 1956:  Super  athlete  Mildred  E.  "Babe"  Didrikson  Zaharias
        The largest ingot retrieved from the ocean floor weighed 80 pounds; it was   passed away. She had 41 LPGA tour wins, and she won two gold medals in track
        called “Eureka” for its size and because it came from the California gold fields.   and field at the 1932 Olympics. Baseball, softball, basketball, diving, bowling—
        Eureka sold for $8 million in 2001 to a private buyer (, 11/9/01).   she  did  it  all.  Her  golf  bag  and  14  clubs  hit
            September 14, 1914: The Lone Ranger Clayton Moore                     $31,250 at Nate D. Sanders auction in 2014.
        was born. While most remember him for his 169 episodes                      September 29, 1935: The Killer was born.
        in the TV series, he also acted in 40+ movies (                 Jerry Lee Lewis had many hits, including: “Great
        In 2014, his outfit (gun belt, Colts, blue shirt, pants, Stetson          Balls of Fire,” “Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On,”
        hat, boots and red kerchief) said, “Hi-Yo, Silver! Away!” and             and the Big Bopper’s “Chantilly Lace.” In 2015,
        rode off for $195,000 from A&S Auction Co. in Waco, Texas.                his 1959 Harley-Davidson FLH Duo-Glide sold
        One of his masks, his gloves and Tonto’s headband sold for                for $385,000 at Mecum Auctions (money.cnn.
        $12,000 at Profiles in History in 2010.                                   com, 1/24/15).
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