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Page 16        The Antique Shoppe       September, 2019

        Dr. Simone Brenner

           I caught Bakelite fever in Boston in the 1980s when I found some       Collectors scoop up unusual vintage pieces as soon as they find them.
        bangles and buttons before I knew anything about Bakelite. I  got         Buttons could sell for $3 to $50 or more these days. Warehouse finds
        hooked on the unusual                                                         are sometimes unearthed and newly cut pieces are flooding the
        colors and workmanship.                                                       market. Unless one studies books showing vintage pieces, the
        Upon moving to Florida                                                        unsophisticated buyer can easily be fooled.
        in the ‘90s, I decided                                                           Bakelite enjoyed a revival in the late 1980s because of
        to make a “wearable                                                           museum exhibits, Andy Warhol’s auction, movies produced by
        art” bag to match my                                                          Woodie Allen showing actresses wearing funky Bakelite jewelry,
        growing collection of                                                         and in 1988 the very important The Bakelite Jewelry Book by
        bangles, necklaces,                                                                                                Corrine Davidov and Ginny
        rings, earrings, so I                                                                                              Dawes. Before that, people
        sewed Bakelite buttons                                                    1                                        had not seen the incredible
        on a waist bag. It got                                                                                             variety of Bakelite products;
        loads of attention from                                                                                            many other books followed,
        people responding                                                                                                  and the hunt was on!
        favorably to the
        collages made from recycled buttons that were made from before                                                     Dr. Simone Brenner is a retired college
                                                                                                                           instructor who has been perfecting
        the Depression and WWII.  I continued making the bags of different                                                 her bags for more than 20 years.  She
        shapes and sizes: they are candy for                                                                               continuously replaces buttons with
        the eye, often making people smile                                                                                 more interesting ones, when she can
                                                                                                                           find them!  Questions are welcome at
        and initiate conversations.                                                                              
           Bakelite buttons were just right for                                                                      2
        the time when they were made. Not
        having much money then, women
        often bought them thinking, “I’ll get
        a dime store cherry pin for my old
        serge suit lapel, change the buttons   3                                                                   BAKELITE BUTTON BAGS SHOWN:
        to some geometric design, and have                                                                         Note, all buttons are sewn on by hand, so
        a whole new look!” Buttons are a close                                                                      as not to ruin the value of the buttons.
                                                                                                                     BAG 1 is also composted of random
        fashion accessory to jewelry.  While                                                                      dot discs in the background with realistics
        wearable Bakelite was sold at Sears and at                                                                superimposed on them.  Some of these
        dime stores, more expensive versions were sold at B. Altman,                                          4   are musical instruments, animals, clothes
        Bonwit Teller, and other fine stores.                                                                     pins, a wonderful man with some painting
           Elsa Schiaparelli, the famous Italian designer, added to the                                           on it, milk bottles, a large butterfly, and
                                                                                                                  lots of “cookies” (2 colored buttons with
        button mania of the period by designing “realistic” buttons with                                          the same pattern on the front and back of
        themes and shapes of clowns, acrobats, horses. Others used                                                the button)
        architectural designs on large 2-3 inch buttons made for heavy coats                                         BAG 2 is a very large bag with apple-
        and suits, shaped in spirals, cogs, pyramids--shapes popular in the                                       juice (translucent) buttons of medium and
        Art Deco period and  the Machine Age. Many times, colors were                                             large sizes, which are highly collectible.
                                                                                                                  Some are reverse carved and painted on
        combined with contrasting colors, were laminated, combined with                                           the back, many are laminated, some have
        wood, metal, glass and other embellishments.                                                              imbedded glitter, and others have embel-
           Inventive commercial manufacturers of buttons and jewelry                                              lishments of various materials.  There is a
        bought rods, tubes, and sheets of Bakelite and let their creativity                                       2 piece buckle as the centerpiece.
                                                                                                                     BAG 3 is a belt bag or belly bag.  It has
        take over. These could be worked in many different ways:                                                  large carved buttons--really unusual ones.
        sawed, sliced threaded, ground, drilled, carved and polished to                                     5        BAG 4 is organized into 7 colors with
        be as smooth as glass.  Rods were injected into other forms to                                            small shapes of all kinds in each section of
        make the popular polka dots and random dots that are so popular                                                    the belt bag.  There are 2 extra large
        with collectors. Bakelite is 1/2 the weight of glass, not cold to the                                              green buttons on either side near
        touch, moisture resistant, non-flammable, and comes in many rich                                                       the belt.

                                                                                                                               BAG 5 is an evening bag, made
        colors. Bakelite objects are “thermosets”, which means they cannot                                                        with gorgeous Bakelite buttons
        be softened or returned to a moldable state.                                                                              with silver overlay--extremely
           Collectors of Bakelite learn to recognize it a mile away-- by the                                                       rare!  There is a matching
        colors. They can be opaque, marbleized, or translucent. To test for                                                        bangle and earrings shown with
        confirmation, I use a very portable chemically treated test pad to rub                                                     it.
        the underside of an object to take off a bit of the patina. If I get a
        yellow color, no matter what the color of the object is, it is Bakelite.
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