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Page 12        The Antique Shoppe       September, 2019

          NW PINELLAS:                      Belleair Bluffs - Largo               OUT OF STATE SHOW UPDATES—
                                                   Palm Harbor
                                                                                  —65TH SHENANDOAH ANTIQUES EXPO
                                                                                    OCTOBER 11-12, 2019 • FISHERVILLE, VA
           Laura A. Collum                      JEWEL ANTIQUE MALL                  Augusta Expoland, 277 Expo Rd, Fishersville, VA.


             NAUTICAL ITEMS,                                                        It’s All About Family—
                SCIENTIFIC                                                          FISHERSVILLE,  VA—    If  you’ve  never  attended  this  amazing,  long-running
            INSTRUMENTS, CIVIL                 Antique & Estate Bought
           WAR GUNS, SWORDS &                  Dealer Space Available             show, you have truly missed one the most exciting and diverse antique and
              MEDICAL ITEMS,                                                      collectibles  shopping  experiences  in  the  mid-Atlantic  area.  What  makes  the
           AMERICAN FURNITURE,                                                    show  so  special  are  the  people.  Over  the  now  64  events,  there  have  been
              DECOYS, QUILTS                    “Quality Dealers with Quality Antiques”
                                                                                  thousands of dealers that have participated in the shows. And what makes this
                                                                727-585-5568      “family” is that several hundred vendors participated at shows as far back as the
          Located at
          580A Indian Rocks Rd.                               2601 Jewel Road     early 90’s – and they return every year in May and October. They come not only
          Belleair Bluffs                             Belleair Bluffs, FL 33770   because they know what a great show it is and they always have had success at
          Florida 33770                                                           selling their wares, but they come to be with the Shenandoah Expo family. And,
          (727) 581-6585                       Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5             they refer customers to their fellow dealers – a bit like Miracle on 34th Street.
          or 442-9969  LEN & JAN SPENCER, Managers     But the family doesn’t stop their. No, the family further expands to include the
          Email:  3        2    dedicated, loyal customers.  And some customers “cross-over” to being dealers.
                                                                                  It happens!
                                                                                    Just like the dealers, there are customers that have been to 10, 20, 30 or
                                                                                  more shows over the years. They come to see the dealers with whom they’ve
                                                                                  established a long-running relationship. Some have communicated their “want”
                                                                                  list in advance, hoping one of their connections might arrive with that special
                                                                                  treasure.  They come to see new dealers and what they’ve brought to sell. And
                                                                                  they come to just enjoy all that the show has to offer and hopefully taking home
                                                                                  that special piece.  One long-time customer said that, “once you come to one of
                                                                                  the shows, you are hooked and you can’t wait for the next one!”

                                                                                  —MARBURGER FARM FALL ANTIQUE SHOW
                                                                                    OCTOBER 1-5, 2019 • ROUND TOP, TX
                                                                                    2248 Texas 237, Round Top, TX

                                                                             1      Spilling Secrets from Early Entry to Pink!
                                                                                     ROUND TOP, TX— If an antique show had secrets, what would they be?
             StarboaRD HOme                            Discover our eclectic      For instance, did you know that shoppers can actually enter the show early on
                                                                                  October 1 at 8am? And did you know that early birds will find a complimentary
                                                       selection; from
                                                       antiques industrial        continental  breakfast,  coffee  and  shopping  at  the  show’s  Tuesday  Tailgate
                                                                                  Breakfast? Not to mention early parking and an opportunity to swap tales with
                furniture  gifts  decoR                & coastal to               top interior designers who are part of the Designer Dream Spree tour.
                                                       international                  What  other  secrets?  Marburger  exhibitor  Susan  Wheeler  from  Seattle
                                                       & shabby chic.             shares this surprising secret: “Never shop with a plan.” Be open to what you
                                                                                  find.  Where has that led Wheeler in Round Top? To pink! Pink? Yes, amid her
                                                                                  booth’s pearl gray & black upholstered French and Italian furniture, look for
                                                      31003 US Hwy 19 N           Wheeler’s pink in Mid-Century Modern art.
                                                           Palm Harbor               More secrets? “If you love something, it will work with all the other things
                                                         (727) 888-3320           that you love because of you,” says North Carolina exhibitor Joanne La Poma.
                                                                                  La Poma deals in collections of Victorian jewelry and sterling baby gifts, her
                                                                                  inventory includes fossils and minerals, most about 150 million years old.
                                                         Open Mon-Sat 10-7          A few more secrets about Marburger Farm: Look for book signings by Annie
                                                              Sun 12-5        4   Sloan of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and by Leslie Sinclair of Segreto Finishes, as
                                                                                  well as visits with one of the show’s sponsor, Chairish. Of course, you definitely
                                                                                  want Back Porch BBQ and the new cocktails bar. Enjoy Whiskey Wednesday, the
                                          4                                       annual Marburger whiskey tasting bash. All donations will go to the Brookwood
                                                                                  Community and Dwell with Dignity.
                                                                                    The final and best secret comes from Texas dealer Rodney Cooley of Urban
                                                                                  Habitat.  Along  with  his  wife  Shonte,  Cooley  will  offer  a  15  foot  farmhouse
                                                                                  table from Pennsylvania, an industrial table/kitchen island with metal locker
                                                                                  topped by a huge chopping block and a collection of Victorian cast iron outdoor
                                                                                  furniture (porch season starts in Texas around October 1). His secret? “Those of
            3                                                                     us who buy and sell and live with antiques love what we do.”
                                                                                    Now that s a secret worth knowing! Come shop with the 350 exhibitors at
           2                                                                      Marburger Farm on 43 acres of fun. Look for every style, era and price point,
                                                                                  from  antiquities  to  Mid-Century  Modern  to  the  select  artisans  with  original
                                                                                  arts. One admission is good all week and includes your parking and WIFI. See
                1                                                                 information on travel, maps, vendors, prizes, special events, lodging, on-site
                                                                                  shipping and the Marburger Cafe at
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