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Page 14        The Antique Shoppe       September, 2019
               BRANDON — SEFFNER                                                   HOLIDAYS AT THE MORSE: INAUGURAL THANKSGIVING
                                                                                      WEEKEND OPEN HOUSE, CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK,

         The             Shabby Chic                        ❷                                           AND CHRISTMAS EVE
        Attic  Vintage & Antiques                           Mango Rd              first ever Thanksgiving Weekend Open House. Beginning Friday, November 29,
                                                                                    WINTER PARK—The Morse Museum will kick off the holiday season with its

                                               MLK Jr. Blvd            574        at 9:30 a.m., the Museum will be free all weekend to launch the season’s festive
                                                                                  schedule of free events on Friday nights, including live music, tours, and an art
                                                      75                          demonstration.      39
                                              301                 Parsons Rd          For  five  consecutive  Friday  evenings  during  the  holidays  (November  29
                                                         ❶                        through December 27), visitors can enjoy free admission and live music from
                                                  60                Brandon Blvd  5-8 p.m. In addition, at 7 p.m. December 6, 13, and 20, the Morse will offer
                                                                                  evening tours of the permanent exhibition Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Laurelton
         11909 E . Dr. MLK Jr. Blvd.                                  Lumsden     Hall. Participation is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
                                                                                     The complete schedule of free Morse holiday events, programs, and tours
               Seffner, FL 33584                                Kings Ave         is as follows:
                  813.502.5695       ❷                                Lithia Pinecrest  Nov. 29-Dec. 1: Thanksgiving Weekend Open House.
                       Bloomingdale Ave               Friday, 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sunday, 1-4 p.m.
                                                                                    Nov 29: Live music by the Harpist Bizarre Quartet 5–8 p.m.
                 Somewhere In Time                                                Park will present the 41st annual Christmas in the Park. At this free event in
                                                                                    On Thursday, Dec. 5, 6:15 p.m.–8:30 p.m. the Morse and the City of Winter

                                                                                  downtown Winter Park —always a highlight of the holidays— the Morse lights
                                                                                  up nine Tiffany windows in Central Park and sponsors the Bach Festival Choir,
                     “Antiques - Collectibles & More”
                                                                                  Youth Choir, and Brass Ensemble in an outdoor concert.
                              The Shoppes of LaViva                                 Dec. 13: Beautiful Music Chamber Quartet 5-8 p.m. Family tour of selected
                              720 W. Lumsden Rd.                                  galleries, 5:15 p.m. Resin casting demonstration with artist Chris Prueitt, 6 p.m.

                                   Brandon, FL                                      Evening tour of Louis Comfort Tiffany’s Laurelton Hall, 7 p.m.
                                                                                    Dec. 20: Beautiful Music Three Flutes 5-8 p.m. Evening tour of Louis Comfort
                                  813-684-0588                                    Tiffany’s Laurelton Hall, 7 p.m.
                                                                                      Admission  to  the  Museum  is  also  free  on  Tuesday,  Dec.  24,  during  the
                                   Open Mon.-Sat. 11-5, Sun 12-5                  Morse’s Christmas Eve Open House, a long-standing tradition. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
                                                                                  Live music by the Raintree Chamber Players, 1-4 p.m.
                             Like us on Facebook: Somewhere in Time Brandon, FL     Dec. 27: Beautiful Music Jazz Quartet, 5 -8 p.m.
                                                                           ❶         For more information, consult the Museum’s website,


                  Celebrating           Dade City & San Antonio
                   22    Antiques
                  YEARS!  on the                                                            Meridian Ave
                  MAin street                                               DADE CITY

                                                                         52                      Clinton Ave
                            10th Annual
                              Fall                                4                                                      First Midwest Regional
                           Gathering                                           579                                           FANA Conference
                            Sept. 14                          577
                               10-4                                                                                      Springfield,   IL—   Hand   fan
                 Peggy Capps, Proprietor                              579A                   Ft. King Hwy.  301  98    enthusiasts  in  the  heartland  will
                  (352) 523-0999             75                                                                        gather at the first Midwest Regional
                  14122 7th STREET                                                                 39                  Fan  Association  of  North  America
                 DADE CITY, FL 33525  3                                                                                (FANA)  Conference  meeting  in
                                                                                                                       Springfield, IL, October 18-19, 2019.
                                                                                                                       FANA members will convene to view
                                                AMERICAN EAGLE                                                         and  learn  about  historic,  unique,
                                                      ANTIQUES                                                         and fashion hand fans.
                        1                             14232 7th Street                                                   Field  trips  are  planned  to  many

                                                    Dade City, FL 33523      ZEPHYRHILLS                               area  museums  and  historic  places.
                                                                                                                       FANA members will have numerous
                                                        352-521-3361                                                   fan-viewing opportunities, including
                                                      OpEN 7 DAyS 11-5:30
                 2             To Tampa                                         54           5th Ave.                  Mary Todd Lincoln’s fan that she held
                                                                                                                       when Abe Lincoln was assassinated”.
                           3                    AMERICAN EAGLE                     Late Century Modern Furniture         FANA  welcomes  new  members
                                                                                                Gall Blvd.
                                                   ANTIQUES, TOO                    Decorative Arts & Accessories      who  may  join  by  visiting  FANA’s
                                                                                       11851 S Curley St
                                                   Featuring Fine Antiques                San Antonio                  web  site,
                                                      14119 7th Street            6 mi. from Dade City / 11 mi. from Zephyrhills  Also  check  out  fan  discussions  on
                                                    Dade City, FL 33523                  352-588-2001                  Facebook at “Hand Fan Collectors”
                DADE CITY                             OpEN 10-5 MON-SAT     4  and  “Fan  Association  of  North
                                                                                        To Tampa            To Plant City  America”.
                                                                                       Proprietor, John C. Herrmann
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