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Volume 32 No. 6 FEBRUARY 2019 TAKE ONE
“BE MINE?” The Enduring Appeal of Valentines
By Donald-Brian Johnson “borrowed” your lunch money—and that girl
with the braids, who accidentally mushed your
Here’s a memory-jogger: it’s Valentine’s Day in mid-twentieth century favorite Crayola.
America, and across the country, nearly every elementary school classroom has Lessons over, the teacher finally
something in common. Atop each weather-beaten desk sits a “valentine box”. announced, “you may look at your
It began life as just another old shoebox, but now, carefully covered in colorful valentines”. Box covers came off,
construction paper, and festooned with cutout red hearts, it’s been transformed. bag tops were unrolled, and each
(For the less artistically inclined, there were “valentine bags”—grocery sacks, student eagerly perused his or her
minus the construction paper, but still sporting an array of drawn or pasted “take” (after carefully counting them
hearts.) first.) There were generic “to a friend”
Each receptacle had an opening cut into it, ready to receive its quota of valentines, with illustrations of romping
cards—and there was a quota. Everybody gave a valentine, and everybody cats or puppies. There were funny
got one. That included the tough kid across the aisle who, every so often, valentines, with chortle-provoking corny
puns. There may
even have been a
valentine with an
innocent romantic
message—one that
had you looking at Meow! A single-sheet child’s
that girl with the valentine from the 1930s. $5-10.
braids through
different eyes.
It’s only February, but right around the corner is Mother’s Day, Graduations, Then, the school bell rang. Your valentines
Father’s Day and Summer Weddings. Wouldn’t you like to be called the best were packed up, brought home, and piled in a box
Party and Gift giver? Shopping at WALDO ANTIQUE VILLAGE can make that of “school papers”, alongside their compatriots
happen. from previous years. Out of sight, and out of mind.
For mom, you can find Vintage & Costume Jewelry, Crystal Stemware, Remember?
Decorative Mirrors and all type of interesting Vases. For Dad, what about a According to legend, the first valentine greeting
Beer Stein, Sports & War Memorabilia, Antique Fishing Tackle, and all types was sent by the man himself: St. Valentine. (Actually,
of Collectibles. Now for that Party or Wedding…. you can find Serving Dishes there are at least three “St. Valentines”, each
& Platters of all kinds, beautiful Pedestal Cake plates & Punch bowls with clamoring to be recognized as the day’s patron saint,
matching cups. None of those typical party store pieces. Tables set with things but here’s the most romantic story:)
from WALDO ANTIQUE VILLAGE can bring a whole new level of elegance to A third-century clergyman, this Valentine was
your party or bring in that country vibe with Mason jars to hold the flowers. imprisoned for performing marriages in defiance
What about using mismatched cups & saucers as take-home gifts. of Emperor Claudius II, who’d decreed that all
Stop in to find lots of ideas to make the special event truly memorable! men of military age must remain single.
Waldo Antique Village is located next to the Famous Waldo Farmers & Flea Continued on Page 2
Market at 17805 NE US Hwy 301, Waldo. The Mall is open Monday to Friday 1930s movie star Jean Harlow graced the cover of this
10am-6pm and Saturday & Sunday 9am-6pm. For information or directions valentine. The inside message: “Please put no platinum on
call 352-468-3111 or visit their website at your headie—I think you’re plenty cute already!” $15-20.
Florida’s Largest Antique Event of the Year!
1000 South Florida Fairgrounds FEBRUARY
9067 Southern Blvd.
VENDORS! West Palm Beach, FL 33411 8-10
SPECTACULAR EARLY BUYERS: “1st Pick” Friday 9AM-12PM • Admission $25 - Good All 3 Days • GEN. ADMISSION: FRI 12-5PM, SAT 9AM-5PM, SUN 10AM-4:30PM • Admission $10