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Page 2          The Antique Shoppe             February, 2019
        VALENTINES                        70                                      way across all levels of society, often accompanied by                       17
 University Pkwy
        Continued From Page 1                                                     small gifts. The dawn of mass printing and inexpensive
 75                                While in prison, Valentine fell in love with his   postal rates meant that, by the early 1800s, just about
 301  Lockwood Ridge Rd            jailer’s daughter, declaring his feelings in a note   anyone who wanted to could send, (and hopefully,
 MLK Hwy                           signed “from your Valentine”.  Since Valentine   receive), a valentine.
 Sarasota                          was eventually beheaded, the story lacks a happy   In the 1840s, ready-made valentines

 10th                              ending, but nonetheless, a tradition was born.  swept the United States, thanks to
 Fruitville                          The oldest-known written valentine dates from   Esther A. Howland,  (now hailed by
                                   1415, a poem the Duke of Orleans sent to his   grateful retailers as the “Mother of
                                   wife, while imprisoned in the Tower of London.   the Valentine”).  Mother V.’s
                                   Shortly thereafter, King Henry V. began sending   creations were quite lavish,
                                   valentines to his favorite, Catherine of Valois,   incorporating ribbon, lace, and
 Honore Ave
                                   although Henry hired a professional poet to do   colorful bits of material. Joining
 41                                the heavy lifting.                             the traditional visuals of hearts and  This early 1930s valentine capitalized on the
 Tuttle Ave
                                     By the 1700s, kings and dukes weren’t the    flowers was “Cupid”, that little   newest novelty of the time—aviation! When
                                   only ones dispensing valentines. Each February   winged fellow with the bow and   open, the complete message reads: “You’re
                                   14 , handwritten valentine messages made their   arrow. It was a logical choice:   my valentine—it’s ‘plane’ to see!” $15-20.
 72                                                                                                                    in ancient Roman mythology, Cupid’s
                                                                                                                       the son of Venus, goddess of love.
           Southwest  Florida Vintage Dealers                                                                      70  Association notes that over one
                                                                                                                         Nowadays, the Greeting Card
                   North Port - Port Charlotte - Punta Gorda                                                           billion valentines are sent annually,
                                                                                                                       vs. two-and-a-half billion Christmas
                                                                                                                       cards.  Women buy eighty-five
 75                                                                                                                    percent of them, (which should have
                Vintage Finder’s                                                                                       plenty of husbands and boyfriends
                Warehouse “llc”                                                                                        hanging their heads in shame.)
 Osprey          Dean & Diane Castellano                                                                                Valentines, (including the ones
                                              Cherry Hill Home
                                              Where Fun & Design Come Together       ALL  ABOARD                       you saved from grade school), are
                                                                                                                       increasingly popular with today’s
              1075 Innovation  Avenue                                              THE  LAST  STOP  MARKETPLACE
                      Unit 106                 Antiques, Art, Vintage, Decorating Decor,                               collectors, who enjoy their colorful
                                                 Famous Marc Art, New & Recycled
 41             North Port, FL 34289            2811 Tamiami Tr. Unit N               Local Artists - Shabby Chic      visuals, whimsical themes, and, in
                   941-228-8112                                                        Vintage - Boho - Coastal        some cases, varied functions (for
                   941-228-7804                     Port Charlotte, FL                                                 instance, pop-up, or moving-part
                                               (Between Port Charlotte Blvd. & West Tarpon)  Punta Gorda Train Depot
                     Priced to Sell                    941-286-8617                      1009 Taylor Rd.               valentines).
                                                                                                                         Displayed singly, or framed in
 Laurel Rd          & Dealer Friendly             Fri. 11-4, Sat. 12-4 or Appt.           941-639-6774                 a montage, vintage valentines add
                                              Moving Sale – 50% off Entire Store
 75                             Exclusive Retailer  (except already marked down items)   Open 10-5 Mon-Sat             a touch of nostalgia to any décor.
 Nokomis  Dixie Belle Paint  Text or Email:  They’re also guaranteed to rekindle

                                         3         Facebook: Marc Washicheck  4
                                            OPEN AIR                        plenty of nostalgic memories—of
                                                                                     MARKETPLACE                       carefree days, childhood friends. . .
 Venice Ave                                                                          2nd Saturdays                     and, of course, the “valentine box”.
 Venice                                                                                                         1 6    Photo Associate: Hank Kuhlmann.

           Center Rd   River Rd                             3     Toledo Blade   75                                  17 Donald-Brian Johnson is the co-author of
                                                                                                                       numerous books on design and collectibles,
                                                             Price Blvd                                                including “Postwar Pop”, a collection of
                                                                                                                       his columns. Please address inquiries (or
                                                                                                                       valentines) to:
           41                                  North Port

                                                                     Hillsborough Blvd
                                                          41           Port Charlotte

                                                             Veterans Blvd  Tamiami Trail  Midway Blvd

                                                                                   Olean Blvd
                      777                                       Edgewater Blvd               Harbor View Rd
                                              El Jobean
               Englewood                                                Harbor            Sibley Bay Dr  75   17


                                                                                                  Carmalita Florida
                                                                                                   Airport                During the 1940s, the “girl back
                                                                                            6  Punta                    home” had plenty of valentines to
                                                                                                  Gorda                choose from, to send her fella in the
                                                                                                                                service. $15-20.
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