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Page 2          The Antique Shoppe             January, 2019
            University Pkwy                                                 70    Heisman Trophy Sells for Record Price                                                                           17
         A                         Would You Like To Be An                          Football’s most asteemed award, The Heisman Trophy,
         P  Lockwood Ridge Rd  R  Asheford  75 Antique Appraiser or Dealer?       has once again gone up at auction. This time the trophy
  301    P    Institute of   Since 1966, The Asheford Institute of Antiques has been providing a Profit and  belonged to, now Hall of Fame wide receiver, Tim Brown who

    MLK Hwy    Antiques      Pleasure home study course that offers tremendous financial & personal rewards.  was awarded the trophy in 1987, when he played football
     Sarasota                      CERTIFIED APPRAISAL PROGRAM                    for Notre Dame. Brown was the first wide receiver to win the
  10th         You Can:                               For a FREE booklet mail coupon to:  prestigious bronze statue.
         I Fruitville  • Become a Certified Appraiser       ASHEFORD                On December 10, 2018, Goldin Auctions set a new
               • Start your own business from your home
         S  C  • Learn to sell & appraise online      INSTITUTE OF ANTIQUE        record for a Heisman when it sold for $435,762.
                                                           981 Harbor Blvd.,
                                                                                    Since 1998, the Downtown Athletic Club, who
         A O   • Choose the hours you wish to work      Ste. 3, Dept. 275WQ154    presents the award, has required its recipients to sign an agreement that the
               • Become an “antique interior designer”
                                                         Destin, FL 32541-2525
         L  U  • Complete a professional-level Course with a Diploma  or call: 1-877-444-4508  award they are given is not to be sold, making any Heisman trophies available for
                            ASK HOW ... HERE!
                      Honore Ave
           R   NAME  _______________________________________________________________  sale that much more rare.
   41          ADDRESS  ___________________________________________________________  Other noteable Heisman sales in history include: 1999: O.J. Simpson sold his 1968 trophy for the
           S   CITY  ______________________STATE ______________ ZIP __________________  then-record high price of $255,000. The same year, Larry Kelly sold his 1936 trophy for even more,
         Tuttle Ave
           E                                            $328,000. 2005: Bruce P. Smith, broke the record again selling his tropy for $395,240.
                                                                                  2014: Rashaan Salaam’s 1994 trophy brought a record $399,608 that he gave to charity.
           SOUTHWEST FLORIDA VINTAGE DEALERS                                                                                                          70                              17

                                            Nokomis - North Port - Port Charlotte - Charlotte Harbor - Punta Gorda

                                                                                        Vintage Finder’s                                                           72
                                                 VALENTINA'S                            Warehouse “llc”
               Osprey                         Romantic Vintage Inspired Jewelry      

                                                   Furniture and Antiques                 Dean & Diane Castellano     Cherry Hill Home
                                                                                                                      Where Fun & Design Come Together
                                                                                      1075 Innovation  Avenue          Antiques, Art, Vintage, Decorating Decor,
                                                                                              Unit 106                   Famous Marc Art, New & Recycled
                 41                                                                     North Port, FL 34289            2811 Tamiami Tr. Unit N
                                                   395 Laurel Rd East                      941-228-8112                     Port Charlotte, FL
                                                   Nokomis, FL 34275                                                   (Between Port Charlotte Blvd. & West Tarpon)
                                                      941-468-3344                           Priced to Sell                Fri. 11-4, Sat. 12-4 or Appt.
                        Laurel Rd                    Open Thur-Sat 11-4                    & Dealer Friendly          Vintage / Antiques / Art Fair
                                    75           “SHOPPING MAKES YOU PRETTY!”                           Exclusive Retailer  Feb. 17, 2019 in Store Parking Lot
                                                                                                                            12 x 12 Spaces $25.00
                 2       Nokomis                Maria Dicicco, Jewelry Designer  Dixie Belle Paint  Text or Email:
                                                                            2  3     Facebook: Marc Washicheck  4

                                   Venice Ave

                                             Center Rd                                               Toledo Blade   75                                  17
                                                         River Rd
                                                                                                Price Blvd

                                              41                                  North Port

                                                                                                       Hillsborough Blvd
                YESTERDAY'S                        ALL  ABOARD                               41           Port Charlotte

               COLLECTIBLES                      THE  LAST  STOP  MARKETPLACE
                                                   Local Artists - Shabby Chic                  Veterans Blvd  Tamiami Trail  Midway Blvd
            Antiques & Vintage Clothing             Vintage - Boho - Coastal
                                                                                                                      Olean Blvd
                     Always Selling              Punta Gorda Train Depot
                 Antique Christmas                    1009 Taylor Rd.                              Edgewater Blvd  4
                                                       941-639-6774                                          Charlotte          Harbor View Rd
                4301-B Sibley Bay St.                  Open 10-5 Mon-Sat         El Jobean                 Harbor            Sibley Bay Dr  75
                 Corner of Hwy 41 & Sibley Bay    Englewood                                                            5                         17
             Charlotte Harbor, FL 33980  776
                    941-456-5927                    OPEN AIR
     2nd Saturdays                                                     Taylor  Carmalita Florida
                 Open Fri & Sat 11-5 or by Appt.  8:00am-3:00pm                                                                       Airport
                                         5                                    1 6                                             6   Punta
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7