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Page 6          The Antique Shoppe             January, 2019
                                                  Historic Belleview Inn Opens After                repositioned  and  prepped  for  extensive  renovation,
         What’s New in Your Area?                                                                   preserving as much as practical and upgrading features
            The Antique Shoppe is always                    ReDevelopment                           to 21st-century luxury standards.
         looking for news & information        Belleair— The iconic Clearwater Area landmark,          Modern technology has been added to the rooms,
         on  interesting  places,  local     originally built by railroad magnate Henry Plant in    and  some  key  original  features  of  the  inn  have  been
         businesses and  people to           1897, is reopening as completion of a overhaul of epic   preserved,  including  the  grand  staircase  in  the  lobby,
         showcase     in  our   monthly      proportions comes to fruition.                         hardwood  floors,  fireplaces,  guest  room  doors  and
         newspaper.                            JMC  Communities  acquired  the  former  Belleview   Tiffany stained glass.
            Call or email your ideas and/    Biltmore  property  in  2015  and  moved  the  original   Two  years  of  meticulous  craftsmanship  later,  the
         or suggestions to:                  Belleview Biltmore Hotel lobby and adjoining 35 guest   building’s  distinctive  siding,  green  hip  and  gable  roof
                                                                                                    lines  affirm  that  an  age  of  elegance  has  been  reborn.
                                             rooms  to  a  new  foundation  more  than  300  feet  from
             The Antique Shoppe              its original site to make way for Belleview Place, a new   The  Bellview  has  truly  become  a  “Gilded  Age  Hotel

                 352-475-1679                gated community that includes condos and carriage      Reimagined for the Modern Era.”
                                                                                                       Photos of the original Inn as well as newly renovated
          houses. The inn was also rotated about 270 degrees from   rooms and public areas are available for viewing on the
                                             its original positioning.
                                               In  late  2016,  the  38,000-square-foot  structure  was   Inn’s website at

         Classic Furniture & Consignment                GANNON’S
               Antiques & Collectibles             Antiques & Art
              “Everything Comes with a Story”                                                                                Ivy Cottage
                                                   16521 S. TAMIAMI TRAIL
                         Authorized Dealer of                                           Antiques & Collectibles
                            Sid Dickens        Area’s LARGEST Mall                                                           Antiques & Treasures
                           Memory Blocks            20,000 Square Feet                   Estate Liquidations                   2259 Widman Way
                   Vintage Peddler                                                          Specializing In-                  Ft. Myers, FL 33901
                                                                                              Art Pottery
                                                                                           Nautical Antiques                     239-226-0025
                                                                                          50’s Modern Decor
                              MON-FRI 10-5
                                 SAT 10-4                                                                                   Open Tue-Fri 11-5 - Sat 11-4
                                                                                            Always Buying                     Over 6,000 Square Feet
                            239-437-9117              100 DEALERS                      Antiques • Vintage • Victorian
                                                    HUGE VARIETY                                                             Cottage • Shabby Chic
             16050 S. Tamiami Trail, #101              Located on US 41                 17851 Pine Ridge Rd. #1             Collectibles • Farmhouse
                                                     (239) 489-2211
                 Ft. Myers, FL 33908     2             Ft. Myers Bch, FL 33931                  Home Interiors      4
         1                                                                     3

                                                                                         Ft. Myers



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