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Page 8          The Antique Shoppe             January, 2019
        Sampson Mordan                       had an insatiable desire for such novelty   Allman Hosting Three Shows in Florida’s Prime Season
        Continued from Page 3                    work, and the quality of Mordan   Venice and St. Petersburg offer antiques & collectibles to local and visiting shoppers
                                                    made it highly sought after
        James Macintyre                               then as well as now.   Mordan   Venice— Steve and Judy Allman have their winter season shows lined up for
        personally designed                            perfume bottles were sold   shopping fun on Florida’s West Coast with the two Venice shows January 5-6
        and produced the                               in some of the largest retail   and February 23-24 and also St. Petersburg January 11-12-13.
        bottle to resemble                             shops of the times, including   The Venice Antique Shows on Saturday and Sunday hosted about fifty
        a partially opened                             Goldsmiths & Silversmiths   dealers featuring fine art, antique specialties from the past three hundred
        walnut.  Exquisite in                            and Asprey & Sons.
        its detailing, this bottle                         At auctions, today,    years, selected furniture from Colonial America and Georgian Periods of
        sells for around $665,                              collectors fight over   England and similar times on The Continent and Vintage collectibles. It is
        and is considered by                                Mordan perfume        held in the old historic part of Venice , very appropriate for the antiques and
        many collectors to be a                             bottles, especially the   the shoppers attitudes. Allman sets up the show with New England dealer
        miniature work of art.                             figural ones, such as   Ed Weissman in the very front area with his display of Eighteenth Century
            Other Macintyre                                Mordan’s figural owl   furniture and accessories as the first that shoppers see.
        bottles that graced   Engraved sterling silver perfume   perfume bottle.
        Mordan caps include   bottle, circa 1881, complete with        Some of Mordan’s   The show also boasts great food service from Café Venice a popular local
        the rare “Spiders   velvet case that is valued at $1,400.  perfume bottles were   dining spot in town that caters the affair. This show is held at the Venice
        Web” scent bottle.                                 present at the 1922 and   Community Center both dates, 325 Nokomis Avenue, with convenient free
        These round, 2½-inch, porcelain bottles   1929 British Industries Fairs where S.   parking a $7 admission.
        were decorated in monochrome enamel,   Mordan & Co. had prominent booths, but   Sunshine City Antiques and Collectibles Show in St. Petersburg, the second
        featuring a spider and fly on a spider’s   by this date, the era of Mordan figural   weekend of the year opens on Friday evening with a preview from 5pm to
        web.  Macintyre’s unusual “Spiders   perfume bottles was already lost.
        Web” design, along with S. Mordan’s        S. Mordan & Co. flourished until   8pm and continues Saturday and Sunday from 10-5 each day. This is the
        signature screw cap are registered as   1941 when German bombs and rockets   largest show in the Tampa Bay area with about 100 exhibitors of antiques
        Design No. 70868.  Spider Web perfume   destroyed its factory, during the London   and quality vintage collectibles, fine art and jewelry and also quality vintage
        bottles average over $1,100 on today’s   Blitz when Germany made lightening   collectibles. It is located at the St. Petersburg Coliseum, 535 4th Avenue, St.
        secondary market.                    air strikes against London.  Today   Petersburg, with convenient free parking and $7 admission.
             S. Mordan & Co. perfume bottles   S. Mordan & Co. remains famous in    For more information call Steve at 315 686 5789 or go to the web
        were just one of many small, novelty   collectors’ circles and as footnotes in
        items the company produced.  Victorians   auction houses’ item descriptions.

                            Manatee Co. Antiques Dealers

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         Come visit our shop featuring furniture,   Mon.-Sat. 10-5 • Sun. 12-5                                                 3
               pottery, artwork, or that            941-722-5255                                                                 6 2   4
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                6441 U.S. Highway 19                             #1 Antique Mall
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              Hours:  Tue – Sat  10-5  5       We carry Howard Woodcare Products  6
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