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January, 2019          The Antique Shoppe          Page 11
         IMAGINING FLORIDA:                                                 Vintage/Antique/Art/ Decorating Fair
            History and Myth                                                      Coming to Cherry Hill Home

          in the Sunshine State                 Punta Gorda—  Excitement  continues  at  Cherry  Hill   Booth spaces 12’ X 12’ are available for rent at  only
                                             Home  (formerly  Cherry  Hill  Antiques)  with  another  fun   $25.00  a  space,    bigger  spaces  are  available.  Rental  fee
           Boca    Raton—     The    most    event. Sunday, February 17, 2019 from 9:00-2:00 will be   must be paid to reserve a spot and pics of merchandise
        comprehensive  Florida  themed       the day for a wonderful outdoor Vintage/Antique/Art fair   must be included with application. We have room for 65
        show of its kind,  Imagining         at 2811 Tamiami Trail, at La Playa Plaza, in the middle of   booths,  with  lots  of  parking  available  around  the  show.
        Florida:  History  and  Myth  in     busy Port Charlotte Florida.                            Reservations are on a First come-first served basis.
                                                                                                       The  fair  will  be  advertised  on  the  weekly  hit  radio
                                                This show will include anything used to enhance and
        the  Sunshine  State  presents  a    decorate a home whether it is antique, new or handmade,   talk  show  “Marc  Speaking”,  “kix”  country  radio  show,
        remarkable  assemblage  of 200+      but no Flea Market items. The show will be judged. There   “Seaview” radio show, plus newspaper, fliers, social media,
        works of art that celebrate how the   will also be a few demonstrations, like weaving, during the   etc. Contact Marc Washicheck at artist33983@peoplepc.
        Sunshine State has inspired artists   fair. If you would like to demo a craft or art (pottery wheel,   com, by private message on Facebook/Marc Washicheck,
        across three centuries.              furniture painting, art, lamp wiring, etc.) contact Cherry   or  via  text  at  941-286-8617  for  more  information  or
                                             Hill.                                                   application.
           This  stunning  exhibition  is a
        major anthology of art inspired
        by Florida and its people, places,
        flora, and fauna. The Boca Raton        BRANDON                                    Somewhere In Time
        Museum of  Art brings together
        America’s leading  masters  who                         Brandon Blvd
        visited Florida and were spellbound                                                     “Antiques - Collectibles & More”
        by the  exotic  beauty  surrounding            75         1   Kings Ave  Parsons Rd
        them. Visitors will feel transported                  Lumsden Rd                                 The Shoppes of LaViva
        through Florida’s history via  the                                                               720 W. Lumsden Rd.
        paintings, photographs, drawings,      301                                                            Brandon, FL
        and material culture from the 18th                                                                   813-684-0588
        to mid-20th century.  From natural                   Providence Rd          Lithia Pinecrest Rd
        landscapes  to frontier  outposts,
        the  scenes featured  in  Imagining                  Bloomingdale Ave                                Open Mon.-Sat. 11-5, Sun 12-5
        Florida  portray  many  different                                                              Like us on Facebook: Somewhere in Time Brandon, FL
        aspects of the state, its heritage,
        its  historic  communities,  and  its   75                                                                                    98
        identity as a tourist destination.
                                                    Celebrating              Dade City & San Antonio
           Three years in the making, the            21    Antiques                                                              Meridian Ave
        exhibition  was guest-curated  by            YEARS!  on the
        Dr. Jennifer Hardin and Mr. Gary             MAin street                                                 DADE CITY
        Monroe. Many of their selections
        have rarely been seen and are from                   Specializing
        some of the leading  museums                          Primitives                                      52                      Clinton Ave
        and  collections  throughout  the                                                              4
        U.S.  Artists and photographers                                                            577              579
        include:  Milton  Avery, Martin
        Johnson Heade,  John Singer                 Peggy Capps, Proprietor                                579A                   Ft. King Hwy.  301  98
        Sargent,  Winslow Homer, Laura              (352) 523-0999                75
        Woodward, Purvis  Young, Henri              14122 7th STREET                                                                    39
        Cartier- Bresson, Bunny  Yeager,           DADE CITY, FL 33525  3
        Louis Comfort Tiffany, Doris Lee,
        Robert Frank, Garry  Winogrand,                                              AMERICAN EAGLE
        John James  Audubon, Frederic
        Remington,  William  Bartram,                                                      ANTIQUES
        Sally Michel,  Thomas Moran,                         1                             14232 7th Street
        George Catlin, Frederick Frieseke,                                               Dade City, FL 33523      ZEPHYRHILLS
        and George de Forest Brush.                                                        OpEN 7 DAyS 11-5:30
           The  exhibition  runs through             2                                                               54           5th Ave.
        March 24, 2019. Boca Raton                              3   To Tampa         AMERICAN EAGLE                     Late Century Modern Furniture
                                                                                                                                     Gall Blvd.
        Museum of Art is located  at  501                                               ANTIQUES, TOO                    Decorative Arts & Accessories
        Plaza Real, Minzner Park in Boca                                               Featuring Fine Antiques       11853 Curley St, San Antonio
        Raton. For more information visit                                                  14119 7th Street           6 mi. from Dade City / 11 mi. from Zephyrhills or call                                                       Dade City, FL 33523                  352-588-2001
        561-274-9578.                                DADE CITY                             OpEN 10-5 MON-SAT     4
                                                                                                                             To Tampa            To Plant City
                                                                                                                           Proprietor, John C. Herrmann
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