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May, 2019   The Antique Shoppe  Page 29
                                                                                  million dollars.
                 COLLECTING WITH JEFF                                               Okay, how about a few others that are worth a king’s ransom?
                                                                                    Detective Comics No. 27 was distributed in May 1939. That
            By Jeff Figler                                                        comic was the first appearance of Batman. The highest sale price of

                                                                                  Detective Comics No. 27 is $2.1 million. Not too shabby for a ten cent
                             COMIC BOOKS                                                                                            No. 8 came out a
                                                                                                                                      All-Star Comics

                                                                                                                                    couple years later
           If you are like most of us who read newspapers or watch television                                                       in December 1941.
        you may every so often hear about a comic book that sold for                                                                The United States
        thousands of dollars. Maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars.                                                          was just getting
           Yes, you heard right. A flimsy periodical selling for all that money?                                                    involved in World
        You bet. Possibly you asked your mom or dad about what happened                                                             War II. This time
        to your comics. Most likely their answer has been that they threw                                                           the superhero was
        them away. Why would they throw them out? The simple reason is                                                              a woman. Yes,
        that they were taking up room, they were not being read, and that                                                           All-Star Comics
        they were not worth anything. And they would be right most of the                                                           No. 8 featured the
        time. But there are always exceptions.                                                                                      first appearance of
           Allow me to point out a few of the most valuable comic books of                                                          Wonder Woman.
        all time. If you had any of these you might want to stop reading.                                                           Now the country
           Let’s start with the one that comes to mind of most people when                                                          had both men and
        they think of the most valuable comics. I am referring to Action                                                            women heroes to
        Comics No. 1, which came out in June 1938. It is valuable because                                                           admire. The highest
        it is the first appearance of Superman. Yes, the                                                                            sale of All-Star
        superhero that the two Cleveland high school pals,                                                                          Comics No. 8 was
        Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, had sent to various                                                                           $936,000.
        magazines and newspapers, but were continually                                                                                Other valuable
        rejected. It is ironical that only the last ten pages                                                                       comics include
        of Action Comics No. 1 is devoted to Superman.                                                                              Batman No. 1,
        But the editors of the new magazine thought they                                           which were distributed in April 1940.  It featured the
        would give it a try. There is no exact number as                                           first appearance of the Joker and Catwoman.
        to how many copies still exist, but probably fewer                                           Superman No. 1, which came out in June 1939,
        than a hundred. Of course, many of those copies                                            was the first solo Superman comic. It has sold for
        are not in good                                                                            more than a half million dollars. Other valuable
        condition, as they                                                                         comics include Flash Comics No. 1 from June 1940. It
        might have tape on                                                                         featured the first appearance of The Flash. Sensation
        them, staples, even                                                                        Comics No. 1, from January 1942 included the
        thumbtacks. There                                                                          second appearance of Wonder Woman, but the first
        could be tears.                                                                            cover of her.
           One company                                                              Captain America Comics No. 1 from 1941, Wonder Woman No. 1
        that grades                                                               from 1942, and Whiz Comics No. 1 from 1940, are also high on the
        comics, the Comics                                                        list. The Whiz Comics No. 1 displayed the first appearance of Captain
        Guaranty Company                                                          Marvel.
        (CGC) separates the                                                         Keep in mind that in the cases of the most valuable comics, they
        comics it grades                                                          are great investments. But you will not find them in stores or at
        into restored and                                                         garage sales and flea markets. Auction houses such as Heritage
        non-restored                                                              Auctions, Mile High Comics, and EBay are noted for handling high
        copies. Of course,                                                        end comics.
        the non-restored                                                            It is a safe bet that any Superman and Spider-Man comics will
        ones are worth                                                            appreciate. And remember that not all vintage comic books are
        more, and CGC will                                                        valuable. They need to be of some significance to be valuable, such
        designate them                                                            as the first appearance of Captain America or the first appearance of
        with a light blue                                                         the Green Lantern in the All-American Comics No. 16.
        label. A lavender                                                           Go look in some old boxes in your house and see if you can find
        label means that                                                          some age-old treasure trove of comics. Who knows, you might be
        the copy is in                                                            surprised.  It is worth a try.
        restored condition.
        Even a torn off
        front cover is valuable, upwards of $100,000. But the record sale of      Jeff Figler, one of the world’ss leading experts on collectibles, has authored over 600 published articles, and
                                                                                  six books on collecting. He is currently a columnist for several magazines, including Sports Business Journal,
        an Action Comics No. 1 is $3.2 million. You got it. A comic that your     Sports Collectors Digest, Collectors Journal, and others. His latest book, Picker’ss Pocket Guide to Baseball
                                                                                  Memorabilia by Krause Publications, was released December 2014. You can contact Jeff at
        parents could have bought in 1938 for a dime could be worth a few         or by visiting his website
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