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Page 16      The Antique Shoppe  February, 2020
                                        COLLECTING ODDBALL FISHING LURES

                                          MAY HAVE LAUGHED FISH TO DEATH

                         By Larry LeMasters, LeMasters’ Antique News Service

                             A famous fisherman,         Other companies also made                          question.  The “Hong Kong Mouse,”
                          President Grover Cleveland,    beer bottle lures, and many of                      produced by Paw Paw, has a single treble
                          once said, “The community      these lures were given away                            hook, a plastic lip, a rope tail, and
                          of fishermen constitutes a     as promotional items by the                                ← Rare, Brady   protruding ears. It
                          separate class or sub-race     company. Today, these beer                                  “Fish Dinner”   looks exactly like a
                          among the inhabitants of the   bottle lures sell for as much as                            lure is valued   mouse, ending forever
                          earth.”                        $85.                                                          at $125.    the debate about the
                            Many people have                Not all oddball lures are genuine                                       Chinese buffet.
                          observed this sub-race         antiques. A case in point is the Shad-                                         These rodent
                          standing knee deep in          Quack lure available from BassPro                                                   lures sell
                          mountain streams or            Shops in the late 1980s.                                                             for about
                          broiling in a johnboat         Resembling a mallard duck,                                                           $30.
                          under a scorching sun.  But    the Shad-Quack is an                                                                   Paw
                          fisherman have an even         attractive duck-shaped                           ← This Harrison-Hoge “Bill   Paw also produced
                                                                                                          Plummer SuperFrog,” once
        ↑ W. J. Jamison Co.   more natural habitat: their   fishing lure. The Shad-                      sold through Bass Pro Shops   the PP Wotta-Frog
        “Bass-Pop,” a highly   workshops, where for well   Quack and Jennings                             and is now valued at $40.  lures, which varied in
         collectible novelty   over 100 years, they have   Decoy Company of St.                                                   size with some having
             lure, $50.   tinkered and toyed with        Cloud, Minnesota made                                                    glass eyes and others
                                                                     these flighty                                                a reversing diving
        thousands                                                    lures.  The                                                  lip.  Produced in the
        of                                                           Shad-Quack
        variations                                                   sold new
        on fish                                                      for 1.25
        traps and                                                    but now brings $50
        lures,        From 1970, this Marathon Bait Co. ↑            or more if found mint with box.
        always        “Muskrat Muskie” is valued at $75.                As oddball lures go,
        trying to                                                                  nothing is more
        invent a better lure.                                                      oddball than          ↑ Paw Paw “Wotta-Frog”
                                                                                                          lure, missing one hook,
           Many of the lures that                                                  the Marathon            1950, is valued at $100.
        fisherman made seemed                                                      Muskrat Muskie
        designed to attract other                                                  lure. Believed to       1950s and ‘60s, some PP
        fishermen, not fish.  Feathers                         ↑ This Paw Paw      have been made          Wotta-Frog lures had glass
        and gaudy eye-catching                                  “Hong Kong”        by Marathon Bait        eyes and others a reversing
        colors were the norm, but                               mouse lure is      Company around          diving lip, and, today, they
        over time, realistic lures, that                        valued at $25.     1970, this ratty lure   sell for around $100.
        fish enjoyed biting, replaced                                              has bead eyes, a          Over the years, many
        the Victorian gaudy lures                                                  cord tail, and real     manufacturers have
        of old.  But realistic lures soon gave birth to   fur. If you are lucky enough to find one,        produced frog-styled
        oddball lures designed to laugh fish to death as   be prepared to pay about $85 for it.            lures.  An early example
        much as to catch them.                              Ever wonder if the fish or chicken you eat     is the Luny Frog made by
           W. J. Jamison Company produced one of         in a Chinese buffet is actually cat? Here’s       Heddon in 1927.  Heddon
        the most oddball of all lures—the Blatz beer     an oddball lure that seems to answer the          advertised the Luny Frog
        bottle popper.  This lure, known as                                                                as a solid Pyralin (a type of
        the “Bass-Pop,” is highly collectible.                                                             plastic material) lure that is
                                                                                                           “practically indestructible.”
                                                                                                           In good condition, a Luny
                                                                                                           Frog costs about $125.
                                                                                                             Another frog lure worth
                                                                                                           collecting is the Harrison-
                                                                                                           Hoge SuperFrog. These
                                                                                            ↑ Jennings DeCoy Co.                         Kridler Fish Lure
                                                                                                “Shad-Quack;” this   frogs were produced in
                                                                                                                                         from 1944; when
                                                                                      relatively new lure, but pretty   black, brown, yellow, white,   the fish tugged on
             ↑ Five-inch turtle decoy,                                                 oddball, is valued at $45.  and green, so collecting   the lure, four steel
           manufacturer unknown, $200.                                                                     all of them can prove        hooks sprang out of
                                                                                                           demanding.  Look to pay      the body, impaling
           Six-inch fish decoy, manufacturer                                                               $25 to $60, depending on     the fish.  This odd-
                        unknown, $50. →                                                                    condition and packaging.     ball lure is valued at
                                                                                                                            Continued >      $1600.
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