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Page 12      The Antique Shoppe  February, 2020
                                                                                  and price. While                                       the toys that
            KAYE’S COLLECTOR CORNER                                               most spend                                             are made by the
                                                                                  their weekends
                                                                                                                                         companies for
            By Mike Kaye                                                          at swap meets,                                         their meetings
                                                                                  yard sales and                                         as to what they
                                                                                  thrift stores, I                                       have in store for
            Action Figures Worth Hundreds of                                      do most of my                                          the next series
                                                                                                                                         or toy line so on
                                                                                  buying online
                       Thousands! Go Figure.                                      through eBay,                                          and so forth. It
                                                                                  Facebook groups
                                                                                                                                         gets as far as
           You can                                            mentally to a time   and other online                                      a prototype or
        often find me                                         when the most       marketplaces.                                          test shots. Either
        rummaging                                             stress you had was   It’s a bigger                                         the line gets
        through antique                                       cleaning up your    risk, but it also   Prototypes are the most sought after toys in the   discontinued
        and thrift shops                                      toys.               tends to be the    industry; they are one of a kind pieces used at   or the boss
        hoping to pick                                                            biggest reward.   meetings to discuss a potential new toy product.  didn’t like it.
        up an item I                                             Which items      Only downside                                          I’ve seen some
        can profit from.                                      do collector’s      to vintage buying is the constant    of these type of figures go in private
        I often meet      Prototypes                          fight over the      change in the landscape when it      sales for $15,000. Any Rocket Firing
        interesting                                           most and what       comes to pricing, availability and   Boba Fett from the vintage 1977
        people, some       Most toy prototypes like these     are they worth?     quality.                             series. This was a very rare toy
        like minded, like   go for $100s, $1,000s, $10,000s      Wow.. that’s                                          and a lot of people mistake it for
        fellow collector    and even $100,000s a piece!       tough. It depends     If a new collector comes along,    the more common Boba Fett. This
        Dom. Dom owns                                         on the level of     what’s your advice for them?         particular figure’s prototype just sold
        a brick and                                           collecting you are    Decide on what you want to         for $250,000 this year. Star Wars
        mortar shop called Bitz & Buttons in   at. For me it tends to be the higher   collect. You have two choices, sticking   toys kind of take the cake when it
        Plantation, FL where he deals solely   end items and collections. Being both   to one license/brand or having a   comes to value. There are so many
        in vintage toys like some of the ones I   a collector and dealer I have to try   diverse collection. Either one has its   variations of the old, vintage Star
        remember as a kid.                   and not cross the line of “Need” and   pros and cons. Find out what makes   Wars, that range in the 5 digits, but
           I was given his card in an antique   “Want”.                                        you happy. If you are a   what most average people don’t
        store since the items I had for sale                                                   Star Wars fan than go   know is, it’s not the American toys
        were less antique and more along       What’s the rarest                               that route. If you grew   that have the value, it’s the foreign
        the lines of “collectibles”.         action figure you have                            up playing with GI Joes   bootlegs that carry the most weight,
           I entered Dom’s store and was met   and how much is it’s                            then go that route.     mainly due to the obscurity of the
        by Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,     graded value?                                     There honestly is no    item(s).
        Creatures from the Black Lagoon        I have two pieces                               right or wrong way
        and a plethora of pop culture. Dom   in my collection that                             to collect. Like with     If you’re in the area please stop
        introduced himself and we hit it off.   I hold dear to my                              anything else, follow   by Dom’s shop (Bitz & Buttons 5227
        We began reminiscing of the past     heart and those would                             your heart. The only    West Broward Blvd. Plantation,
        when toys were toys. After speaking   be my Factory Error                              true advice I can give   Florida 33317) or visit him online at
        for a while I realized his shop would   Rocksteady, which is                           is to research and find
        be perfect for me to be able to raise   one of kind. It is more                        a group of people that    As a child I’ll admit I was lost in the
        some funds for children. He agreed   than likely the only one                          have similar taste that   world of action figures. My favorites
        to open his shop to my comic book    in existence. The other                           can help you along      were Smurfs and Transformers. There
        unveiling this February with proceeds   would have to be my                            the way. Facebook is    was nothing cooler than to obtain
        from my book sales to help fund      Factory Sealed 1989                               a great tool now days   toys of characters you watched
        children’s scholarships and education   Party Van signed by                            for toy groups.         during Saturday Morning cartoons. A
        through Broward Education            creator Kevin Eastman.                                                    lot of the pop culture back then was
        Foundation. Why February? Well       This particular item                                 Can you tell us the   entertainment, that in my opinion,
        that’s the two year anniversary of   graded at an 80 and                               top five or so action   is equivalent to the entertainment
        the Parkland shooting where my       also comes with a JSA                             figure collectibles,    that today’s phones and technology
        child was a survivor. Dom has also   signature. This is one                            including values, and   provide.
        offered to clue us in on what’s rare   of those items that   Boba Fett Rocket Firing prototype   share photos of some   If you ask me, I felt more of a
        and expensive in the world of action   again is one of a kind.   recently sold for $250,000!   of them with us?  connection to the characters of the
                                                                         Photo supplied by Dom.
        figures, so here we go…                                                                   Wow, now that is     past then some of the new stuff I
                                               How do you obtain fresh, vintage   really hard to answer. It all depends   see today. In the past the style of
           What got you into collecting      inventory for the shop?              on what you are looking for. There   “cartoons” really pulled me in, like
        childhood action figures?              The retail end of the spectrum     are so many ends of the industry     watching Wile E. Coyote chase down
           I believe that as an adult we all   is pretty easy. We receive emails   we can go with this question.       the Road Runner or Pink Panther
        go through times in our lives we try   practically every day from companies   People think toys and think of Hot   with the captivating music. Should
        to find an escape from the everyday   for what they refer to as PO “Pre-  Wheels, Barbies and action figures.   I be kicking myself for dumping my
        stresses of adulthood. We all try to   Orders” these are for new series,   The average adult collector spends   collection of action figures and toys
        find an escape in some way, shape or   lines, toys, Etc.. and these POs are   hundreds and even thousands a year   from the decades ago? I think I’d
        form. For most adults their childhood   usually set for delivery anywhere   on toys. Diehard collectors can spend   rather not know.
        tends to always put a happy smile on   between 3-6 months out. As far     upwards of $150,000 for an action
        their face and for me, it was just that.   as the vintage product goes it’s a   figure that’s vintage and sealed in a   To order a copy of the rare Amphoman comic book
                                                                                                                       I will be unveiling at Dom’s shop in February, please
        Seeing toys, TV shows and just about   tough road. One thing that I always   box. From a dealer’s perspective the   email/paypal me at: Signed
        anything that brought me back to     thought separated me from my         top 5 would have to be unproduced    copies will be $5 each + $2 shipping, with a very
        when I was a kid really took me back   competition is the quality of products   Prototypes for any toy line: These are   limited print run and proceeds from each copy sold
                                                                                                                       will help fund education.
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