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February, 2020  The Antique Shoppe   Page 7
             The Morse Museum’s Exhibition on American Portraiture Opens March 3                                           Brevard Collectors

           Winter  Park,  FL—  On  March  3,                                     the   founder   of   Nabisco,   was        February Update
        The  Charles  Hosmer  Morse  Museum                                      commissioned  around  1905  from  the   Melbourne— The Brevard Antiques
        of  American  Art  will  open  Selected                                  well-known  artist  William  Merritt   and  Collectibles  Club  holds  monthly
        Portraits from the Morse Collection.                                     Chase  (1849–1916).  Chase  and  other   meetings at two area locations. The
        The  exhibition  will  feature  about  a                                 painters  like  Gilbert  Stuart  (1755–  group  is  open  to  anyone  having  an
        dozen  paintings  by  leading  American                                  1828) and Robert Henri (1865–1929)    interest  in  learning  about  antiques
        portraitists and a number of photographs                                 created  interpretive  renderings  with   and collectibles. There is a  different
        by early American studios. Works date                                    inimitable styles that brought the artists   subject  of  interest  at  each  meeting
        from the 1790s to the 1930s.                                             themselves a level of celebrity. Stuart,   and  attendees  are  encouraged  to
           At  their  most  basic  level,  portraits                             for example, is famed for his portrait   bring in an item for further study and
        record  a  person’s  physical  appearance                                of George Washington that graces the   discussion.
        on  a  specific  date.  When  done  well                                 dollar  bill.  Two  painted  portraits  on   At  the  first  Friday  meeting
        these  records  do  more,  revealing  the                                display by Stuart capture the costume   (FEBRUARY  7th)  to  be  held  at  the
        psychological  characteristics  of  a                                    and  personae  representative  of  the   Suntree  /  Viera  Library,  902  Jordan
        subject.  The  tension  in  portraiture  is                              early years of the republic.
        between the insights of a talented artist                                   Selected  Portraits from the Morse   Blass  Dr.,  at  10:00  AM,  the  subject
        and the often unclear expectations of a                                  Collection  presents  painted  and    will  be  “SMALLS”.    For  additional
                                                                                                                       information  call  George  at  321-254-
        sitter.  The  compelling  personalities  of                              photographic portrayals of Americans   5831.
        figures ranging from powerful business                                   over a period of transition in both style
        executives  to  lovely  women—both                                       and medium.                             The   third   Tuesday   meeting
        of  genteel  and  working  classes—are   Portrait of Sylvester S. Marvin by William   The  Morse  Museum,  located  at   (FEBRUARY  18th)  will  take  place  at
        presented  in  the  works  on  view  in   Merritt Chase, c. 1905. Gift of Leslie and   445 N. Park Avenue, Tuesday through   the  Melbourne  Beach  Library,  324
        Selected  Portraits from the Morse     Kathryn Grammar, will be featured in   Thursday  and  Saturday.  For  more   Ocean Ave. at 1:30 PM. The subject
        Collection.                            the Museum’s new exhibition, Selected   information, call 407-645-5311 or visit   of this meeting will be “SEWING &
           A  charming  and  arresting  portrait   Portraits from the Morse Collection.         STITCHING”.  For  information  call
        of  Sylvester  S.  Marvin  (1841–1924),                                                                        Rich at 321-795-7363.

                             Manatee Co. antiques Dealers

                                                     Ellenton, Palmetto & Terra Ceia

                                                                                   COME SEE OUR NEW LOCATION

                                                                                       Antique Mall
                                                                                                                          Just south of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge
                                                                                                                              on beautiful Terra Ceia Island
                                                    Antiques & Collectibles                                             Come visit our shop featuring furniture,
                                                        Tea Room & Gifts                  35 Quality Dealers                  pottery, artwork, or that
                                                        941.417.2150                1415 10  St. W., Palmetto, FL                one of a kind gift.
                                                     (Hwy. 301 - I-75, Exit 224)          6441 U.S. Highway 19
                                                    Open Sat. & Sun. 10am-3pm        OPEN 7 DAYS:   M-S 10-5, Sun 12-5             P.O. Box 378
                                                        or by appointment                                                      Terra Ceia, FL 34250
                                                    905 Leffingwell Avenue                  941-729-5282
                                                      Ellenton, FL 34222    2  3           Hours:  Tue – Sat  10-5  5


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