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Page 2 The Antique Shoppe November, 2017
POSTCARDS Other types, though a bit hard to find, are
Continued from Page 1 mechanicals and novelties. Thanksgiving Day is not
Shortly after the turn of the century and during the years leading up a holiday normally thought of as having such card
to World War I, the exchanging of Thanksgiving Day greeting postcards themes, but surprisingly some were published.
became a popular custom. Along with the turkey dinner, and a morning The most common novelty are postcards with
of football, such postcards played an important role in the day’s customs attached objects, usually a pilgrim man or women
and celebration. Dozens of publishers, large and small, local and or a turkey. Brass and simulated silver, the objects
national in scope, competed vigorously for the public’s attention and are attached to postcards made from a variety of
pocketbook. materials. Besides the usual card stock, they include
One major way these many companies battled was by filling card ersatz gold foil, silk plush, and wood. Some cards
racks with unique postcards - all sorts of novelties, mechanicals and are also lightly or heavily airbrushed or embossed.
oddities. They were good sellers then - and today are of great interest to A few of the attached objects appear to belong
collectors. to the scene, indicating that the application was
Thanksgiving Day postcards, in general, have long been collectable planned by the publisher and was probably done
not only for their holiday significance but because many are patriotic, in the art department or at home by piece workers.
historical, or boast of interesting artwork. Other cards, the majority, are clearly the endeavor of
Some are enhanced by the presence of Uncle Sam, the American jobbers or retailers trying to make an otherwise slow
eagle, or “Old Glory. In abundant supply and relatively lower priced moving or unsalable Thanksgiving Day postcard
than most other more appealing to customers. All attached object
holiday greetings, postcards apparently predate 1910 and rarely, if
they offer collectors John Winsch Co. ever, is the publisher identified.
an interesting and design (publisher not Also of interest are real feather Thanksgiving
exciting topic. identified) used for a Day post cards. An illustration with a large
Looking beyond all mechanical. The die— turkey is improved upon by the application
cut scene of the sitting
those turkeys, which Indian woman amidst of small or large amounts of real chicken (?)
seemingly dominated, the fall vegetable feathers. Again, the publishers of these cards tend
many different medley pulls out to to remain unknown. Real feather postcards, in
themes emerge. These stand up and create a general, are plentiful enough, especially of birds
include signed artists, multi—layer effect. and ostriches, but those showcasing turkeys on
quality publishers Turkey with real holiday postcards are few and far between.
like John Winsch, feathers. Backgrounds, usually sketchy and poorly
blacks, humor, and (Unknown publisher) drawn, are usually barnyards and wooded areas.
Continued >
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