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December, 2017          The Antique Shoppe          Page 33
          Toy Collecting

                                                                                                        Kenton Fire Hose
               Great Timing and Current Trends                                                            Reel No. 879

          by Ed Sandford

           No one normally will shout out about great opportunities, but I’ll let the cat
        out of the bag– It is a great time to collect toys. Why now, why more so than in
        the past? Well…. timing is everything.

                                                          Toyville Express
                                                           by Non Pareli
                                                                                  family would prefer cash. Yet these have and will continue to get soaked up.
                                                                                  ‘Black Hole’ collections will continue to swallow up superb toys. So, I foresee
                                                                                  now as a great time to buy the toys you have always envied. That, and you will
                                                                                  find toys for sale now that weren’t previously offered.

                                                                                      Trend— Inflation is Coming and Toys can be a Hedge
                                                                                    Then one must mention inflation. Collecting offers a great opportunity to enjoy
                                                                                  a physical artistic item, care take it, then watch it appreciate as inflation rises.
                                                                                  Just track the price of a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, or the cost of a pickup
                                                                                  truck and you will see the ravages of time on buying power. Toy collecting can help
                                                                                  you counter the effects of inflation and the paltry savings account rates.
                                                                                    Or just enjoy toys and later reflect on how reasonable your past purchases were
                                                                                  as time marches on.
                             Trend— Timing is Great                                      Trend— They Don’t Make ’em Like They Used to
                  as Older Collections are Being Liquidated
                                                                                    Stating the obvious, our old toys are made to standards that are obsolete.
           Trendy items are often not the thing to collect. Beanie Babies, Hot Wheels   These are evolutionary dead ends where the toys were too heavy, too costly to
        toys, and Star Wars toys are hot; prewar and antique toys have fallen out   produce, had too much labor, and required expensive postage. The best new
        of fashion. I’ll argue that frothy late century toys are at high prices now &   products (from a profit perspective) today are ones that miniaturize the toy,
        a dangerous area to collect;  the kids of the mid-twentieth century are duking   automatically paint items, robotically package the toys, and have a minimum
        it out, setting record high prices. On the other hand, cast iron toys, prewar   of parts and weight.
        tin toys, and many Antique toys are currently being offered at very fair prices.                                              Toy Battleship Columbia
           We have an  older collecting generation  that has just passed away and                                                       by Hess of Germany
        antique toys are more available than ever before. Don Kaufman’s collection is
        a perfect example of recent timing. There was just so much to behold and bid
        on, and formerly unavailable toys surfaced. Up to that point, similar toys to
        his hadn’t been offered for sale in decades.
                        Trend— We are in Modern Times

           Then we are in the midst of a ”modernist” movement as I personally see things.
        My observation may have some local bias, but we see modern Ikea furniture
        sales spiking, 50’s modern homes becoming trendy again, strong Dwell Magazine
        influences, and we are seeing minimalist lifestyles. One can draw a parallel to
        the 1950’s or early 60’s living styles.
           Back in the 50’s brown furniture and collecting trended down and priceless
        antiquities were given away.                                                If you were currently reviewing product options, you would recognize the
           Those outmoded items were fairly priced if not an outright steal. Later in the   absurdity of making a Buddy L style pressed steel toy with hundreds of parts,
        70’s and 80’s collecting cycled back and prices rose. We have a modern parallel   then shipping them around the US. Costs are just too high to do this and make a
        to those historic times.                                                  semi-affordable kids toy. Likewise, we don’t have kids and ladies to hand paint
         Trend— Prices are More Affordable                                        cast iron with the dirt-cheap labor costs of the past. Safety, age labor laws, and
                  Than in the Past                                                          times have progressed forward (or at least labor progress has been
                                                                                             made in the West).
           Today we have great toys for sale at great                                                                On a personal note, I enjoy the toys
        prices, especially when you look back and                                                                  that are evolutionary dead ends.  Items
        the highs a decade ago.                                                                                     that were made  so well  and at a  high
           In the 1980’s, Lehmann toys spiked in                                                                     price that few could enjoy them; they
        prices  that  haven’t  been  seen  in  some                                                                  were simply labors of love (or economic
        time. Marx Popeye toys and Mickey Mouse                                                                       mistakes). Extra intricate American
        toys were white hot a decade ago. This last                                                                   tins like those of George Brown or
        year I’ve found Lehmann windups, Mickey                                                                       Althof Bergmann didn’t sell well and
        Mouse, and Popeye toys at very fair                                                                            were  phased  away  quickly.  Current
        prices.                                                                                                         populations and X’ed out catalogs
           Cast iron toys were at higher                                                                                 support this evolution. Extra-large
        prices a decade ago. Right now, I                                                                                pressed steel items faded away too
        see opportunities to great top notch                                                                             as you see “progress” from 1920’s
        Arcade toys at lower prices as well as                                                                          steel trucks to the 1950’s. Toys with
        Hubley toys.                                                                                                   more than 4 colors of paint became
           Please note that temporary populations of toys                                                            imprudent to produce. Hand painting
        have been available recently. Many of these buying                              Marx Cowboy Whoopee Car    became too luxurious.
        opportunities have been related to estate sales where the
                                                                                                                                   Continued on Page 35
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