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August, 2018 The Antique Shoppe Page 23
What's Selling at Auction? YORK, PA— An early textile printing
of the declaration of Independence
Auction Results from Around the Country brought $20,774.49 (Includes 18%
BP) after 32 at the ending of a July
11, Hake's Americana & Collectibles
BEVERLY, MA — On day two of Kaminski
Auctions July 14-15 auction ,this Nineteenth auction. The 27.75 x 32.25” cotton
textile is professionally framed to
Century (or earlier) marble shrouded skull 35.5x40”. c.1821. At center is text
sculpture sold for $34,800 including buyers
premium. Opening at $1,500, (estimated to of the Declaration of Independence
and facsimile signatures of all signers
sell for $3/5000) multiple bidders quickly
jumped into to bid for the 22½ inch tall below. Framing this historic text is a
band w/medallions for the original
unsigned sculpture from a Rome, Italy, estate. 13 states accented w/oak leaves
More auction details are available at: and acorns. Portraits at top of Washington, Jefferson and Adams. For
auction details and more information visit
DALLAS, TX — A new auction record for BOSTON, MA — A 20th century
artwork by Disney Legend Mary Blair was set
when her “Cinderella Magic Coach” concept painting (Walt Disney, Woven Ring Chair, Probably
Southeast Asia, auctioned on a June
1950) sold for $60,000, triple its estimate, lifting the final total for
Heritage Auctions’ on June 16-17 animation art auction to $1.5 million. 21, Skinner auction. The Natural
fiber circular form open in the
Blair’s works were in high demand claiming four of the top five spots. center and raised on canted wood
Thanks to the efforts of 24 bidders, Mary Blair’s “Song of the South,
Georgia Forest” concept painting legs, ht. 85, wd. 80, opening ht. 54,
dp. 21" held a pre-auction estimate
(Walt Disney, 1946) nearly tripled its
estimate when it drew a final price $800-1,000. The gavel fell at Sold
for: $1,353.00. For more post
of $19,200.
auction Skinner auction results visit
the Old Wander Inn
103 NW Hwy. 19
Academy Award-winning 1811 N. PINE AVE. Historic Downtown
animator, producer, studio head, MOSSY OAKS ANTIQUE MALL OCALA, FL 34475 Crystal River, FL 34428
filmmaker and artist, Chuck Jones’ 8,000 Sq. Ft. 30+ Dealers Mon-Sat 10:30-5 352-629-5250 352-563-5597
“The Dream, Wile E. Coyote and 6260 SE 118th Place Open 7 Days a Week Open Daily
Road Runner” oil painting (1984), 6/10 mi. S. of Belleview on Hwy 301 Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm • Sun 12-5pm Clock Repair • Post Cards
Belleview, FL 34420
brought $24,000. 352-307-0090 Antiques • Collectibles
Handpainted Furniture
For further information visit Offering a Dazzling Variety of Mid Century Modern
Heritage Auction's website: Antique & Vintage Merchandise WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES Professional Furniture Restoration Available 45 ACCEPTING NEW VENDORS 38 40
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