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Page 24          The Antique Shoppe            August, 2018
               SARASOTA ESTATE AUCTION SELLING                                      The collection was assembled by an American missionary from the New

                 OUTSTANDING ASIAN COLLECTION                                     York area who spent almost 40 years working in China starting in 1909.
                                                                                  Cultivating direct ties with artisans and factories in Canton he built his large
             Second part of Westchester County, N.Y. collection from              collection of early porcelains and rare coins as part of his passion, all from

                   early Twentieth Century on sale August 11                      the late Ting and early Chinese Republic times. Many similar examples of his
                                                                                  collection are found in Winterthur and the Met among other museums as
                                                                                  wonderful examples of Chinese Export, realizing to knowledgeable buyers
        By: Tom O’Hara                                                            that the pieces were made between 1860 and 1926. Many of the pieces were

                                                                                  probably made for the United States Sesquicentennial of 1926.
           SARASOTA, FL— Sarasota Estate Auction is completing preparations         Part II of the Asian Sale will feature a great deal more Chinese Export
        for Asian Sale Part II, August 11 & 12, 2018 live, the larger portion of the   American market porcelain including many historical pieces such as a warming
        collection of extremely rare Chinese Porcelain of patriotic pieces acquired by   tureen depicting The Surrender of Burgoyne, a helmet creamer celebrating
        between 1909 through 1948.                                                  the signing of The Declaration of Independence, an oversize Canton
            Part I was sold April 28-29, 2018 with                                   platter showing a three masted sailing ship with two American flags and
        especially strong interest from buyers                                        a collection of four plaques similar to one sold in Part I of the sale. The
        worldwide due to the rarity of the pieces                                      signing of The Declaration of Independence theme is carried on several
        offered. Offerings at both sales include                                        other pieces in the collection as well.
        Chinese porcelain objects made in the                                                         There will also be a significant collection of gold and
        late Ting Dynasty and early Chinese                                                               silver Chinese coins from the Nineteenth and
        Republic era and the decorations                                                                      Twentieth Centuries.
        include early American historical                                                                          Sarasota Estate Auction will conduct
        issues and special European Market                                                                        Asian Sale Part II Saturday and Sunday
        pieces as well in many cases. Some of                                                                      August 11-12, 2018, live at their
        the pieces are from earlier periods, most                                                                   showroom, 6030 North Lockwood
        in near perfect condition.                                                                                  Ridge Road, Sarasota, FL. Bidding can
           Many of the porcelains are such very rare   ↑Chinese Export                                              also be conducted through auction
        examples they are only seen in museums    European Market, Platter                                         platforms: liveauctioneers, invaluable
        such as Delaware’s Winterthur and the        with depth. 13.5” x                                          and AuctionZip. Auction previewing
        Metropolitan in New York. More than fifty lots,   10.75”; 2” deep                                        begins August 4, 2018 at the showroom or
        nearly a hundred examples will be offered in                                                          by appointment, call first at 941-359-8700.
        the Asian Sale Part II, August 11-12 at Sarasota                                                             Contact Sarasota Estate Auction at 941-
        Estate Auction. These are ready for inspection at the Sarasota Estate   ↑Chinese Export oval platter,     359-8700 or
        Auction’s Gallery in Sarasota, Fl.  managed by the well-known auctioneer   American market. 16.5” x 13.25”
        and dealer, Andrew Ford.

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                             Always Buying ~ New Arrivals Daily ~ Estate Sales Coordinator  18  OPEN DAILY: Mon.-Fri. 10AM-6PM - Sat.-Sun. 9AM-6PM  See North FL Map
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