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Page 14          The Antique Shoppe            February, 2018
                                                                                  February 13, 1891:                   February 19, 1473:
                    PhotograPhic Journey                                             Birthday  of  Grant  Wood,  the      Nicolaus  Copernicus  was  born
                                                                                  creator  of  the  iconic  and  often   in Poland and changed the world by
                    This Month in Collecting History:                             lampooned American Gothic.           revealing it revolved around the sun.
                                  February                                          Public  Library  in  Dubuque,  Iowa,     this totally  new concept, De
                                                                                                                          His  1543  treatise  explaining
                                                                                     In  2016,  the  Carnegie-Stout
                                                                                  turned down an offer of $6 million to   Revolutionibus  Orbium  Coelestium,
            by Mike McLeod                                                        buy the painting, The Appraisal, by   Libri V, sold for $2,210,500 in 2008 at
                                                                                  Grant Wood in its collection (omaha.  Christie’s.
        February 1, 1901:                    February 4, 1902:                    com, 1/25/16).
           Frankly, Scarlett, it’s my birthday.      Charles Lindbergh was born to fly.     American Gothic↓           February 20, 1902:
        Clark  (his  real  name)  Gable  earned      A letter and envelope he carried                                     The  birthday  of  Ansel  Adams,
        $120,000  while  working  71  days   on  the  first  solo  flight  across  the                                 the  black  and  white  photographer
        filming  Gone With  The Wind  in     Atlantic  to  Paris  on  May  20-21,                                      extraordinaire. In addition to fabulous
        1939. Gable’s Best Actor Oscar for It   1927 sold for $110,000 in 2001, and                                    landscapes, Adams also took photos
        Happened One Night (his only Oscar)   another letter landed at $155,000 in                                     of Japanese in U.S. internment camps
        hit $607,500 in 1996 at Christie’s.   1999, both at Robert Siegel Auction                                      during WWII.
          Vivien  Leigh  earned  $25,000  for   Galleries.                                                                His
        working  125  days—about  $422,000      Lindbergh  carried  no  parachute                                      moonrise,
        in  today’s  money  (  Her   with him on that flight, figuring there                                 Hernandez,
        Oscar for Best Actress in Gone With   was  no  need  if  he  did  not  make  it                                New Mexico
        The  Wind  auctioned  for  $563,500   (                                                  (1948), signed
        at  Sotheby’s  in  1993  (,                    He lived until                                       and printed
        12/15/93).                                              1974.                                                  in 1948, was
                                                                                                                       auctioned for
        February 2, 1969:                                                                                              $609,600 in
           William  Henry  Pratt  died  at  the                                                                        2006. In 2016, this photo, probably
        age of 81. Born in London, he played                    ←Charles          February 15, 1564:                   printed between 1963 and 1970,
        fearsome characters under the stage                     Lindbergh            Birthday  of  Galileo  Galilei  in   sold for $56,250, both at Sotheby’s.
                                                                with the Spirit of
        name of “Boris Karloff.”                                St. Louis, 1927   Pisa,  Italy  (according  to  the  Julian
                              Karloff was  a                                      calendar).                           February 25, 1841:
                          classic...                                                 Galileo’s 1610  Sidereus Nuncius      The birth of Pierre-Auguste Renoir
                            ...Frankenstein,   February 9, 1971:                  (The  Starry  Messenger)  describing   in Limoges, France. As a young man,
                          the     Mummy,        Leroy Robert “Satchel” Paige was   his  observations  by  telescope  of   Renoir worked in a porcelain factory
                          Dr.  Fu  Manchu,   the first African American nominated   craters on the moon, four moons of   as  a  design  painter  (metmuseum.
                          the  voice  of  the   for  the  Baseball  Hall  of  Fame;  he   Jupiter, and stars unseen without a   org).
                          Grinch  and  the   was inducted in August of that year   telescope auctioned for $662,500 in      Renoir’s  Bal  du  moulin  de  la
                          narrator  in  How   (                      2010 at Christie’s.                  Galette  auctioned  for  $78.1  million
           ↑Boris Karloff   The Grinch  Stole      One of his two Hall of Fame rings                                   at Sotheby’s in 1990. (A galette is a
           (Photo courtesy of   Christmas.                                                                             flat, round, crusty cake.)
           Heritage Auctions)                sold for $25,000 in 2015 by Lelands,
                              Frankenstein   which reported that the other  ring
        movie posters sell in the range of a   was sold previously by his family for
        few hundred dollars to a few hundred   $259,642.
        thousand dollars.
           A  41  x  78.5-inch  three  sheet   February 12, 1809:
        Style  C  Frankenstein  (1931)  poster      Abraham  Lincoln  was  born  in
        hit  a  frightening  $358,500  in  2015.     Kentucky.
        A Bride of  Frankenstein one sheet      In January 2015, the 302-lot Dow
        Style  D  poster  auctioned  in  2007   Collection  of  Lincoln  memorabilia
        for  $334,600—as did The  Black Cat   sold  for  $803,889  at  Heritage
        (1934)  one  sheet  Style  B  in  2009.   Auctions,  including:  a  clip  of  Pres.
        Karloff’s  costume  from  The  Black   Lincoln’s hair taken by the surgeon
        Cat  sold  for  $89,625  in  2009.  All  at   attending  him,  $25,000;  a  letter
        Heritage Auctions and all Boris Karloff.  signed by  Lincoln  authorizing  the                                     ↑Bal du moulin de la Galette
                                             exchange of Robert E. Lee’s son who
        February 3, 1468:                    was  a  prisoner  of  war,  $27,500;  a                                   February 26, 1846:
           Johannes    Gutenberg   passed    piece  of  blood-stained  linen  from                                        William  Frederick  “Buffalo  Bill”
        away.                                Pres.  Lincoln’s  deathbed,  $6,000;                                      Cody  was  born.  As  a  scout  for  the
           A Gutenberg Bible  sold in 1987   John Wilkes Booth’s arrest warrant,     ↑The first appearance of Spider-Man   U.S. Army, Cody fought in more than
        for $5.4 million at Christie’s (,   $21,250;  a  White  House  funeral   (Photo courtesy of Heritage Auctions)  a dozen battles and won the Medal
        10/23/87). Printed in the 1450s, the   admittance card, $11,875.                                               of  Honor  for  bravery.  He  excelled
        British Library records that Gutenberg                                    February 18, 2016:                   as  a  hunter,  horseman,  scout  and
        printed 180 bibles, and 48 are still in                                      Spider-Man  arrived  in  Amazing   showman.
        existence, not all being complete (bl.                                    Fantasy #15 in 1962.                    In  2012,  Buffalo  Bill  Cody’s
        uk). A single leaf from a Gutenberg                                          A 9.4 rated, near-mint copy of it   Remington   New   Model   Army
        Bible sold for $56,250 at Christie’s in                                   sold on this day at Heritage Auctions   .44   percussion   revolver   and
        2012.                                                                     for $454,100.                        accompanying  letters,  photos  and
                 Admittance card to Pres. Lincoln’s                                                                    ephemera  sold  for  $239,000  at
                         White House funeral →                                                                         Heritage Auctions.
              (Photo courtesy of Heritage Auctions)
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