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Page 16          The Antique Shoppe            February, 2018
        Q&A Continued                                    I like the light look of the lacquer samples we        Ladders and Chalk Paint

        From Page 15                                     have  seen  but  I  think  polyurethane  might  be          are Current Hits at
                                                         more water resistant. I just don't like the heavy
        lines was started in the 1930s and discontinued   yellowing  that  comes  with  a  polyurethane       Vintage Finders Warehouse
        in the 1960s your stool is at least 40+ years old   finish. Is there another choice? Thanks.           North  Port—  Vintage  Finders  Warehouse,  1075
        and  could  be  as  old  as  65  or  70.  Maple  was     Almost all lacquer will eventually spot     Innovation Ave., Unit 106, North Port, is reaching for
        the primary wood used by Cushman until the  A. from  contact  with  water,  even  the                the stars – or at least the ceiling – with a large new
                                                                                                             supply of old ladders.
        1950s when it switched to yellow birch because   newer catalyzed versions. And most lacquers,          These vintage pieces, some regular ladders and
        it  could  more  easily  be  stained  to  resemble   except  butyrate  and  water  borne,  will  yellow   some stepladders, ranging from 2 feet tall to 12
        walnut.  Since  your  stool  is  dark  brown  it   over  time.  For  kitchen  use  your  best  bet  is  a   feet, have become popular with the  Warehouse’s
        probably is birch.                               water based polyurethane that will not yellow       customers, who use them to display vintage
                                                                                                             tablecloths, hold towels in the bathroom, and create
               I can't speak directly to the value of the   as it ages. However, since it is so clear, naturally   shelving units.
        stool since I haven't seen it but there is not a   light  woods  like  maple  tend  to  look  washed   The Warehouse is also fully stocked with a new
        great  market  for  mid  20th  century  children's   out  when  finished  with  it.  You  may  want  to   supply  of old  windows, which  make wonderful
        furniture. What you paid at auction, if it was   experiment  with  samples  by  applying  various    decorating statements. Many vintage collectors like
        fairly  recently,  is  a  good  indication  of  market   light-colored stains to raw maple before coating   to put favorite photos in these windows.
                                                                                                               Chalk-painted  furniture  and  upcycled  pieces
        value for a limited item such as that. If you can   with the polyurethane. See which color looks     made from barnwood and pallets are also popular as
        send me a photograph of the stool I will be glad   best to you.                                      gifts as Valentine’s Day  approaches.  Owner  Diane
        to try to date it and value it.                                                                      Castellano will create the perfect custom chalk-
                                                           Send your comments, questions and pictures to me at PO   painted piece for you, including signs, plaques and
                                                         Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or email them to me at info@  nameplates, with one of 63 colors that Dixie Belle
                We are thinking about having new light                              Chalk Paint offers.
        Q. maple cabinets installed in our kitchen.        Visit Fred’s website at and check   Diane is also adept in applying transfers,
        The  contractor  said  they  would  be  finished   out the downloadable “Common Sense Antiques” columns in .pdf   distressing, and adding charm and patina with glazes
                                                         format. His book “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now
        with several coats of sealer and several coats of   available for $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send check or money   and waxes. She is happy to do custom work, teach
                                                                                                             DIYers and even come to your home to give your
        lacquer in a low sheen. I am concerned about     order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423  cabinets and counters new life.
                                                           Fred and Gail Taylor's DVD, "IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER &
        using  lacquer  on  kitchen  cabinets  because  I   ANTIQUE FURNITURE", ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H) are also available   The Warehouse is open Thursday, 9 AM-2 PM, and
        know what happens when a wet glass sits on       at the same address. For more information call (800) 387-6377   Friday and Saturday, 9 AM-4 PM, or by appointment
        a  piece  of  furniture  with  lacquer  on  it  and  I   (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail info@  by calling 941-423-9000.
                                                All items are also available directly from
        don't want the same problem on my cabinets.      the website,               Follow us on Facebook! Or visit our website at


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