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North Lake Blvd.
        Page 32        The Antique Shoppe       June, 2019                     Blue Heron Blvd
        Horses                                                      Greenwood  Ave.     The Volvo Auto Museum in Volvo, Illinois, which boasts “the largest

        Continued from Page 23                                 MLK Jr Blvd.                 public display of vintage kiddie rides from the ‘40s, ‘50s, and
                                                                                               ‘60s” (the heyday of kiddie rides), claims, “In 1953, there were
           Influenced by television shows like Hopalong                                          over 20 manufacturers of these coin-operated marvels in the
        Cassidy, the Lone Ranger, and Bonanza, Baby                                                United States; today, there are none!”
        Boomer kids were eager to climb aboard a dime store    Congress        N. Ocean Blvd.          One of the early companies that succeeded in this
        steed and ride into the sunset with Mom watching.                                            business was Bally Manufacturing Company of Chicago,
        Throughout the ‘50s and ‘60s, dime or quarter kiddie                                         Illinois. In 1931, Roy Moloney, Joel Linehan, and Charles
        rides became extremely profitable to own, averaging                                         Weldt invested in Lion Manufacturing. In 1932 the group
        $375 a week in income (that’s $5,000 in 2019 income).    Palm Bch Lakes Blvd.  Flagler     produced the first pinball machine---the Ballyhoo that
                                                                                                 allowed seven plays for a penny. Almost immediately, Bally
                  “BUCKY” THE BRONCO kiddie ride that separated boys                          became the brand name for the company.
                                              Okeechobee Blvd.
                   from cowboys.   Made in the 1950s, this fully restored
                                          ride is valued at $7,500.                                 Today, Bally is one of the largest gaming companies in the
                                            Belvedere Blvd.                 Flagler Dr.      world, but for a 20-year period in the 1950s and ‘60s, Bally was a
                                LAKE WORTH                                             name American kids could trust to provide a bucking bronco or smooth-
                                            Southern Blvd                         gaited gelding in front of the grocery store. The company “ballyhooed” all the
                     BKG                                                      A1A  way to the bank on kid’s dimes and quarters as kids climbed on kiddie rides in
                                                                                  increasing numbers.
                Antique Mall                Summit Blvd            95                    Kiddie rides are     COIN OPERATED “TRIGGER”
                Come in and see all our    Jog Rd                       Dixie Hwy.  still popular collectibles   kiddie ride horse, circa 1960,
                                                                                                              that sold on eBay
                Antiques & Collectibles                                           among Baby Boomers;         for $3,695.
           Open 7 Days A Week - Call For Hours  10th Ave.     Congress Ave.  Federal Hwy.  although, this trend is
                      ••••                                                        changing as Baby Boomers
               WE MAKE THE PAST A                                    2nd          age and sell off their
                PERFECT PRESENT!            Lake Worth Road              .  Lake   collectibles.
                Vendor Display Cases                             1         Ave      Because of the nature of
                  Available for Rent!                                             kiddie rides, Baby Boomers
                 32 Dixie Highway           Malaleuca Ln                          tend to restore the rides and
                Lake Worth, FL 33466                                              keep them locked away in
               (561)533-7707  Fax (561)533-7578                       Ocean  Ave  private collections where only
            Lantana Rd
                                      1                                           a few privileged people ever see
                                            Hypoluxo Rd                           them.
                                               COOPER CITY
                                                                                                                      Collectors have hundreds if not
                                                                                                                      thousands of kiddie ride designs to
                                                                                                                      choose from.  Space ships were popular
                                                                                                                      during the 1950s, Corvettes became
                                                                                                                      popular in the late 1950s and early ‘60s,
                                                                                                                      and dinosaur kiddie rides ruled for a
                                                                                                                      short time back when Godzilla stalked
                                                                                                                      drive-in theaters. Carousels, tigers, pigs,
          We are a 10,000 sq/ft multi-dealer Antique Mall carrying antiques to meet every taste.                      elephants, and Disney characters have
                      Cooper City Antique Mall believes in all the R’s                    2                           also been used as kiddie rides. Perhaps
                  Rescue - Repair - Reuse - Repurpose - Recycle - Reduce                                              because Hahs Gaited Mechanical
                                 Re-Invent - Re-Imagine                                                               Horse was the first kiddie ride, horses
             Antique Furniture and Decorative Accessories dating back to the 18th century.
         Also Jewelry, Glassware, Textiles, China, Porcelain, Collectibles, Paintings & Prints, Lamps,                have always been the most abundantly
               Chandeliers, Architectural, Iron & Garden Accessories plus so much more!                               represented animal as kiddie rides in
                          OPEN 7 DAYS — DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE                                                        front of stores.  Rides like “Champion”
                  9800 Griffin Road, Cooper City, FL 33328     954-252-0788                                           (Gene Autry’s horse), “Bucky” the
                                     2                                         bucking bronco, “Sandy,” and “Pegasus,”
                                                                                                                      the flying red horse of Mobile Gas gave
                                                                                                                      children a chance to return to those
                                       PALMETTO BAY                                                                   exciting days of yesteryear, mount their
                           Got 2 Have It!                                                   (Miami)                   horses, and yell with a gusto that now
                                                                                                                      only echoes on lonely mesas, “Hi, Ho
                               Antiques & Collectibles                                                                Silver, and Away!”
                                                                                                                        It has been said that horses are a
            ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES - VINTAGE                                                                         cowboy’s best friend, but for nearly 20
                 Consignment - Unique Items                                                                           years, as westerns ran roughshod over
                Prop Rentals for Special Events                                                                       other television shows, kiddie ride horses
                                                                                                                      were, for a dime a ride, cowchildren’s
                   9841 East Fern Street                        Antiques  Prop Rentals                                best friends. They’re still best friends
                 Palmetto Bay, FL 33157                                                                               among kiddie ride collectors.
                                                                                                                        If you are a novice collector or a Baby
                       786.842.3248                                                                                   Boomer needing a roadside nostalgic
                                                                                                                      trip, you might want to check out the
          We Welcome New Dealers                                                                                      Volvo Auto Museum’s website at
          Open 7 Days: Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 11-5
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