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June, 2019   The Antique Shoppe  Page 33
                                             MARX BALLERINA SPINNING TOP

                                          BROUGHT “MAGICAL BEAUTY” INTO A YOUNG GIRL’S LIFE

        By Larry LeMasters

        LeMasters’ Antique News Service
           Louis   Marx     founded     At just under six inches tall,   Prices vary greatly for these   The  original  packaging
        Marx Toy Company  in 1919,  these ballerina tops have bright  dancing toys, but expect to pay  box, in good condition,  adds
        following World War I, when  paint and lithographed images.  around $200 for a  near-mint  about $50 to the price of any
        German toys were no longer  The ballerina reveals  long,  Ballerina  Spinning  Top with  Ballerina Spinning Top.
        desirable  to  parents  in  the  dancer’s legs, tapered to a toe-  original box.  And, if you are   Marx was not the only toy
        United States. By 1930, at  point top that spins and twirls  a novice,  make  certain  any   company  to  make  spinning                 Vintage,
        the beginning of the Great  just like a ballerina executing  Ballerina you buy comes with   Ballerina  toys.  Also during         authentic Marx,
        Depression, toy companies  a spinning pirouette.  And  the key to wind her up.  Without   the 1930s, Gebruder Einfalt of         tin litho Ballerina
        were  facing  financial  ruin,  all original Marx Ballerina  the key, which I’ve seen on   Germany, produced Gyroscope               Spinning Top
        but Louis Marx saw great  Spinning  Tops are marked  eBay for $20, the ballerina is     Dancing Spinning Tops, which              valued at $190.
        opportunity, making quality  “PATENT PENDING.”             just a dust collector.       were ballerinas  that were
        but  inexpensive  toys  for  all
        children.  And, by the 1950s,                                                                                        the same height and look as
        “Louis Marx & Co. became      Vintage,                                    Ballerina Spinning                         Marx’s tops.  Brothers Georg
        the  ‘largest  toy  manufacturer   circa 1930s,                           Top made by Louis                          and Johann Einfalt  founded
        in the world,’ with over one-  Ballerina                                  Marx & Co. in                              Gebruder Einfalt in 1922
        third  of all  toys in the  U.S.   Spinning Toy                           the 1930s.  This                           (later  this  company  became
        being Marx toys.”             that is valued                              Ballerina was                              Technofix),   and   Einfalt’s
           Marx has often  been       at $200.                                    offered on                                 early  toys were  erratic  wind-
                                                                                  eBay for $300.
        described  as  “an  experienced                                                                                      up  toys  and  spinning  tops
        businessman with the mind                                                                                            such as its dancing ballerinas.
        of a child.”  This description                                                                                       Einfalt  only made Ballerinas
        proves especially  true  with                                                                                        for a couple of years, but later
        Marx’s “Ballerina  Spinning                                                                                          the  company  found its  niche
        Top.”                                                                                                                making racecars and trains for
           The Ballerina Spinning Top                                                                                        boys.  Today, Einfalt  dancing
        was a lithographed, tin toy for                                                                                      ballerina tops sell for about the
        girls that twirled and spun, like                                                                                    same amount, around $200, as
        a top, allowing young girls to                                                                                       Marx Ballerina Spinning Tops.
        live, vicariously, as a ballerina   Two Einfalt #244                                                                    New, tin Ballerina Spinning
        in the worst economic times        Gyroscope                                                                         Tops are being made in
        America has ever experienced.      Ballerina                                                                         Welby, India,  as part  of a
        For young girls,  having  an       Spinning Tops                                                                     “Tin  Treasure” series of
        inexpensive ballerina  dance       that are                                                                          reproduction  toys.  These are
        for them brought magical           valued at $400.                                                                   cheaply  made, inferior knock
        beauty into an otherwise drab                                                                                        offs of what were once graceful
        world.                                                                                                               toys for young girls.  Don’t be
           Today,  Ballerina  Spinning                                                                                       fooled by one of these.  The
        Tops are highly sought after                                                                                         easiest field test to spot a new
        collectibles  by toy  collectors,                                                                                    Indian knock off is these new
        Marx collectors, and dancers,                                                                                        Ballerinas do not work with a
        especially  ballerinas.  These                                                                                       key. To spin these Ballerinas,
        spinning dancers were “Made                                                                                          one must run the  rubber tip
        in  the  USA,” which  entices                                                                                        across the floor.
        many collectors, and they were                                                                                          One sure way of having a
        key activated, which made                                                                                            “priceless” Ballerina Spinning
        them  easy to use for                                                                                                Top is to  search  for one  and
        all  ages  of  children                                                       Marx Ballerina/                        collect  it with your young
        and collectors.                                                              Ballet Dancer                           daughter, allowing her to
           “Just pull the key                                                        Spinning Top that                       occasionally  take  out  the
        and watch her spin!”                                                         sold at auction on                      collectible  and spin it around
        was just one of Marx’s                                                                  a tabletop.   There are times
        advertising   jingles                                                               for $100.                        when memories  are the most
        used to sell Ballerina                                                                                               priceless collectible of all.
        Spinning  Tops. A
        key  came  with  the
        Ballerina,  and a  girl
        would insert the key
        into the dancer’s skirt,                   Marx Ballerina                                                                New, Ballerina Spinning
        and then quickly pull                   Spinning Top with                                                                  Top made in Welby, India.
        the key out, making                  original box and key;                                                                    This repro Ballerina top
        the toy spin.                                     $300.                                                                           values $17.
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