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Page 8        The Antique Shoppe       June, 2019
                                                                                  Also, one of the hinges for the fold-down tabletop, the screws have
           Questions &                                                            stripped out of the wood. You may be able to see the empty holes in one
                                                                                  of the photos. How should I repair this? I am reasonably handy but not a
                                                                                  furniture repair expert by any stretch; the desk is in very nice condition and
           Common Sense Answers                                                   I’d hate to damage it. Thanks! Erik.

                                         with Fred Taylor                         A. the striped effect in the wood. The emblem in the drawer identifies
                                                                                         Erik – Your desk is made mostly of tiger maple, so called because of
                                                                                  both the maker and the period of the desk. That particular emblem, with

                                                      Hi Fred - We recently       “Trade Mark Reg. U.S. Pat. Off” in the inner circle, was used by Berkey
                                              Q. inherited this maple (?)         & Gay of Grand Rapids from 1929 to 1948 but the business was closed
                                              heirloom desk. I think it was first   between 1931 and 1934, reopening in 1935. I believe the desk was made
                                              purchased by my grandmother         after the reopening, probably before the War.
                                              in the 1930s. Can you tell me         The style is based on the old pre Civil War form of the plantation desk.
                                              anything about it at all - materials,   The upper portion of the desk with the drop front was removable from
                                              approximate age, approximate        the lower case. It was placed in a wagon and was driven to the field where
                                              value, what the piece would be      the owner was able to use it to tally crops and then return it to the main
                                              called, any other insight?          house. Original plantation desks had handles on the side of the upper
                                                                                  portion for loading purposes. While the desk no longer has the handles
                                                                                  and probably does not separate from the base, the form is still that of a
                                                                                  plantation desk and that is what it should be called. It probably would sell
                                              ←This variation of a plantation desk, in
                                              tiger maple, was made by Berkey & Gay   at auction for around $500–700.
                                              of Grand Rapids. The version of the   To fix the screw holes, drill them out slightly and using yellow wood glue
                                              Berkey & Gay emblem in this desk was   secure a short length of a wooden dowel into the holes. Level the dowel
                                              used between 1929 and 1948 but is most   with a chisel or razor and reinstall the screws. Easy job – just be careful.
                                              often found after 1935.
                                                                                                                                        Continued on Page 12

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