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Page 30          The Antique Shoppe            March, 2018

                                                                                                      COMMON SENSE


                                                                                                                              By Fred Taylor

                                                                                                FURNITURE SOUNDS

                                                                                                       Learn To Listen

                                                                                    Sometimes it seems that there just   worn down? Place a straight edge along
                                                                          1       aren’t any quiet spaces or times left these   the bottom of a side to see how worn
                                                                                  days.  Between  kids,  traffic,  television,   it really is. Then take a look inside the
                                                                                  radio, iPods, cell phones and Harleys it   case at where the drawer runners meet
                                                                                  is hard to find a serene nook to curl up in   the case.
                                                                                  and just enjoy the silence.             Feel  the  area  with  your  fingers.
                                                                                    One good place would seem to be an   Can  you  feel  the  groove  where  the
                                                                                  empty  house  or  even  a  full  house  late   runners  have  worn  into  the  case?  If
                                                                                  at  night  after  everyone  has  turned  in   the drawer sides are worn significantly
                                                                                  but then again even the best of houses   or if the inside case runners are deeply
                                                                                  is not always silent. Each house has its   grooved you have found the source of
                                                                                  own set of sounds that accompany it   the bump. Drawer runners and case
                                                                                  each day and night and the sounds are   runners can both easily be repaired by
                                                                                  often different depending on the time of   a knowledgeable furniture professional.
                                                                                  day or night. The hum of machinery, the   Another common sound found in
                                                                                  clicking on or off of the heating system,   furniture is the annoying “scrape” often
                                                                                  the ice maker filling up and the normal   heard when opening a cabinet door. The
                                                                                  expansion and contraction sounds of a   first inclination is to think the door needs
                                                                                  building are always present.         to be trimmed or shaved but that needs
                                                                          2       the furniture in the house. Even the best   some further thought. The cabinet was
                                                                                    The same can often be said about
                                                                                                                       probably originally built on the square
                                                                                  piece of furniture is not always silent.   and the doors were probably square
                                                                                  So what does your furniture say to you   to start with too. While it is true some
                                                                                  and what does it mean? Let’s take a look   doors or cases do warp over time it is not
                                                                                  at a few common examples.            the most common cause of the irritating
                                                                                    One of the most frequently heard   scrape. The most common cause is that
                                                                                  sounds from furniture, especially an   case has gotten out of square since it was
                                                                         6        older or antique chest of drawers or   placed in its current location. Perhaps it
                                                                                  dresser, is a disturbing “bump” when   was never placed squarely to start with.
                                                                                  you close a drawer. What’s the matter   Stand back and take a look at the
                                                                                  with  it?  It  opens  perfectly  fine  every   cabinet with the doors closed. Is the
                                                                                  time but it has that disturbing bump   space around the door even all the way
                                                                                  when you close it. That is the sound of   around or does it slope off at an angle
                                                                                  many years of use and few instances of   in some places? Look closely at where
                                                                                  maintenance. The most common cause   the top leading edge of the door meets
                                                                                  of the bump is worn drawer runners that   the  cabinet.  Is  the  space  even  or  is  it
                                                                                  allow the drawer to drop slightly as you   wider at one end than the other? If the
                                                                                  open it. The when you close it the back   spaces are uneven around the door the
                                                                                  of drawer front hits the rail between the   cabinet is “out of whack.” Push up on
                                                                                  drawers, thus the bump.              one corner of the top of the case. Does
                                                                                    Empty the noisy drawer and remove   the  uneven  space  around  the  door  get
                                                                                  it from the case.  Turn it upside down   better or worse.
                                                                                  and look at the drawer sides. Are they                     Continued →

                                                                                    The space around this china cabinet door indicates the cabinet is not sitting level
                                                                                      and the door probably sticks or scrapes. The cabinet just needs to be leveled.
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