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March, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 31
        If it gets better that side of the cabinet   sheets of glass love to vibrate to the low   sounds is the squeaking bed frame, not the   probably are OK for a short time. If
        needs to be shimmed on the bottom    frequencies of surround sound stereo   bed itself. In this case remember sound   there was a human sound you better get
        corner. If it gets worse shim the opposite   systems, especially if the glass is held   is  caused  by  vibration  and  vibration   going. Good luck
        side. You can easily shim the cabinet by   in place in the door with wooden trim   means something is loose. It could be a
                                                                                                                         Send your comments, questions and pictures to
        sliding combinations of nickels, dimes   molding strips. Sometimes these strips   joint in the headboard or footboard but   me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or
        and quarters under a front edge. They   shift position or work slightly loose in   more likely it is in the joints where the   email them to me at
                                                                  Main St
        won’t compress over time as paper or   transport and you will hear the vibration   side rails meet the  headboard.  These   Visit Fred’s website at furnituredetective.
        wood shims will and they won’t leave   many years later. Locate the loose pane   joints are meant to be able to come apart   com and check out the downloadable “Common
                                                                                                                       Sense Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book
        a mark.                              of glass simply by placing your hand on   so there is no surprise that they may   “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now
           If you like to play music and have a   different panes.                work loose and make noise. The simple   available for $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send
                                                                                                                       check or money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor,
        good sound system you may occasionally   The loose pane will stop rattling   fix  is  the  remove  the  side  rails  and   PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423. Fred and
        get some back talk from a china cabinet   when  you  touch  it. The  fix  Exit may  be  as   reinstall them. If that doesn’t work try   Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER
        or bookcase. It will be subtle but it will   simple as sliding a piece of cardboard   spraying the joint with some upholstery   & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H)
                                                                                                                       are also available at the same address. For more
        be evident. It sounds like a rattle and its   under the trim molding or it may require   grade silicone lubricant.  That usually   information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM
        not very loud but it has an odd frequency   the  removal  and  reinstallation  of  the   will quiet a loud joint. Then there is the   Eastern, M-F only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail
        you can’t miss. Check out the glass   panel.                              ultimate furniture sound – the crash. If All items are also
                                                                                                                       available directly from the website,
        panels in the cabinet. Slightly loose   One of the most annoying furniture   it is not accompanied by a scream you
                                                                                                                          Lake Worth Antique Stores
                                                                                                                        1st Annual March
                                                                                          1                               Madness Event

                                                                           407             TITUSVILLE                    Lake Worth— Janet Guthart of
                                                                                                                       BKG Antique Mall and Dawn Hart and
                                                                                                                       Harry Turen of Bulldoggers Antiques,
                                                       TITUSVILLE                                                      initiated a “March Madness” Sales
                                                                                         Bay Blvd                      Event under the auspices of the newly
                                                                                                                       formed Lake Worth Small Business
                                                       MELBOURNE                                                       Group. The concept gives visitors
                                                                                                                       incentive to shop before the end-of
                                                 GRANT - SEBASTIAN                                                     month Passover and Easter weekend,
                                                                                                                       when many return north for the

                                        5              VERO BEACH                        528                           summer off-season.
                                                                                                                         The message states: “Come find
                                                                                                                       that unexpected treasure and good
                                                                                                                       time treat at the Antique Stores, Art
                                                                                                                       Galleries, Boutiques, Music Cafes, and
                                                                                                COCOA                  Restaurants of historic LAKE WORTH.
                                                                                            520          Forrest Ave.  Great for walking and shopping in
                                                      We Buy                                                Florida Ave.  the balmy March weather – and
                                                                                                                       to discover unexpected MARCH
                                                         & Sell                                         2              MADNESS SALES and activities when
                                                                                                                       anything can happen.”

                                                                                                    518                  Founding small businesses include:
                                                                                                                         BKG Antique Mall, 32 S Dixie Hwy,
                                                                                              Sarno Rd.
                                                                                                                       1 block south of Lake Avenue, daily
                                                                                              Wickham Rd.  Hibiscus Ave.  10-5, Thursday evening till 8:00 pm.
                                                                                                                         BULLDOGGERS Antiques, SW
                                                                                                     192               Corner Federal Hwy & 2nd Ave, 10
                                                                                                 Babcock St.           blocks east of S Dixie and a block

                                                                                                                       north of Lake Worth Cultural Plaza.
                                                                                                  Palm Bay Rd.         Daily 10-5. 561-312-6732
                                                                                                                         The group will get the word
                                                                                                 507        1          out with flyers posted in stores,
               Over 18,000 sq.ft. of the finest quality Antiques, Furniture,                    Malabar Rd.            antique shows, hotels and local
              Vintage Glass & Art Pottery that Central Florida has to offer                                            visitor centers, as well as local media
                                                                                                     Valkaria Rd.      releases for specific free events and
                            Plus  The Largest selection of:                                           GRANT            programs. If this grass-roots event
                                                                                                        Grant Rd.  4
                      Official Florida Highwaymen Art ANYWHERE                                       SEBASTIAN  5      shows promise, the group hopes to
                                                                                              512  Sebastian Blvd.     make this an annual end-of-season
           Brevard’s largest mall for over 20 years                                                 VERO BEACH         event in addition to other similar
                                                                                                                       events throughout the year.
                                                                                                   60  20th St.  6
                                                                                                    Glendale Rd.
                  Phone:  321.726.6778 • 5900 U.S. Hwy. 1•Grant, FL                                          1
               On Florida’s Scenic East Coast - Between Sebastian & Melbourne                         68   615
                     Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm • Sunday 12-5pm                                           1
          •                            70       Virginia
                                                                             4                     95 95  FT. PIERCE

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