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This Month in Collecting History: Sarasota— Andrew Ford and Sarasota Estate Auction relocated to 522 S.
AUGUST Pineapple Ave. in the iconic Burns Court area of south Sarasota in June 2020,
and completed a major renovation of the space. The result of an extensive
renovation is an open and airy space with a lot of natural light.
by Mike McLeod Large flat screen televisions have been added thorough the location so that
the live auction can be viewed throughout the space. The auction house now
August 2, 2015: The 1882 Colt revolver
belonging to gunfighter, lawman, gambler, and shares the location with Sarasota Trading Co. and are a gallery and auction
sports reporter Bat Masterson sold for $96,000 at J. Levine house combined into one. The first auction in the new location was held on
Auction. A pocket watch presented to the gunfighter by the Sunday July 26, 2020. The auction offered absentee and phone bidding as well
citizens of Dodge City in 1885 made $15,893 at RR Auctions as online bidding through, and Bidsquare.
(, 7/14/16 and, 7/19/16). com.
After his gunfighting days, Masterson was a reporter for the New York
Morning Telegraph. He died of a heart attack on October 25, 1921 at his A large collection of Asian and Southwestern pottery, fine art, Nineteenth
desk…with his boots on. (Photo courtesy of Tim Nelson and J. Levine Auction) Century clocks and home furnishings highlighted the Sarasota Estate Auction’s
July 26 sale. Titled the “Important Fine Art, Chinese, Native American Sale”,
August 5: Birthdays of actor and director John Huston, 1906 (The it included close to 750 items. A large collection of over 250 pieces of fine art
Maltese Falcon, The African Queen, and The Misfits), and Astronaut Neil
Armstrong, 1930. In 2013, Bonham’s sold the 45-lb. lead Maltese Falcon from: James Whistler, Narcisse Virgilio Diaz, Frans Van Leemputten, William
statuette used in the Humphrey Bogart movie for $4,085,000. A resin Sonntag Sr., Victor Dupre, Philip Lyford, Thomas Rowlandson, original Picasso
Falcon used for still photos sold at Guernsey’s in 2010 for $305,000 to a drawing, and 17th C. Old Master Painting and were featured as well, a rare
group of collectors that included Leonardo DiCaprio. collection of Chinese antiques including: Two large antique crane footed
Chinese Censors. A lifetime collection of Native American and Southwestern
August 7, 2001: Joseph Jefferson “Shoeless Joe” Jackson’s Black Betsy
bat sold for $577,610 on eBay. In 2019, a T210 Joe Jackson 1910 Old Mill art and pottery was also available from various artists.
tobacco card Series 8, PSA VG+ 3.5, hit $600,000. In 2020, another Jackson Sarasota Estate Auction is currently accepting consignments for their
T210 Old Mill from 1910, rated SGC VG+ 3.5, sold for $492,000, both at September auction. If you have items that you’re interested in consigning, the
Heritage Auctions. auction staff will be happy to assist you. The auction house can be reached
Jackson’s 12-year career (batting average .356) was cut short by the Black
Sox scandal in the 1919 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. All eight directly at 941-359-8700 or via email at
players were acquitted in court but banned from baseball. Also, they welcome foot traffic between the hours of 9:30am-5:30pm Mon.-
Wed. and 9:30am-7:30pm Thu.-Sat.
August 11, 1919: Steel magnate and philanthropist
Andrew Carnegie passed away after giving away APPLE SHORTCAKE (1880)
hundreds of millions of dollars. He reportedly funded
3,000 libraries in the U.S. and the world. A Tiffany
Dragonfly table lamp from Andrew Carnegie’s collection •Fill a square bread tin three-quarters full of sliced sour apples
auctioned for $2,110,000 at Sotheby’s in 2015. (Photo •Make a thick batter of:
courtesy of Sotheby’s)
• 1/2 a cupful of sour cream
August 13, 1860: The
birthday of Phoebe Ann Mosey • 1/2 a cupful of buttermilk
who became • 1 teaspoonful of saleratus
famous as Annie Oakley. A book, Annie Oakley of
The Wild West, with her signature on an enclosed • a little salt
note and a penny she’d shot through the center • enough flour to make quite stiff--a
sold for $3,000 on eBay in 2016 by Quinn’s Auction. little stiffer than cake.
Her 16-gauge Parker Brothers hammer shotgun hit
$293,000 at Heritage Auctions in 2013. In 2019, her •Turn this over the apples
gold-plated Marlin Model 1897 rifle, engraved to
“Little Miss Sure Shot,” shot up to $575,000 at Rock •Bake 45 minutes, and serve with sauce, or cream and sugar flavored
Island Auctions (, 12/11/19).
with nutmeg.
August 14, 1851: Birthday of O.K. Corral legend (Vintage Leavening: Saleratus & Pearlash. From around 1740, a powder called
John Henry “Doc” Holliday. In April of 2018, his signature on a document
went for almost $80,000 at Nate D. Sanders Auction. Doc’s frock coat pearlash was used as leavening in quick breads. ... Also known as sodium bicarbonate
auctioned for $55,000, his pistol in a case for $50,000 and his dental chair or sodium hydrogen carbonate, its chemical compound formula is NaHCO3.
for $40,000 at Guernsey’s in 2013. The product which we call baking soda today was referred to as saleratus from around
August 16, 1948: Babe Ruth succumbed to cancer
this day, but his legend continues. His circa 1920
New York Yankees game-worn jersey—his earliest ?
known—reached $4.4 million at SCP Auctions in ? WHERE in the World is
an Internet auction in 2012. This was the most ? ?
ever paid for a sports item—until June 15 , 2019 when ? Your Shop
the Babe’s c. 1928-1929 road jersey smashed the record ?
by hitting $5.64 million at Hunt Auctions. The grey
flannel jersey was from the Murders’ Row Era of the HOW TO INCLUDE YOUR ANTIQUE SHOP OR MALL IN OUR NEXT ISSUE
1920s and also from the time of the Babe’s 500 home 1. THE AD— Decide on an ad size. Sizes and ad 4. PAYMENT— Please include a check or money
run on April 11, 1929. In May 2020, his 1921 bat, rates are listed on Page 4 of every issue. order for the amount due.
used to hit his 52 home run that year, rated PSA/ 2. THE INFO— Send us the information to be NOTE: Color Advertising is Available Upon
GNU 10, went for $930,000 at Heritage Auctions. It placed in the ad. We can work from rough Request. If you have any questions, please call.
was almost a yard long and weighed 43.2 oz. (Photo sketches, handwritten notes, and business cards.
We will design the ad for free. Be sure to include
courtesy of SCP Auctions) any logos, art, photos, etc., that you wish to be The Antique Shoppe
placed in the ad. If you don’t have any art, we
August 16, 1854: Furniture and cabinetmaker can find some for you. We also accept camera- PO Box 2175
Duncan Phyfe passed away this day. His furniture ready ads. Keystone Heights, FL 32656
was in such demand in the late 18 and the first 3. THE MAP— Find your location on one of our 352-475-1679
half of the 19 centuries that he was known as the display maps. Mark your shop location on the map,
clip it out & send it in with the ad information.
“United States Rage.”
Continued on Page 15