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        History                                                                                      Thousand Faces,” passed away. With 150+ movie roles
                                                                                                        August 26, 1930: Lon Chaney, “The Man of a

        Continued from Page 10                                                                       from 1913-1930 ( to his credit—including
           August 16, 1949: Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone With The Wind,                         Phantom of the Opera (1925) and The Hunchback of
                                                                                                     Notre Dame (1923) it is fitting that the one-sheet for
        passed away from injuries after being hit by a car. The driver Hugh Gravitt                  London After Midnight (1927) sold for $478,000 at
        turned himself in and served almost 11 months in prison, two months                          Heritage Auctions in 2014. In it, he played a vampire.
        on a chain gang (, 9/5/91). He died in 1994, still remorseful                  This was the only known copy of the two versions of
        (, 4/22/94).                                                              this poster.
           A 1938 edition of Gone With the Wind autographed by 26 cast members
        and two directors—hit $ 135,300 at a Profiles in History auction in 2012. The                  August 26, 2018: The highest price paid for a car
        Tara plantation door from the 1939 movie auctioned for $120,000 in 2019                      at auction was achieved on this day with RM Sotheby’s
        at Profiles in History (, 7/2/19).
                                                                                                     selling a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO (S/N 3413 GT) in Monterey,
                                                                                  CA. for $48.4 million. The previous record was also for a 1962 Ferrari 250
           August 16, 1954: Dracula’s alter ego Bela Lugosi (Béla Ferenc Dezső    GTO (S/N 3851GT) which hit the road for $38 million in 2014. The most ever
        Blaskó) passed away at the age of 73. Lugosi came to America from         paid for any car was in the private sale of a 1963 Ferrari 250 GTO racer for
        Hungary as a seaman before acting the part of Dracula on Broadway in      $52 million in 2013 (, 10/2/13).
        1927, and in the movie in 1931. Unfortunately, his accent typecast him for
        horror flicks, severely limiting his acting career. A Dracula one sheet movie                     August 27, 1576: Renaissance master Titian
        poster style A, 27 x 41 inches, sank its teeth into $525,800 (including buyer’s                (TizianoVecelli) died in Venice of a fever while the
        premium) at Heritage Auctions in November 2017.
                                                                                                       city was being ravaged by the plague. Famous for
                                                                                                       painting David and Goliath, The Rape of Europa, The
                                               August 18, 1992: Larry Bird                             Punishment of Tythus, and many more. His Portrait
                                             announced his retirement from                             of Alfonso d’Avalos with a Page (shown) regaled with
                                             basketball. A member of the 1992                          $70 million at Sotheby’s in 2003.
                                             Olympic Basketball Dream Team,
                                             his USA game-worn jersey sold for                            August 28, 2005: One of the four existing
                                             $4,800 at Julien’s in 2014. A game-                       pairs of Dorothy’s ruby slippers from The Wizard
                                             used 1992 USA Olympic Dream                               of Oz was stolen from the Judy Garland Museum
                                             Team basketball sold for $230,041                         in Grand Rapids, MN. (, 12/3/08). When
                                             in 2015 at SCP Auctions. This multi-                      the thief or thieves broke in, security cameras and
                                             signed basketball (autographed                            alarms systems were not working. Then in 2018,
                                             by 11 players including Michael      as if by magic, the FBI reported the famous shoes had been recovered/
                                             Jordan, Magic Johnson and Larry      returned, but it did not name the wicked witch who absconded with them
        Bird plus Coach Daly) was used in the U.S. Men’s 117-85, gold medal-      (, 4/3/19).  It did report an extortion attempt in 2017
        clinching victory over Croatia in Barcelona.
                                                                                  on the company that insured the shoes.
                                  August 18, 2018: Mickey Mantle’s game-worn        August 29, 1982: Swedish movie star
                               New York Yankees jersey from the 1964 World        Ingrid Bergman passed away 67 years to
                               Series went for $1.32 million. Rated MEARS A9,     the day after she was born in 1915. In 2017,
                               Mantle hit two home runs during the Series, one    a Casablanca (1946) movie poster featuring
                               that won Game 3. Mantle’s 1965 fielder’s glove     Humphrey Bogart and Bergman left Heritage
                               went for $144,000 in 2017, both at Heritage        Auctions for $478,000. It was the first post-
                               Auctions. (Photo, Heritage Auctions,       war release of an Italian 4 - Fogli (55.5 x 78.25
                                                                                  inches) poster with some restoration. (Photo
                                  August 19, 2019: Norman Rockwell’s original     courtesy of Heritage Auctions,
                               1948 artwork for Tough Call  hit $1.68 million at    Also, the piano on which “Play it again,
                               Heritage Auctions in                               Sam” (Dooley Wilson) played As Time Goes By
                               Dallas. It now resides                             at Bergman’s request sold for $3.4 million at
                               in the Baseball Hall                               Bonhams in 2014.
                               of Fame; the artist
        signed and inscribed it: “My best wishes                                    August 29, 1958: Michael Jackson popped
        to ‘Beans’ Reardon, the greatest umpire                                   into the world. In 2015, the Record Industry
        ever lived, Sincerely, Norman Rockwell.”                                  Association of America reported that Thriller
        Tough Call,s painted for the April 23, 1949                               sold 100 million albums worldwide, and
        cover of The Saturday Evening Post depicts                                Jackson had 1 billion sales overall. More than 13 million of his albums have
        three umpires deciding if a game should be                                sold since his death on June 25, 2009 (, 6/26/17). His sequined
        called for rain. The most paid for a Rockwell                                                              white glove went with a flourish for
        painting is $46 million for Saying Grace,                                                                  $350,000 at Julien’s in 2009.
        America’s all-time favorite, 2013 at Sotheby’s.
        (Photo courtesy of Heritage Auctions,                                                                August 30, 1797: The birthday
                                                                                                                   of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, the
           August 21, 1911: Italian Vincenzo Peruggia stole Leonardo da Vinci’s                                    “mother” of Frankenstein. Published in
        Mona Lisa from the Louvre in Paris. He was arrested two years later in Italy,                              1818, Frankenstein was a horror classic
        but only served seven months of a one-year sentence. He was considered                                     in print and on film. An original art
        somewhat of a national hero for returning the famous painting to the                                       illustration created by Bernie Wrightson
        homeland of da Vinci for a brief period of time.                                                           for his 1970s comic book version of
                                                                                                                   Frankenstein made $240,000 (with bp) in
                              August 23, 1966: The last concert performance                                        May 2020 at Heritage Auctions.
                            of the Beatles as a group was held in Shea Stadium
                            in New York. The Fab Four later did an unannounced                                     Credit: and
                            performance on the small roof of their Apple Corp.                                     Unless otherwise credited, all photos are public
                            headquarters in London on Jan. 30, 1969, but never                                     domain, PD-US.
                            again for a tour or a concert. After 42 minutes on the
                            roof, the police told the Beatles to turn down the                                     Mike McLeod’s book, This Day in Collecting History,
                            volume.                                                                                includes 650+ photos and collecting history events
                              A 1966 Shea Stadium NY poster for their last real                                    for every day of the year. It is available on Amazon.
                            concert brought $137,500 with buyer’s premium at                                       com and  It’s a great gift for
                            Heritage Auction in April 2020.                                                        collectors, pop culture enthusiasts, history buffs
                                                                                                                   and for yourself.
                              August 25, 1930: The first James Bond was born,
        Sean Connery. Of the twenty-six Bond movies, Connery starred in seven;
        only Roger Moore acted in as many. The DB5 Aston Martin driven by
        Connery in Goldfinger and Thunderball, purchased for $12,000 in the ‘60s,
        was auctioned for £2.6 million in 2010. Proceeds went to charity;
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