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Page 12          The Antique Shoppe            November, 2018
                                           COLLECTORS ARE GRATEFUL

                                 FOR THANKSGIVING DAY POSTCARDS

        by Roy Nuhn

           Postcards of  Thanksgiving Day, a   created the loveliest. The company,   recalls different Thanksgiving Days   Of the 17 sets, series number 1234
        uniquely American holiday stretching   a latecomer to the industry,       of the last 300 years.               of  24  cards,  which  included  some
        back to the earliest days of settlement   produced postcards  for a brief ten   Another important distributor   drawings  by  R.J.  Wealthy,  ranks  as
        in the New  World, have long been    years.  Winsch began business at a   was Raphael  Tuck & Sons, of         the most plentiful. It appeared on store
        collectable. This is due to their themes   time when postcards were losing   London, England.  Their New       racks throughout  the  East,  South and
        of patriotism,  history and comedy.   their appeal with the general public   York City branch office marketed   Midwest every  Thanksgiving season
        Some  are  graced  by the  presence  of   and store shelves overflowed with   at least 17 different sets between   for many years after its first printing in
        Uncle  Sam,  the American  eagle,  and   cheap imports from overseas.     1906 and 1914. Like most of their    1910. Scenes of turkeys dominate - they
        Old Glory. The most reoccurring topic,   The copyright years for Winsch’s   holiday greeting postcards, these   are portrayed driving a car, standing in
        though, is family scenes of the past.  Thanksgiving postcards are 1910    were intended for over-the-counter   an open pumpkin field, strolling down
           Of all the holidays celebrated by   through 1915, and then a lapse     sales to the general public. People   a lane, in parade formation, and being
        postcards during the first two decades   of time until the last date, 1920.   bought them to mail and exchange   chased by a man wielding a hatchet.
        of the 20th century - and they include   The  Winsch set favored by most   with friends and relatives. Retailers   Some of the printings had gold borders.
        tens  of  thousands  of  different  artistic   collectors came out  in  1912.  This   continued to sell left-over  Tuck   Laubrie  &  Elkus  (identified  by  the
        designs, only those for Christmas were   magnificent set of six postcards   stock well into the 1920s.         initials “L&E”) sold postcards for
        more  family  oriented  than                                                                                           most   holidays,  including
        Thanksgiving Day.                                                                                                      Thanksgiving. Practically their
           Some       Thanksgiving                                                                                             entire line was designed by
        postcards are comical;  the                                                                                            one artist, B.B. Griggs, whose
        favored   portrayal   being                                                                                            “BBG”  signature  is  familiar
        children confronting or being                                                                                          to many collectors. Part of his
        chased by an aggressive                                                                                                (or her)  400, or so,  designs
        turkey.  A rare few contain                                                                                            included approximately seven
        scenes of blacks, making                                                                                               sets of six cards each for, the
        them desirable  from two                                                                                               November    holiday.  More
        collecting      viewpoints.                                                                                            than  any  other  artist,  Griggs
        Often  confused with  “pure”                                                                                           interjected a great comedic
        Thanksgiving    cards   are                                                                                            touch into his or her often
        those  depicting  Pilgrims  and                                                                                        quirky Thanksgiving  Day
        early   Massachusetts  Bay                                                                                             postcards.
        Colony and Plymouth scenes,                                                                                               Other publishers heavily
        particularly  those issued by                                                                                          involved    in    printing
        A.S. Burbank Co.                                                                                                       Thanksgiving Day postcards
           There  were even a few                                                                                              for   pre-1920    America
        advertising postcards issued                                                                                           were E. Nash, which was
        for the day. One is a double-                                                                                          responsible for at least 27
        fold  card,  drawn  by  famed                                                                                          different sets; P.F.B., a much-
        etcher  Bernhardt  Wall,  of                                                                                           admired  German  company
        a child leading  a turkey                                                                                              which exported three sets of
        by a string. Inside could                                                                                              six into  this country;  Fred
        be found advertising  by                                                                                               Lounsbury,  whose two  sets
        the  International  Tailoring                                                                                          were on sale  in 1907 and
        Company of New York and Chicago.                                                                               1908; and P. Sanders, with seven sets.
        Another, a  black-and-white photo                                                                                Surprisingly, Uncle Sam can be
        style, promoted the North Platte                                                                               found on many  postcards for the
        Valley     Co-Operative    Poultry                                                                             holiday. Our nation’s favorite folk hero
        Marketing Association. Pictured is the                                                                         is often shown sharing honors with, of
        turkey  destined  for  President  Calvin                                                                       all things, a turkey. Long recognized as
        Coolidge’s dinner table.                                                                                       a  distinctively  American  icon,  Uncle
           Signed artist  postcards, eternally                                                                         Sam was a natural  for the cards of
        popular regardless of subject matter,                                                                          Thanksgiving since the holiday is so
        form the pinnacle of this topic. Most                                                                          patriotic and historical.
        of the  great  artists of the  day were                                                                          Novelties abounded.  These ranged
        involved. Francis Brundage, famous                                                                             from add-ons of turkey and Pilgrim
        for her children,  did  Thanksgiving                                                                           figures to mechanicals of turkeys with
        designs for Gabriel & Sons.                                                                                    kaleidoscopic  tails.  There  were  also
           Ellen Clapsaddle illustrated several                                                                        postcards with real feathers attached to
        sets for New York City’s International                                                                         illustrations of turkeys.
        Art Company. Her employer also sold                                                                              Thanksgiving    Day    postcards
        several  Thanksgiving  Day sets by                                                                             are  as  diverse  a  category  as  can  be
        other artists.                       Top Left: A robust Thanksgiving greeting, publisher not identified, embossed.  found anywhere.  Collectors have
           Of all publishers involved  with   Top Right: The airplane was less than a decade old when the artist portrayed   always considered  them  to be a nice
        marketing  souvenir  postcards for   this turkey in bi-plane. No publisher identification. Above: International Art   complementary  to  their  Americana
        this holiday, the firm of John Winsch   Publ. Co. of New York City was one of the largest producers of postcards in the   category, as well as a separate topic all
        is generally considered to have      country. Card depicted is from an unnumbered set.                         to itself.
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