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                         TARPON  AVEVE
                        TAMPA RD
                         CURLEW RD
              DUNEDIN   TARPON  A     584         EAST LAKE RD
 CALADESI                   BELCHER RD  19
                                              McMULLEN    BOOTH  RD
 ISLAND  Page 12          The Antique Shoppe            April, 2018
                                         580                                                            Roly Polys are seven inches tall and six inches round
                                  Roly Poly     Continued from Page 1
            MAIN    KEENE            Tindeco  was a subsidiary of the  American                        and were manufactured using three pieces of tin. Two
                                  Tobacco Company, owned by James Buchanan                              pieces were seamed at the beltline forming the body and
                                                                                                         a separate piece formed the head.  The body designs
                                  Duke of Durham, North Carolina.  The patent                              were lithographed onto sheets of flat tin that were
                                                MAIN ST
 CLEARWATER   SUNSET      POINT     RD   for Roly Poly tobacco tins, it is thought that the                 then punched into the rounded shapes, causing
 BEACH                            original patent was for “brownie” tins, was issued                         some distortion to the little people’s bodies.
       ALT                 HERCULES
       19                         to W. Tuttle of Baltimore in 1912.                                           Tindeco only manufactured six separate Roly
             DREW ST
                                  ←Mayo’s cut plug “Mammy” Roly Poly tobacco tin.  Manufactured by          Poly designs.  Today, these  six little  people  are
           GULF  TO  BAY           Tindeco for American Tobacco Company, valued at $700.                   known as “Dutchman,” “Inspector from Scotland
   BELLEAIR    BELLEAIR                      1912 Mayo’s “Inspector from Scotland Yard” tobacco tin.                   Yard,”  “Singing Waiter,” “Mammy,”
                                                     In excellent condition, this tin is valued at $725.→
     BEACH      BLUFFS      St. Petersburg Area                                                                        “Storekeeper,”   and     “Satisfied
                                                                                                                       Customer.”  These names were
 INDIAN ROCKS RD  MISSOURI AVE  BELLEAIR RD  Antique Dealers                                                           originally  used by Ernest Pettit in
                                                                                                                       Collecting Tin Containers with Price
                                                                                                                       Guide, Book 2, published  in 1970.
                                                                                                                       The names stuck and are now used by
   INDIAN   WEST BAY             EAST BAY  DR                                        ROOSEVELT   Pages 12 & 13         all collectors to describe Tindeco’s six
 ROCKS  LARGO                                                                                                          Roly Poly tobacco containers.
                                                                                                                         Tindeco supplied Roly Poly tobacco
 BEACH  CLW-LARGO RD  ULMERTON        RD                  SR 688                        Memory Lane                    tins to four different tobacco brands, all
           SEMINOLE  BLVD  BRYAN    66th     ST     N  110th                                                           Company—Mayo’s, U.S. Marine,
 WALSINGHAM      CLEARWATER              19        118th AVE N  ROOSEVELT BLVD          Antique Mall                   owned by Duke’s American Tobacco
                                                                28th ST N
                                                                                                                       Red Indian, and Dixie Queen.  Each
 102nd AVE           STARKEY   RD  DAIRY             PINELLAS                                                          Roly Poly held one pound of tobacco,
                                                                                                                       and  the  tobacco  and  collectible  tin
   INDIAN  113th ST N                                   PARK       BLVD            Over 5000 sq.ft. of Treasures await your shopping pleasure!  was sold at a premium price.
   SHORES                       BELCHER RD  PARK   BLVD  3   GANDY                     Furniture • Artwork • Glass • Porcelain  Quick math would tell any
                                                                                         Pottery • Americana • Jewelry
                                                                                        Native American • Mid Century
                                                                                           Items from 1790-1970
   REDINGTON            Page 12          The Antique Shoppe            April, 2018                     Unique Collections and much more!  collector  that  there  are 24 Roly
                                                                                                                       Polys to collect, but that is not true.
            SHORES  ALT                 62nd AVE N                                     OUR NEW ADDRESS!                U.S. Marine and Red Indian tobacco
                           PARK ST       54th AVE N                                       4301 34th Street S.          brands only packaged  their  tobacco
   REDINGTON  Bay Pines        ST PETERSBURG                                               Skyway Marina Mall - US 19  in three Roly Poly versions (Mammy,
             BEACH                       38th AVE N  49th ST N  34th   ST  N  1            St. Petersburg, FL    6     Store-Keeper, and Singing Waiter), so
                                                                                                                       a total collection would consist of 18
   MADEIRA                   TYRONE      22nd AVE N                                        Certified Appraiser on Staff  Roly Polys; although, it is possible
       BEACH                           ALT                                  7           Florida’s Oldest Antique Mall  that  both  companies  used all  six
                                       19                    4 5
                                            9th AVE N                                PATTY & FRIENDS ANTIQUES          versions and  undiscovered  tins  are
                                                    5th AVE N                                                          waiting in barns and basements to
                                                   CENTRAL AVE                                                         be found.  If you find a U.S. Marine
                                                     6           24th ST N                                             or Red  Indian  Dutchman,  Scotland
                                              8     34th AVE S          16th ST N  9th ST N  4th ST N                  Yard Inspector, or Satisfied Customer,
                                                   22ND AVE S                                                          you are  both  lucky  and  sitting  on  a
                                          GULFPORT                                                                     valuable tobacco tin.
                                                                                        WE’RE MAKING CHANGES
                                                           19                                                            Although  18 tins  would make  a
                                                                                        PATTY & FRIENDS is temporarily closed
          1. Andrea and Friends                5. Janet’s Antiques                          for a Major Renovation     complete, known, collection, there are
          2. Antique Galleries of St. Petersburg    6. Memory Lane                      We will Re-Open on May 1st, 2018 as  much larger collections  since many
                                                               54th AVE S
               450 34th Street N. • 727-321-3331    7. Patty & Friends Antiques     THE MARKET at LEFT BANK            of the Roly Polys were printed from
          3. Antique Marketplace               8. The Boulevard Shoppe                 (Same Location — Same Friendly Service)  different  stones.  For  instance,  heads
                                                                                          1241 MLK (9TH) ST. N.
          4. Asian Willow                      9. Zelda Zonk                             ST. PETERSBURG, FL 33701      of Mammy Roly Polys were produced
               2629 Central Ave. • 727-321-1100                                               727-822-2106             from at least two distinct lithographic
                                                                                         Watch our ads for details  7  stones since  both  the  lips  and  the
                                                                                                                       blue hue are different on some of the
                                                                                                                       Mammy tins.  Also, the Storekeeper
                                                                                     COME SEE OUR NEW LOCATION!
                                                              SKYWAY                                                   tin has four cigars in his breast pocket
                                                              BRIDGE                 Don’t have a thing to wear?       on three of the tobacco brand tins,
                                                                                          Vintage Fashions             but the Red Indian Storekeeper has a
                                                                                        for Women and Men
                                                                                     Clothing • Hats • Purses • Jewelry  pouch of Red Indian tobacco in that
                                                                                      Shoes • Lingerie • Eye Glasses   same pocket, proving at least two
                                                                                             Always Buying             production runs were made.
                                                                                           Zelda Zonk                    Novice collectors who have
                                                                                         @ Memory Lane Antique Mall    children  might  want to make Roly
                                                                                            SKYWAY MARINA MALL         Poly  collecting  a  family  affair.  Each
                                                                                       4301 34th Street S. (US19)
                                         FT DE SOTO                                         St. Petersburg             Roly Poly tobacco  tin has a distinct
                                                                                             727.827.3111              personality that is sure to please a
                                                                                                                       little girl or boy who helps in finding
                                                                                                                       them.  For instance, the Scotland Yard
                                                                           8                                           Inspector  has been  described  as  “a
                                                                                                                       stuffy,  irrepressible,  humorless  chap,
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