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April, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 13
        walking cane.” This description should capture a young boy’s attention.     It is worth noting that Bristol Ware, a division of Chein Industries,
        And Mammy has been described as “content overall, puffing on                reproduced a series of Roly Poly tobacco tins in 1979.  These tins resembled
        her corncob pipe, with cotton dress and a plug of tobacco in her             Roly Poly tins used to package Dixie Queen and other tobaccos in 1912.
        pocket.” This description should lure doll collecting little girls            These replica tins have both old and new characters, including Santa
        into helping search for Mammy Roly Polys. The other                                     Claus, and could be passed off as authentic Tindeco Roly Polys,
        tins also have charming descriptions that  have                                                          so let the buyer beware!
        become “common” to collectors and add
        “fun” to collecting for children and adults.                                                                SHOWN:  L-R  Mayo’s  “Satisfied  Customer”  Roly
           Of the six characters, Mammy is the                                                                       Poly tobacco tin, circa 1912.  In poor condition,
        easiest  to  find  and  the  Scotland  Yard                                                                  this  tin  is  valued  at  $175.  •Bristol  Ware  Dixie
                                                                                                                      Queen  cut  plug  tobacco  advertising  “Singing
        Inspector is the hardest or rarest. Authentic                                                                  Waiter” tin, circa 1979.  This reproduction tin
        Tindeco Roly Polys are not only highly                                                                         is valued at $32. •Reproduction, Bristol Ware
        sought after today, they are expensive to                                                                      “Santa Claus” tobacco tin, showing Santa with
                                                                                                                       long pipe.  This  tin was offered on eBay for
        buy on the secondary market with prices                                                                        $125. •Bristol Ware Chein “1912 Mayo’s” cut
        of $500 or more asked for them on eBay                                                                        plug tobacco advertising tin from 1979.
        and other Internet auction sites.                                                                             This reproduction tin is valued at $30.


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