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Page 18          The Antique Shoppe            April, 2018
                                                                                       He published his influential book “Hints on Household Taste” in England
                             COMMON SENSE                                         in 1868 and in the US in the early 1870s. In the 1860’s he wrote a series of
                                                                                  articles for several prominent London magazines including “The Queen”. He
         ANTIQUES                                                                 assembled these articles and published them in 1868 as his book which was
                                                                                  his take on how to properly decorate a home. In it he expressed opinions not
                                                                                  only on furniture but also on most types of articles found in a house including
                                                    By Fred Taylor                wallpaper, draperies, ceramics, clothing and jewelry. This was not a modest
                                                                                      His ideas of straight lines and simple decoration appealed to the machine-
                                A BUM RAP                                         driven factory-made furniture production of the post-Civil War industrial era.
                                                                                  The factory production of furniture was nothing new to America. J. and J.
                                Eastlake Was Innocent                             W. Meeks had a three-story factory in New York in the 1830s as did Lambert
                                                                                  Hitchcock in Connecticut. In the 1850s J. H. Belter had a multi-story factory
           According to some older and antique furniture dealers and collectors there   next to his apartment house in Manhattan and Mitchell & Rammelsberg
        is one style from the 19th century that stands as the least attractive (read ugly),   had a factory in Cincinnati. What was new in the 1870s was the addition of
        most clunky and least desirable of all the Victorian period forms. Who gets that   significantly more and more powerful machinery. Meeks for example used
        honor?  Eastlake of course.                                               machinery but it was oxen powered and Belter had used machinery but only
            Eastlake furniture is often regarded as the bottom of the barrel of the 19th   marginally.
        century. It is awkwardly sized, indelicately assembled and sometimes just     The new factories of the 1870s had powerful steam driven machinery
        downright cheap looking. No argument there, but Mr. Eastlake actually got a   that was much more versatile than Meeks or Belter ever imagined. Within
        bum rap. He didn’t do it.                                                 Eastlake’s guidelines furniture manufacturers saw the potential of high speed
            Charles Locke Eastlake was an English designer who was a leader in the   mass production based on two things machines do very well - straight lines
        rebellion against Victorian excesses. Born in 1836 with the proverbial silver   and circles.  One illustration in his book, an oak “toilet table” as he called it
        spoon firmly in place, he was trained as an architect but rather than practice the   (vanity with a mirror and several small drawers), made of oak with straight line
        craft he traveled Europe as a young man and became an art and architecture   decoration and shallow incised decoration, seemed to become the blueprint of
        critic. At the ripe old age of 19 he was appointed secretary of the Royal   subsequent “Eastlake” furniture. Except that Eastlake didn’t design that table.
        Institute of British Architects. From this lofty vantage point he began to notice   It was designed and made by the London firm of Jackson and Graham. Eastlake
        the ground swell of activity in the field of design reform. What had begun   merely admired it and included a woodcut print of it in his book.
        as a vague discontent with the stagnation of original English thinking on the    But the bell had been rung and there was no unringing it. Manufacturers
        subject crystallized into openly expressed distaste at the 1851 Crystal Palace   then began to pick and choose which of Eastlake’s tenets they chose to follow
        Exposition.                                                               in their manufacturing process. One thing he advocated in his chapter “The
            He advocated a return to value and simple design in furniture and was in   Bed-room” was square corners in cabinet work.  He opined current fashion “...
        fact one of the early pioneers in the Arts & Crafts movement that blossomed at   condemns us to adopt his own notions of elegance by rounding off corners
        the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.                                                                          Continued →


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