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April, 2018 The Antique Shoppe Page 19
(November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910) MELBOURNE— The Brevard Antiques and Collectibles Club holds monthly meetings at two area locations. The group is open to anyone
Samuel Clemens is one of America’s most beloved authors. Using the having an interest in learning about antiques and collectibles. There is a
pseudonym Mark Twain, he wrote classics like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. different subject of interest at each meeting and attendees are encouraged
Clemens wasn’t just a writer, however. He also had a few inventions, to bring in an item for further study and discussion.
including his patented “self-pasting” scrapbook which was the only invention At the first Friday meeting (APR. 6) to be held at the Suntree / Viera
that ever made him money. This interactive site is a tribute to both sides of Library, 902 Jordan Blass Dr., at 10:00 AM, the subject will be “BIRDS &
the man. It is a digital scrapbook of Clemens’ life and covers his life and EGGS”. For additional information call George at 321-254-5831.
works in pictures, newspaper clippings, video and audio.
The third Tuesday meeting (APR. 17) will take place at the Melbourne
Beach Library, 324 Ocean Ave. at 1:30 PM. The subject of this meeting will
which ...can only be angular shaped.” That little tidbit most manufacturers be “ODDS”. For additional information call Melinda at 321-777-1374.
agreed with since it was simpler, quicker and cheaper to leave corners squared
off than to take the time to round them. But in other areas his advice was
disregarded. Drawers are good example. His advice – “For practical purpose
drawers are generally far too deep...A depth of five or six inches is quite
sufficient for a single drawer of ordinary use and by the additional height thus I-95 LPGA Blvd
gained in the whole chest, another drawer may be added to the set.” That may 265 Mason Ave Daytona New
have been good advice, but it was largely ignored because to a manufacturer Dunn Ave Int’l Speedway Blvd N Beach St Peninsula
it made no difference about the inconvenience of a deep drawer. It was more 92 483 RidgewoodAve Smyrna
economical to make fewer deeper drawers than it was to make more drawers 261 Beville Rd
and extra slides in the case. 260 132 400 Clyde Morris US1 A1A
Eastlake’s overall guiding principal was simplicity. He stated “... it is far 421 Beach choose the very plainest and simplest forms of domestic furniture S Atlantic Ave
procurable.” Alas this was almost totally ignored by manufacturers and 256 5
Int’l Speedway Blvd
designers. The farther away from the publication of his book, the farther away US1
from his school of thought the furniture became. Finally, by the time of the Ridgewood Ave Peninsula
publication of the 1878 edition of his book he’d had enough, and it was time Pioneer Trail New Smyrna
92 600
to speak out. He felt compelled to author a new preface to the book distancing I-95 1 NorthCswy Flagler 44 Beach
New York Ave
himself from “What American tradesmen are pleased to call ‘Eastlake’ 249 44 Canal 2 Edgewater
furniture, with the production of which I have had nothing whatever to do, 10th St Riverside Dr A1A
and for the taste of which W Park Ave
I should be sorry to be Indian River Blvd
considered responsible.” 442
Even though Eastlake NSB ANTIQUE MALL
never actually designed a
single piece of furniture, Quality Vintage & Mid-Century Furniture
his name is attached to Art - Vintage Toys - Estate Jewelry
one of America’s most
produced styles. So, From New Smyrna’s Oldest Antique Shop
if he never designed 419 Canal Street • 386-426-7825
furniture what did he •
do? He provided the Mon-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm
design vehicle that
broke the stranglehold Spend a day shopping
of Renaissance Revival. in New Smyrna Bch.
7 Area Antique Shops
He provided the bridge +Many Fine Restaurants.
that linked the mid-19th Sure to be an adventure!
century early reformers
like John Ruskin and 1
William Morris to the turn
of the century luminaries
like Elbert Hubbard Coronado Antiques
and Gustave Stickley.
In other words, he laid & Collectibles Mall
the groundwork for the
American Arts and Crafts This sidelock bonnet chest is about as close to Over 7,000 sq.ft. of Home Decor, Antiques, Mid-Century Modern,
movement. That’s what. Eastlake’s ideas as is seen in the market today. Nautical & Coastal Furnishings and Much More!
It has simple lines, shallow incised decoration
Send your comments, questions and narrow drawers. 1433 South Dixie Freeway
and pictures to me at PO Box 215, New Smyrna Shopping Center - (US 1 South)
Crystal River, FL 34423 or email them to me at
Visit Fred’s website at and check out the downloadable “Common Sense New Smyrna Beach, FL
Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now available for
$18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send check or money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River, 386-428-3331
FL 34423
Fred and Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H) OPEN Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm
are also available at the same address. For more information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F
only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail All items are also available directly from 2
the website,