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April, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 23
                     PBS Series will Visit Sarasota

           Sarasota, FL—  “Antiques  Roadshow”  will  come  to  Ca’  d’Zan  at  the  John  and  Mable   Havana           The Planters Exchange
        Ringling Museum of Art on April 12. The Sarasota stop is part of a five-city tour that will film
        at historic locations.                                                           “Not Just an Antique Mall”
           Executive producer of the show, Marsha Bemko said, “Holding events at historic locations                       Antiques, Collectibles,
        like Ca’ d’Zan adds a new depth to our show by filming appraisals in and around places that                       Glass, Home Accents,
        are treasures in their own right. I can’t wait to see what finds we uncover in Sarasota.”                          Toys, Dolls, Pottery
           About 3,000 ticketed guest are expected to attend each event where they will receive free
        valuations of their antiques and collectibles from auction house experts and independent                        In a Designated National Landmark
        dealers. Each guest is allowed to bring two items for appraisal. Admission to the Sarasota                         204 2nd Street NW
        event is free, but tickets are required and had to be obtained in advance through a drawing.                          Havana, FL
        Ticket applications for the event closed on February 27, and recipients were selected at                             (850) 539-6343
        random from eligible entries.                                                                                        (850) 539-1295 fax
           Other  cities  on  the  tour  includes,  Tulsa,  Oklahoma,  Louisville,  Kentucky,  San  Diego               Wed-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-5:30, Sun 12-5
        California and Rochester Michigan.                                                                      
                                                                                                                            Wayne Gregory, Owner
           CRYSTAL RIVER                             Mention the

              Heritage Antiques                   Antique Shoppe

                       aka                       Newspaper to our                                 FANNING SPRINGS
            the Old Wander Inn                   advertisers, they                     “explore the difference”

                 103 NW Hwy. 19                     make it FREE                     Point of View
                Historic Downtown                 for you! Thanks
              Crystal River, FL 34428
                  352-563-5597                                                              Antiques
                     Open Daily                                                      17452 US  Hwy 19 N
               Clock Repair • Post Cards
                Antiques • Collectibles                                                 Fanning Springs    
                Handpainted Furniture
                 Mid Century Modern                                                      (352) 463-0718                    10-5 Monday-Saturday
                                                                                                                           Now Open Sunday 11-4
                                      40                                                collectibles, wood carvings, jewelry, gifts and more
                                                                                                  –DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE–                          26
                REDDICK                         CRESCENT CITY

           • ANTIQUE •                           COUNTRY

                EMPORIUM                          ANTIQUES MALL
                                                  2167-1 S. US Hwy 17
                      17990 NW 77  Ave               Crescent City, FL                       OCALA
                      Reddick, FL 32686               386-698-0844                                 ~
                         352-591-1221                                                    BELLEVIEW                     Dixie’s Antiques Mall

                                                                                                   ~                   Antiques, Collectibles & Gifts
                                                                                                                             112 W. Noble Ave.
                    - OPEN DAILY 10-6 -                                                  WILLISTON                           Williston, FL 32696
                     I-75 at Exit 368
                                                                                                                               (352) 528-2338
                                                 Rental Space
                                                10 x 10 = $125 Mo
                                                                                                                        Over 8,000 sq. ft. of Air Conditioned Comfort
            info@antiqueemporiumfl.comm 36                  Old Feed ‘n Seed Store                                     with 75+ “FILLED TO THE RAFTERS” booths
                                                                Adjacent to
           ANTIQUEEMPORIUMFL.COM              46           Crescent City High School                                          Rental Booths Available
                                                                                                                              Open 10-5 Mon-Sat     27
                                                                                     NOW OPEN IN NEW LOCATION
            The PainTed Table                    Liquidation of Antiques
                 Tastefully Recycled              & Contents of homes

                                                                                 Since 2001
                  Affordably Priced           Camellia antiques
              Unique Pieces of Quality          & Estate Sales, llc                   DIGGERS ANTIQUE MALL
                                                                                         1811 N. PINE AVE.
               Thornebrook Village                 10006 CR 1469                          OCALA, FL 34475
           2441 NW 43rd Street, Suite 5A            EARLETON, FL                                                        MOSSY OAKS ANTIQUE MALL
               Gainesville, FL  32606              Beside the Post Office.                   352-629-5250                8,000 Sq. Ft.        30+ Dealers        Mon-Sat 10:30-5
                                                                                                                           6260 SE 118th Place
                   (352) 371-1555               OPEN: FRIDAYS & SUNDAYS                    Open 7 Days a Week               6/10 mi. S. of Belleview on Hwy 301
                                                  or By appointment/ChanCe              Mon-Sat 10am-5:30pm • Sun 12-5pm     Belleview, FL 34420
              Buy • Sell • Consign            Call For Your Estate Sale Needs                                                   352-307-0090
                                             Serving Gainesville, Deland & Sarasota
                                                                                                                            Offering a Dazzling Variety of
              MENTION THIS AD FOR 10% DISCOUNT      352-871-0743                      WE BUY AND SELL ESTATES               Antique & Vintage Merchandise
                   Farmers Market               Camille Huie -      ACCEPTING NEW VENDORS  38        Professional Furniture Restoration Available
                  Every Friday 4-7PM   30                                31                                                Check out our albums on Facebook  45
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