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Page 20          The Antique Shoppe            April, 2018
                                More Treasures From Our Dealers

                                      Be it cake plates and
                                     knives, Easter decor, or                                                                      Extraordinary
                                        newborn gifts,                           WonderfuL Chinese silver                             Sales
                                     We have it all to help you                    castings of Ganesh.                               Continue
                                        celebrate Spring!
                                                                                 Asian Willow Gallery                            Orlando Antique
                                     Top Drawer Antiques                            St. Petersburg, FL                              Exchange
                                          Dade City                                  727-321-1100                                    Orlando
                                        352-437-4838                                                                               407-856-5122

                      Mission Style Settee         Longaberger canisters with plastic    SPRING HAS SPRUNG!
                          $645.00                     inserts in booth 24 $125.      Come see our great array of vintage   Mahogany inlaid sideboard
                                                  Also lots of Longaberger in booth 16!   hats, purses, & clothes!
                      Zula’s Antiques                                                                                     Traditions Antique Mall
                         Terra Ceia                   Sugar Bear Antiques                    Zelda Zonk                          Wildwood
                        941-729-9500                       Jacksonville                      St. Petersburg                    352-748-6255
                                                          904-886-0393                      727-827-3111

                                                                    Extremely Rare Ogden Smith Antique
                                                                      Angler Kit in Presentation Box                            Moorcroft Pottery 6 inch
                                         Great find                                                                             Harlequinade Ginger Jar.
                                      Country Cupboard                   BKG Antique Mall                                       Designer Emma Bossons.
                                                                             Lake Worth                                               $450.00
                                     Vintage Peddler                       561-533-7707
                                         Ft. Myers                                                                              Angevine's Jewelry
                                       239-437-9117                                                                                   DeLand

                                                   Very Rare Joseph Johnson 1850 Fusee
                Miniature Japanese Inaba Cloisonne  Movement Multi Color 18kt Case Pocket
                        Table Screen              Watch. One of the many things you find at   Collection of                  Wonderful vintage and
                Price: Bid on our eBay Store Auction   Gannons Antiques every day.          wonderful dogs                 antique jewelry collection.
                        at avonlea-jax
                                                    Gannon’s Antiques and Art          Carriage House Antiques              Camellia Antiques
                     Avonlea Antiques                 Fort Myers   239-489-2211               Bradenton                          Earleton
                        Jacksonville                           941-747-9234                       352-871-0743

          In an effort to assist our display advertisers in offering their merchandise to our readers / buyers. The Antique Shoppe introduces Shop Shots. It is the responsibility of each advertiser to provide their own photos and information
          regarding each unit displayed. Any questions regarding merchandise shown should be directed to the advertiser shown. It is our effort to provide accurate information for the merchandise shown. Deadline to submit your Shop Shot
                           item for sale is the 12th of each month. Email .jpg photo (300 dpi or higher), brief description & price to *Offer extended to display advertisers only.
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