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Page 30          The Antique Shoppe            April, 2018
            Collecting Author-Signed Books                                                               The Thomas Berryman Murder. A  signed  first  edition  was
                                                                                                            James  Patterson's  Edgar Award  winning  first  novel  was
        By Carol J. Perry                                                                                offered at $1000.

           It's a sure sign of Spring when bibliophiles, bluestockings and book lovers of all ages          A copy of Donald
        converge on St. Petersburg, Florida's famed Coliseum for the annual Florida Antiquarian          Trump’s first book, The Art
        Book Fair. The weekend event features more than a hundred booksellers from around the            of the Deal,  (first  edition,
                                                                  Main St
        globe offering a huge variety of books, maps, prints and other book-related ephemera.            second printing,) signed by
           Prominently displayed by growing numbers of booksellers are author-signed volumes,            the  author  was  offered  at
        often first editions. These may range in price from a few dollars to thousands, depending, of    $2500.00.
        course, on the rarity of the book, and the status of the author.
           Last year’s fair offered a great variety of signed titles, usually so indicated by signage or                       \
        a sticker on the plastic dust jacket. There's growing interest by collectors in obtaining these     Michael Moore’s book,
        personalized books.                                          220             50                    Bernie Sanders, Outsider
           On Course to the Stars - The Roger B, Chaffey Story The hardcover first edition was           in the House was signed by
        signed by the astronaut's parents and was marked $175.           405                 Moore and contained as a bonus, a signed
           A signed first edition of Monica's Story by Andrew Morton was $75, and Betty Ford's          letter from Sanders himself.
        signed autobiography, The Time of my Life was $50.                                                    It was priced at $300.

                                                                                                                         A signed copy of C is for Corpse by Sue
                                                                                                                       Grafton was $675 and a Grafton signed D is
                                                                                                                       for Deadbeat was $400.
                                                                                                                         A signed copy of poet Maya Angelou's
                                                                                                                       Just Give me a Cool Drink of Water Before
                                                                                                                       I Die was offered at $95.
                                                                                          1                              Truman Capote signed a copy of

                                                                                    405                                Breakfast at Tiffany's which now sells for
                                                                           407             TITUSVILLE
                                                                                                                         Even more pricey is a first edition, first
                                                                                                                       issue,  pristine  unopened  copy  of  Robert
                                                                                                                       Frost's A Boy's Will at $10,000.
                    TITUSVILLE                                                                                           A first edition copy of Allen Ginsberg's
                                                                                         Bay Blvd                      early work, Empty Mirror, inscribed to Ted
                                                                                                                       Berrigan was $1000.
                    MELBOURNE                                                                                            A signed copy of Andre Norton’s  The
                                                                                                                       Beast Master was $1250.
               GRANT - SEBASTIAN
                    VERO BEACH                                              5            528                                                 King’s  1979
                                                                                                                                             Stand,  signed
                                                                                                                                             first   edition
                                                                                                                                             was   tagged
                                                                                                COCOA                                        $2000.    A
                                                                                            520          Forrest Ave.                        signed  copy
                                                      We Buy                                                Florida Ave.                     of King’s  The
                                                                                                                                             first   edition
                                                         & Sell                                         2                                    was just $350.

                                                                                              Sarno Rd.
                                                                                                                        A signed first of
                                                                                              Wickham Rd.  Hibiscus Ave.  Kiss Me Deadly,
                                                                                                                         starring Mike
                                                                                                                           Hammer, by
                                                                                                     192                Mickey Spillane
                                                                                                                             was $750.
                                                                                                 Babcock St.

                                                                                                  Palm Bay Rd.
                                                                                                                           A rare signed
                                                                                                 507        1             first edition of
               Over 18,000 sq.ft. of the finest quality Antiques, Furniture,                    Malabar Rd.             Ray Bradbury’s
                                                                                                                        Dandelion Wine
              Vintage Glass & Art Pottery that Central Florida has to offer                                                 was $1250.
                                                                                                     Valkaria Rd.
                            Plus  The Largest selection of:                                           GRANT
                                                                                                        Grant Rd.  4
                      Official Florida Highwaymen Art ANYWHERE                                       SEBASTIAN  5        A  visit  to  this
                                                                                              512  Sebastian Blvd.     year's   Florida
                                                                                                                       Antiquarian  Book
           Brevard’s largest mall for over 20 years                                                 VERO BEACH         Fair provides a perfect opportunity to begin
                                                                                                   60  20th St.  6     a collection of author signed books, or to
                                                                                                    Glendale Rd.       add to an already established one. The fair
                  Phone:  321.726.6778 • 5900 U.S. Hwy. 1•Grant, FL                                          1         will  be  held  at  the  Coliseum,  535  Fourth
               On Florida’s Scenic East Coast - Between Sebastian & Melbourne                         68   615         Avenue North in St. Petersburg on Friday,
                     Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm • Sunday 12-5pm                                           1         Saturday and Sunday, April 20-22.
          •                            70       Virginia       For information visit
                                                                             4                     95 95  FT. PIERCE

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