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April, 2018          The Antique Shoppe          Page 31
        History                                “Sometimes  you’ll  be  set  up  and   you and he’ll start smiling as he comes   said, ‘I was on one of these in Korea’.”
                                                                                                                         Later the man  sent Thomas
        Continued from Page 26               you’ll see a guy making his way over to   closer.  One time a man stopped and   photographs  of  him  and  his  crew

        The ordained  rabbi  gives his  tanks                                                                          serving during Korea.
        Hebrew names like Golem, Balagar,                                                                                “Those  photos  hang  on  my wall
        Bracha  and  Bupkas and  named one                                                                             now  and  are  one  of  my  most  prized
        Buddy  after  a  friend.  His  M4A1                                                                            possessions,” Thomas said.
        Sherman, “Golem,” means “unfinished                                                                              Thomas’s wife, Judy, who is a retired
        man.”  But Rabbi Thomas laughs and                                                                             U.S. Air Force medic, shares that same
        says the Yiddish meaning of Golem is                                                                           spirit of care for the veterans.
        large, slow and stupid. Balagar means                                                                            “You never know how (our event) is
        “chaos, Bracha: blessing  and  Bupkes:                                                                         going to grab someone,” she said. “All
        nothing or “nada.”                                                                                             the  memories  come  flooding  back,  I
           Tank loader Ed Sears of Auburndale,                                                                         guess. Once a WWII vet was fixing to
        Fla. has worked with Thomas’s group                                                                            cry. I just reached out and put my arms
        for three years and says he loves it.                                                                          around him and hugged him.”
           “Where else can you drive a tank?”                  SHOW: ON GUARD--Nine-year-old Stryker Bradley of Keystone Hts,   The  next  First  Florida  Chapter
        says the retired Air Force Tech Sgt.                   FL guards a crossing at the entrance to the field. He came with his father,   MVPA  event  will  be  held  in  October
           Spectator Robert Bodnar of Deland                   Jeremy, a MVPA member who showed his five ton M931A2 cargo truck. RT-  (with  the  date  to  be  announced)  at
        joined  his  son,  Michael,  to  watch                                  German soldiers SURRENDER to the Americans   Market  of  Marion  in  Belleview,  Fla.
                                                                                  after a five-tank assault during the half-hour.
        the  battle  where  the  tanks  overtook                                                                       The  group  will  return  for  its  winter
        German soldiers.                                                                                               rally  the  last  weekend  of  February
           “It’s amazing seeing the tanks and it                                                                       next  year  at  Renninger’s.    For  more
        beats doing chores,” Bodnar said.                                                                              information  please  see  the  chapter’s
           The gregarious Thomas delights in                                                                           website: or visit their
        the battles and has just as much fun                                                                           Facebook page.
        talking  with  spectators  and  passing                                                                          For   more   information   about
        out his handmade artillery shells like                                                                         WW2Armor, visit their website: http://
        candy from the top of his tank to the                                                                
        children after the shows.
           Dave  Thomas,  (no  relation  to  Col.                                                                            Sikes is a freelance photojournalist
        Thomas),  who  often  brings  his  1943   L-WW2Armor founder "Rabbi Rob" Thomas. From his M4A1 Sherman tank Thomas        who lives in Mount Dora, FL
        M15A1 half-track built by Autocar, says   commanded a five-tank assault on German troups. R-First Florida Chapter MVPA
        that  he  also  enjoys  seeing  people’s   President Dave Thomas, right, and MVPA member Russell Deese, of Cairo, Ga. Deese
        reactions to the vehicles.                conducted the auction in which vendors donated items to benefit the chapter.


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