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Page 22        The Antique Shoppe       November, 2019
           GREATER ORLANDO                                                                           COMMON SENSE

                 Kissimmee • Oviedo • Winter Park                                  ANTIQUES
                            Longwood • Orlando
                                                                                                                                By Fred Taylor

            KISSIMMEE              WINTER PARK              LONGWOOD
         1. Lanier’s             5. Orange Tree Antique Mall    9. The Royal Court            AMERICAN FURNITURE STYLES
         2. Echoes of Yesterday   6. Gingers Antique Mall   10. Trianon Le' French Salon                Social Networking

               OVIEDO                ORLANDO                                        So far the 21st century seems to be the Age of Social Media. Standing in line at
         3. The Coop            7. OAE Inc.                                       the post office or in an airport you can hardly hear yourself think because of all the
         4. Oviedo Antique Mall  8. Universal Magic Prop Shop                     Twittering going on. Then there is the texting and Facebooking not to mention the
                                                                                  ubiquitous smart phone glued like a wood block to the side of a head.
                                                                                    Is this a new thing? Of course not. It’s just the technology that’s new. Americans
                                                                                  have always been a social people, we have just changed our methods over the years.
                     GINGER'S                                                     And  one  of  the  ways  we  have  networked  has  been  our  expressions  of  rebellion,
                      ANTIQUE                                                     protest or nostalgia in our favored furniture styles.
                                                                                    In the beginning it was easy. Most of us were either English or European and our
                         MALL                                                     furniture styles ranged from frontier survival to reproductions from across the pond
                       “Tin To Tiffany”        Historic Downtown Marketplace      in whatever country we called home, primarily England. But we were just a colony
                                                      108 Broadway                and that was appropriate. But then we rebelled and started a new nation called the
            2695 W. Fairbanks Ave.                 in the Old McCrory’s Building  United States of America. But we were still too new and still tied to Europe too
            Winter Park, FL 32789                      Kissimmee, FL              tightly to establish a new American style, so we adopted ancient Greek styles and
              (One block West of I-4 at Fairbanks)                                called it “Neoclassical.” Then to dress it up a little bit we embraced the styles of
                 Antiques & Collectibles                                          English designers like George Hepplewhite and Thomas Sheraton and that of the
               Orientals - Imari - Mud Men     Antiques, Collectibles & Accessories  Scottish architects, the Adam brothers. Nothing new or startling there, but at least it
             Heisey - Cut Glass - Candelabras        for the Home & Garden        was a start.
              Serving the Orlando area for Over 30 Years   Family owned and operated for 20 years  Then England started it all over again with the war of 1812. Andrew Jackson
           Wed-Sat 11am-5pm or by appt. • Closed June-Oct.                        sorted out that mess in New Orleans, with the help of Frenchman Lafayette, and at
                                                      OPEN: Mon-Sat 10-5
                   407-740-8775        6      1      last we were free of the dreaded English. So what now?
                                                                                    Let’s have a protest and adopt the style of England’s greatest  enemy Napoleon.
                                                                                  He had a great new look in his “Empire” style and it was anything but English.
                                                                                                                                              Continued >

                                                 9 10                     4
                                                                                               Echoes of Yesterday

                                                                                        A Mall for Antiques, Collectibles & Yesterday’s Items
                                                                                                        Historic Downtown Area
                                               5                                          109 Broadway, Kissimmee, FL 34741

                                            6                                                            (407) 847-2300

                                                                                                         Mon-Sat 10-5 (Fri 10-4)
                                                                                                          Visit us on Facebook:
                                                                                                       Echoes of Yesterday Antique Mall

                                              7                                                            Join The Coop For Our
                                                                                                     HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA
                                                                                               TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5th • 4PM - 9PM
                                                                                             Come enjoy SNACKS & REFRESHMENTS while you shop!
                                                                                             We will be closed Monday, Nov. 4th. On Tuesday, Nov. 5th we will be closed
                                                                                                during the day to prepare for this event. Doors will open at 4PM.
                                                                                               EXTRAVAGANZA SALES WILL RUN THRU THE WEEKEND

                                                                                         97 Geneva Drive • Oviedo, FL 32765
                                          2   1
                                                                                                         PH: 407-366-7705
                                                                                               OPEN 7 DAYS • MON-SAT 10AM-6PM & SUN 11AM-4PM
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