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November, 2019 The Antique Shoppe Page 23
We even imported some the best French designers in decorative articles from Greek architecture on a rather plain
Alexander Roux and Charles-Honorè Lannueir who helped background. Ho hum. Next?
generate a new protest style called American Empire. By the beginning of the third quarter of the 19th century,
Eventually we tired of the complexity of original Empire nostalgia grabbed America by the throat. Since mid
and around 1835 moved to the more simplified Late century, a group of English designers had been agitating
Classicism with broad unadorned sheets of mahogany veneer for a return to the “good ole” days – the Medieval period
and sweeping curves. After the fall of Napoleon in 1814 came when furniture was simply made by honest hardworking
the Restoration period when the Bourbons were returned to craftsmen who did not over charge for their work. No more
the throne. One natural side effect of the change of rulers of that Victorian junk. That planted the seeds of the Arts &
was a change of taste in furniture. And for once a French Crafts movement that exploded in America in the late 19th
monarchy leaned toward a plainer approach rather than a and early 20th century. Those pesky English at it again. But
more elaborate one. Furniture of the French Restauration nostalgia is a two edged sword. Around the same time the
period, roughly 1818 – 1848, became conservative versions Centennial Exposition of 1876 was held in Philadelphia.
of late Empire. Very conservative. And that lead to the Late It was the equivalent of an early World’s Fair. It fanned
Classicism period. the flames of American patriotism and ignited a desire to
Still having an attitude about England we next turned Would you say this pier table was Empire, own examples of 18th century Colonial furniture like that
again to France for new furniture inspiration. After the Late Classicism or French Restauration? owned by our great forefathers, George Washington and
relatively simple Late Classicism we needed some frilly You are correct. Thomas Jefferson, et. al.
stuff to break up the century. At mid century, staying with Alas there just wasn’t enough of that old stuff to go around
the French theme, we decided to emulate the excesses of the so in 1878 Clarence Cook published his book “The House
18th century French court of Louis XV. Thus was born the Rococo Revival. It shall Beautiful” artfully claiming that the genuine article from the 18th century wasn’t
ever be remembered as “THE” Victorian style with its lavish curves, intricate carving really necessary as long the style was correct.
and ornate hardware. Not very American to glorify a French king but anything went That opened the floodgates to what has become known as the “Colonial Revival.”
as long as it was not English. Colonial and Federal styles have dominated the American furniture market now
Then technology reared its head. Technology had always been an important part for over 100 years. True, Mid Century Modern and other avant-garde styles have
of furniture making. The invention of the circular saw and the band saw were major intruded here and there but we are still true to our nostalgic impulses for the Colonial
events in furniture history but integrated technology had been lacking. By the end of period. There has to be an app for that.
the Civil War American industrial power was on the rise and the furniture industry
was one of the beneficiaries. The Rococo Revival style, with its curlicues and fancy Send your comments, questions and pictures to me at PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or email them
touches just did not fit in with an industrial factory environment. to me at
Visit Fred’s website and check out the downloadable “Common Sense
Now what? We were out of fresh French ideas so we went back to ancient Antiques” columns in .pdf format. His book “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE DETECTIVE” is now available for
Greece and cranked up the Renaissance Revival, but Napoleon III had a hand in $18.95 plus $3.00 shipping. Send check or money order for $21.95 to Fred Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River,
even that. His interest in the revival of the Italian Renaissance of the 15th century FL 34423
Fred and Gail Taylor’s DVD, “IDENTIFICATION OF OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE”, ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H)
and the French Renaissance of the 16th, under Francis I, was his effort to forever are also available at the same address. For more information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F
associate his name with the classical past. And it fit perfectly with our new factory only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail
system. While it looked complicated it was simply the layering of machine-made All items are also available directly from the website,
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