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Page 28          The Antique Shoppe            October, 2017

           WHERE in                             Questions &

            the World is                        Common Sense Answers

          Your  Shop

                                                                                                                  with Fred Taylor

          1. THE AD— Decide on an ad size.
          Sizes and ad rates are listed on Page
          4 of every issue.
          2. THE INFO— Send us the                   Attached is a picture of the chair I bought for $25 at a tag sale.  I am just curious where it came from -
          information to be placed in the ad.   Q. probably someone's Grandmother's house! —Thanks! Shanna.
          We can work from rough sketches,
          handwritten notes, and business            Shanna - Your chair                                                    These chairs were originally
          cards. We will design the ad for free.   A. is called a "shell"                                                   padded with cotton batting
          Be sure to include any logos, art,   chair because of the wrap                                                    and it retains every smell
          photos, etc., that you wish to be
          placed in the ad. If you don’t have   around frame. Chairs like                                                   it ever encountered.
          any art, we can find some for you.   this were popular during the                                                 And yes it probably did
          We also accept camera-ready ads.   Depression Era between the                                                     come from somebody's
          3. THE MAP— Find your location on   two World Wars. A chair                                                       grandmother's house. There
          one of our display maps. Mark your
          shop location on the map, clip it out   very similar to your is shown                                             is no way to tell where it
          & send it in with the ad information.  on page 74 of "Furniture                                                   was actually made without a
          4. PAYMENT— Please include a check   of the Depression Era" by                                                    manufacturer's tag and that
          or money order for the amount due.  Swedberg, Collector Books.                                                    was surely lost the last time
          NOTE: Color Advertising is Available   The 1996 price guide places                                                the chair was recovered. The
          Upon Request. If you have any
          questions, please call.            a value of around $245                                                         green stria velvet is probably
                                             on the chair but that is in                                                    not original. This can be a
             The Antique Shoppe              very good condition with                                                       very comfortable chair if
                    PO Box 2175              no repairs or upholstery.                                                      properly restored.
              Keystone Heights, FL 32656     Your chair probably needs             This type chair is called a "shell" chair.               Continued >
            352-475-1679  Fax 352-475-5326   to be reupholstered with             It is from the Depression era of the 1930s.
                                             all new padding installed.

                      NOW 15,000 sq. ft.                                                                   Join The Coop For Our
                       and Featuring 140 DEALERS!                                                    HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA
                                                                                               TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7th • 4PM - 9PM
                                                                                             Come enjoy SNACKS & REFRESHMENTS while you shop!
                                         Orange Tree                                         We will be closed Monday, Nov. 6th. On Tuesday, Nov. 7th we will be closed
                                                                                                during the day to prepare for this event. Doors will open at 4PM.
                                                                                                     SALES WILL RUN THRU THE WEEKEND
                                       anTiques Mall

                                       853 South Orlando Ave.
                                        Just South of Fairbanks on Hwy. 17-92
                                              (1 Mi. East of I-4, Exit 87)               97 Geneva Drive • Oviedo, FL 32765
                Voted “Florida’s        Winter Park, FL 32789                                            PH: 407-366-7705
              Best Antiques Mall”             (407) 644-4547                                   OPEN 7 DAYS • MON-SAT 10AM-6PM & SUN 11AM-4PM
                                  Since 1995                                                                       18

                OPEN 7 DAYS                                                                                        SUBSCRIBE TO TREASURES
             Mon-Sat 10-6 • Sun 12-5                                                                                                 AND   SAVE

                                                                                                                    The only national magazine with an editorial
                                                                                                                    focus on midcentury modern objects—
                                                                                                                    housewares, furniture, lighting, collectibles,
                                          FALL FESTIVAL SALE                                                        decorative accessories, pottery, clothing,
                                                                                                                    toys, art, rugs, electronics, and more.
                                              October 13-17
               We are truly Orlando’s “Finest Diamond”                                                           $ 34         Don’t Miss an Issue
                  COME See Why Customers LOVE Our Mall!                                                                     ORDER NOW

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