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October, 2017          The Antique Shoppe          Page 29
                Hi Fred - This isn't exactly a furniture question but it is a wood   water handy to flush off any "accidents." The acid must be mixed with
        Q. question. I would appreciate any help you may be able to give          hot water and used in a well ventilated area since the gasses given off by
        me. I found an ordinary Al Kaline store model baseball bat that is in     the mixture can be very dangerous.
        sound condition except the barrel end of it was in water long enough to          So much for the caveats. The bat will have to be stripped first.
        stain it dark. I'll probably strip it and refinish it. Like most bats, the wood   After stripping and appropriate rinsing and drying, apply a mixture of
        must be white ash. Is there a way to get the black/dark water stain out or   oxalic acid on the entire bat, not just the stained area. This will help
        should I simply use a dark brown stain in an effort to hide the ugly stain?   insure a uniform color when you are done. Allow the mixture to dry on
        The stamped trademark and Kaline's name in block letters appear to be     the wood overnight. It may require two or three or more applications to
        deep enough to survive the stripping process. Thanks for your help. D.H.  completely remove the stain. When you have achieved the desired color
                D.H. - Glad to help even on a non-furniture question because      thoroughly rinse the acid residue from the wood with multiple flushings
        A. the answer is directly applicable to similar furniture problems.       with distilled water. Then neutralize any remaining acid crystals with
        In this case we are lucky. Determining the source of a stain gives a clue   a mixture of two tablespoons of baking soda in a quart of water. This
        to what kind of bleach to use to remove it. Most "water" stains such as   is important even if you don't see any remaining crystals. If you don't
        is on your bat are actually iron based stains, caused by the reaction of   neutralize before sanding the acid will fly off the wood with the sanding
        the iron in the water to the tannin in the wood. Most iron based water    dust and you could inhale it. When you are done remember that oxalic
        stains are gray or black. Tap water contains a trace of iron and since your   acid is considered hazardous waste and any leftovers, including the
        bat was probably in a metal bucket there is even more probability of      swept up sanding dust, should be carefully disposed of. Now you can
        the presence of iron. Certain woods like oak, ash and mahogany among      proceed to refinish the bat back to original condition.
        others, contain a high level of tannin so they can sometimes be stained                          Send your comments, questions and pictures to me at
        just by getting them wet with tap water if they do not have a protective                      PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423 or email them to me at
        finish over them. In your case apparently the bat was submerged long                
        enough for the water to penetrate the finish so it has to be stripped and                        Visit Fred’s newly redesigned website at
        refinished anyway.                                                                   and check out the new
               The best bleach to use on iron stains is oxalic acid. It will remove                   downloadable “Common Sense Antiques” columns in
                                                                                                      .pdf format. His book “HOW TO BE A FURNITURE
        this particular type of stain without affecting the natural color of the                      DETECTIVE” is now available for $18.95 plus $3.00
        wood. Oxalic acid can be found in hardware and paint stores in powder                         shipping. Send check or money order for $21.95 to Fred
        form. While oxalic acid is probably the safest bleach to use around the                       Taylor, PO Box 215, Crystal River, FL 34423
        house it is still a highly corrosive acid and you must exercise great care                       Fred and Gail Taylor's DVD, "IDENTIFICATION OF
        to protect yourself and your surroundings. You should wear heavy latex    OLDER & ANTIQUE FURNITURE", ($17.00 + $3.00 S&H) are also available at the
                                                                                  same address. For more information call (800) 387-6377 (9AM-4PM Eastern, M-F
        gloves at all times while using oxalic acid and protect the rest of your   only), fax 352-563-2916, or e-mail All items are also
        body. Wear a dust mask and eye protection and keep a large supply of      available directly from the website,

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