Page 13 - Tunes Times Tables
P. 13
School Testimonial
Extraction from email to Tunes Times Tables.
When Mr NK came into our school, I did have concerns that it wouldn’t suit the needs
of the students at our school. Great Oaks School is a Secondary Special School for
pupils with a broad range of complex learning difficulties. All of our pupils have
learning difficulties and many have additional needs (Autism, challenging behaviours,
emotional needs, physical difficulties or speech difficulties). When teaching Maths,
one of the hardest issues to overcome is pupils not knowing their times tables. This
makes it extremely difficult for pupils to progress in other areas of their Maths, as
they are unable to problem solve or complete higher order tasks without a lot of
support. Mr NK arrived at our school, full of enthusiasm and confidence that he could
make a difference with our young people. I was desperate to find a way to give our
pupils the best possible chance at achieving in Maths and particularly a way in which
they can retain the information. To my absolute surprise and delight, NK had pupils
working in the 'P Levels' and early national curriculum retaining their tables- even
their 8x tables! Teachers observing were in tears, as for the first time ever our pupils
were achieving in area of the curriculum that they couldn't do so before.
We had to look for grants from local organisations to have Mr NK in. All I can say is;
we will be trying to do the same in the near future again if we can, as his Teaching
method is beyond brilliant! To have pupils that are working well below their age
achieving in such a difficult area of Maths is incredible. It shouldn't just be written into
the curriculum but should be funded so all Special Schools across the country can
access it.
Geraldine Lindsay
Head of Maths
Great Oaks School