Page 18 - Tunes Times Tables
P. 18
T h e A l b u m
Not everyone can attend Mr NK’s amazing workshops based in Birmingham so to help
children practice outside of workshops and for those that cannot attend due to distance;
Mr NK decided to produce an album based on the Tunes Times Tables format.
Mr NK enlisted the help of Izzy, local rapper, his sister, Tezlin Newell – Harding, the singer
of the group and Chris Dixon reggae artist. He called them the 3Ts – 3 Teachers and the
Tunes Times Tables.
The album has been designed in a manner that relates to young people and reflects what
type of music many of them are listening to now in modern times. Although this CD does
not entirely reflect how Mr NK delivers in the classroom it can be used as stand-alone
learning tool or as a support aid for those that attend workshops. The album and the
workshops are two different learning styles but both are equally effective.
The album comprises of two discs, the first has all the times tables from one through to
twelve and the second is a bonus disc entitled ‘fill in the blanks’ whereby the learner can
practice by singing along and filling in the blanks.
Available at:
ITunes, Spotify and from all major outlets